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Cloud last won the day on September 18 2013

Cloud had the most liked content!


4 Neutral

About Cloud

  • Birthday 09/17/1998

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  1. Aero

    you might not see this for several years, but i return to these old pokemon sites sometimes and think of all the good times. miss ya cloud.

  2. Yuki

    miss u bababoo -hark

  3. time for my weekly status

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arkhi


      It's been over 3000 years...

    3. Maelstrom
    4. Eclipse Blaze

      Eclipse Blaze

      How was the war back then in Kalos? Bad? Also, it really has been almost a month. since this was posted So much for weekly status updates. TrolololololFernisthebestlolololol. (I think I just threw up in my mouth a little from complimenting Fern.)

  4. The title is inspired by my recent attempt to watch The Newsies (it didn't last long) and my curiosity to know who all these new people are. I've been away for about a year and a half, and before that another half year or so. It all accrues to too damn long, but I want to make an active attempt now to get to know the new people AND gather who all is still around... but mostly the second one. I miss my Reborn companions and would love to get reacquianted. If any of you don't know who I am, I'm one of this community's most notable flakes, infamous for being incredibly active for small volumes of time, and then disappearing for equal amounts of time, if not double that. Every time I'd come back, though, I'd really put it into full gear. I was a true Reborn Socialite at one point. It was pretty great. I loved this place a few years ago, and hopefully I can come to love it in its current state. It's very game-centric as it stands, but maybe I'll find the sect of the community that isn't quite at that point yet again and enjoy it as much as I did before. I've been mostly active on Smogon and PC, so that explains my having fallen into complete obscurity here. if anyone remembers me, then I apologize for that. hi lovelies.
  5. MY THREAD IS STILL AROUND AFTER THREE YEARS? good GOD you guys are cute :]
  6. what does it say about me when I don't recognize half the names in my friends list anymore?

    1. Arkhi


      It says you must be thinking too many people change their names.

    2. Ikaru


      ^ beat me to it

  7. so confused 9.9

  8. You need to have either Lugia or Ho-Oh in your party and you'll encounter them in the Trackless Forest at certain intervals of time during the hour.
  9. fantastic

    1. Cowtao


      Welcome back from the dead Cloud.

    2. Neo


      clud pls go

    3. Jelly


      ocldu pls come bak bb

  10. someone host a Little Cup tournament so I can destroy it

  11. First of all, I'd like to say that your second point isn't a true measure of weighing Swagger's usability or accountability. Any move can be spammed in hopes that a "chain of 'it hit itself'" is started, such as attacks that nearly the same effect as Swagger (see: Confuse Ray, Dizzy Punch). The first and third points, however, are often used in conjuction and aren't necessarily separate entities. Liepard, Sableye, and Murkrow are some I can recall to mind using Swagger/Substitute/Foul Play combination, and other renditions of Swagger are seen by Klefki, usually used in conjuction with Thunder Wave, Foul Play, or both alongside screens. The latter is an almost assured setting up of screens and 90% will be carrying Light Clay so the team support is maxed. There's nearly no way around it unless you're carrying a Magic Bounce user and even if you predict the switch, screens will still be set up. Liepard/Sableye/Murkrow are easier to counter/check (by a slim margin) but I don't want to discuss individual Pokemon; I just wanted to reply to that post.
  12. oddly enormous picture of me ft. fake nose ring pardon my need for a haircut and unshaven lip
  13. indeed I am convinced Mael is Ru Paul

    1. Maelstrom


      Who is that?

    2. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      Should I tell him? nahhh but I agree cloud.

  14. Cloud


    On Chrome I was MEWTWO, on Firefox I am Cloud. As far as I know, I could be any of you.
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