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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Melody

  1. Happy b-day dude. Hope it's a good one. You're still a bully, btw.
  2. I know it isn't a forum link, but here's something you can use. http://pokemon-reborn.wikia.com/wiki/Field_Effects Just click on Misty Field, and Corrosive Misty Field. http://pokemon-reborn.wikia.com/wiki/Misty_Field http://pokemon-reborn.wikia.com/wiki/Corrosive_Mist_Field
  3. Spot on, spot on. I want to say Jericho, but it'll probably be Winter or someone else to prove me wrong. I'm never right. :c
  4. The first one definitely sums up my entire existence lmao.
  5. Here you go scrubs. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-redemptionsingles-54428 Summary: "im da best. the best neva hav much 2 say!"
  6. Even though y'all spoiling it, I'm gonna do another reveal, yay! Well anyways, today we're a little late but...I'm going to go for our 2nd B6 leader. Here we have a returning one, Festus & Stormbringer! (I hate that sword though, and so does he.) Summary: "From a time long lost to the ages, a young Festus claimed the legendary sword of Excalibur for his own. Or so he thought. As of late "Excalibur's" true nature has become apparent. In truth the demonic blade, Stormbringer, masquerades itself as the holiest of weapons in order to lure in unsuspecting champions to serve as its vessel. With Festus' power now at its twilight, Stormbringers' true colors have come to light, and it may very well be seeking a new host to possess."
  7. Hey there friends, family, whatever else you people are I honestly forget now... It's late as it'll ever be for me, but never the less, I'm here once more! Tonight we have a returning leader in the spotlight, Ms. Lilly, & Milotic! Summary: After she lost everything she had - her friends, family and hometown to a mysterious fire, Lilly has been determined to overcome her personal fear of flames, and endeavored to become a professional spa therapist to help other traumatized patients with the art of water healing. Polishing up her battle skills, she's become quite a respected battler, and she's here to make everyone who challengers her believe just that. The real question is, can you overcome all that she has endured or will you let her inner fire consume you?
  8. That isn't how she's going to communicate, that much I'll at least tell you.
  9. Evenin' challengers, and...Bibs...Anyways, hope we're all doing well! Tonight is the last of B5, and then we have our last bracket to reveal to you. We have here a new leader, Emilia, & her ace, Charizard~ Summary: "Born on the island of Akala in the Alola region, Emilia always performed fire dances with her family as entertainment to the tourists who'd visit the island. Emilia specialized in firebreathing. During one such performance she was caught off guard by a drunk tourist who snuck up on her causing her to inhale the fire and completely destroying her vocal chords. Despite this accident she remains optimistic and exuberant and continues to find ways to express herself beyond conventional means."
  10. Heyo scrubs, mostly just people like Bibs, but anyways I'm here again, obviously! It's late for most of us, but what does that matter, am I right? <3 Anyways, today we begin our next reveal for B5, coming near our ending here we have... Erwin! And his ace, Scolipede! Summary: "Despite having little success with his dream of being a famous comedian, Erwin persists and meets every failure with a laugh and a smile. While people have always been put off by his sense of humor, Erwin has never lacked for companions as bug type Pokemon have been drawn to him since his childhood. He joined the Redemption league out of a desire to repay his companions and prove to everyone the resilience of the friends who've stuck by him throughout his life."
  11. Keep in mind this is essentially why we're trying to do things like this. Other leaders are possibly going to get shifted so that they have some early sessions as well, so we have a little bit easier access for challengers. We also have staff members like Xiri whom we have to accommodate things like this for, so that people in his area are able to actually challenge the league. Most of this is because a lot of our leaders are finding themselves online for almost little to no reason and their may be changes due to this very reason.
  12. I don't wanna be generic, but happy birthday lil' buddy.
  13. This reveal is really going to speak for itself, seeing as it's the one everyone seems to have been waiting for. Tonight we're going to follow through on our promise, and open up so many different options for you later brackets, and this leader sure deserved her spot last season... Please welcome possibly the sexiest woman alive the most mysterious woman alive, Venus! And let's not forget her gorgeous new ace, Salazzle ~ Summary: "If looks could kill, Venus would be the last living thing. No strangers to strangers, Venus has made quite a name for herself in battling and...more unspeakable affairs. Shrouded in mystery and perfume, Venus is not to be underestimated. Around her is a scent of danger and with her extreme senses, she opens up many possibilities around her...in more ways than one. The real question is: Who or what is she really after...?" This message brought to you by Bazaro: Bazaro - Today at 8:29 PM never openly say she's a harlot or an assassin
  14. Accurate AF. If you don't like it it could be changed tho.
  15. Alrighty guys, so I am back for good this time. Especially when this poor thread is plagued with people like Jericho doing the reveals... Anyways, tonight is going to be the very last reveal for B4, and it's a real special one. In more ways than one, of course... So please welcome our new ground leader, Dunca-
  16. Leader vs Leader dialogue probably will not change, but I can tell you this will be changed and others will be warned if it gets out of hand. Comments made towards leaders that are unnecessary will follow with a warning not to do it again as well and vice versa. Just message one of us and it will be addressed.
  17. I can attest to this, since I was there. I got your back, friend. <3
  18. Here I am today to reveal the next leader, this time starting with B4, yay! So tonight is going to be a little...abnormal, but at least it'll be sure to ring a melody into your ears. He might seem a little normal, but he's definitely not on your average scale, Elliot & his signature pokemon you'll have to Bewear! HUG HIM ISNT HE JUST ADORABLE??? Summary: "Elliot grew up in a poor family, but an extremely generous one at that. He personally appreciates the finer things in life and tries to make those around him happy. Just recently he even discovered that he was proficient in a variety of different instruments. He enjoys being a gym leader, but he doesn't believe it is necessarily his true calling. Despite that, he continues to battle in the meantime, as he practices his melodies waiting for the day that he gets accepted into the college of his dreams for his musical aspirations."
  19. Tbf it was listed before the summary. Like the 3rd sentence. SHH SAY NOTHING
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