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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Melody

  1. I feel it necessary to actually say, I actually got a really decent picture for once because of my sisters photographer friend.
  2. Strange question, How are you even going to manage to incorporate things like legendary pokemon?
  3. That feel when you finally start to feel like you're old when you left PO back before Gen 5 started and then came back only 4 months ago and are still relearning the metagame.
  4. If it's hail I'd kinda suggest using the Abomasnow for your lead and switching Wood Hammer & Earthquake out for HP Ground & Giga Drain/Energy ball. Or, Even despite not liking water pulse, Use that instead. Rate: 8/10.
  5. Melody


    Banned for trying to be somewhat sophisticated and using fancy words.
  6. Hey I just met you, And this is crazy, But I got money, So do me maybe?
  7. Melody


    Banned because why not
  8. That feel when your promotion turned into something you don't think you were exactly ready for yet.
  9. Oh, /late but, Welcome!
  10. That feel when you listen to the old song you and your bestfriend recorded recorded and then feel bad when you realize it'll never happen again...
  11. Melody


    Banned for no inviting me to the cookie legion.
  12. Melody


    Banned for having feelings. Dat shit cray.
  13. He kinda does look like a turtle if you really don't think about it.
  14. Hey I just met you, And this is crazy, But I don't like you, So f*ck off maybe?
  15. Am I the only one who runs Haze on almost every team because of this? Got to be honest, That is the only reason I have been able to defeat Crep countless times. And by the way, That is only on one of my teams out of many. Whoever said it was 'Just Crep' is a pathological liar first of all. I've seen it on Rahul's copied Crep team and a few other people who have been effortlessly trying to copy his team. At least 5 times outside of Crep have I fought this and it's getting rather annoying and guess what? Surprise, Suprise, I'm not in AO, So clearly it isn't just 1 specific group of people who are wanting to win considering I don't even ladder and yet I STILL face these things like Clefairy and Clefable with minimize and cosmic power mixed with sub, Making it nearly impossible to kill with Hazards, Regular moves, or the commonly used pokemon Conkeldurr or Speed boost Blaze. After it subs and goes straight into Minimize and I fail to hit through the sub cause of the +2 boost, I'm completely screwed because it stalls out my moves, I had to change Hi Jump Kick to Double Kick, And guess what? Surprise surprise, It didn't hit for anything. We're literally sitting here having to change our teams because these people are copying Crep or using their 'edited original version' of his entire team by just switching maybe 3 pokemon entirely? Yes, It is a problem, Yes it is making people rage, Yes it is causing us to have to carry a specific pokemon just to counter the team entirely which almost makes it entirely useless in the regular competitive world since things like Aura Sphere and Aerial Ace are completely useless otherwise. Maybe you don't see it but the fact you sat there and say 'Only people in AO use it so they can preserve their wins' I could possibly very well speak for me and countless other regulars who don't like it that aren't even in AO so, You might want to consider rewording that because that statement was completely false. I have been keeping on changing the focus of a small part of my team specifically for these evasion people. Things like Ninjask are already hard to hit entirely but when you throw baton pass on it and throw it onto something like a Baton Pass team, It makes the entire point of the team useless unless you focus into one point of the game. And most of us are tired of having to change our teams to account for the incredible amounts of unfairness in evasion itself. And in case you don't see it, I'm not the only one, I can completely guarantee you that people like Brave are probably tired of it to, And all these people you say are 'raging about the metagame' should say something to you all about being completely oblivious to the real issue evasion is even causing for at least half of Reborn. I'm tired of seeing "OMG EVASION WTF" on the main chat, And I'm sure the auths are by now as well.
  16. Melody


    Banned for not actually thinking of the best response to my bans.
  17. What just happened? (20:05:31) Sapphire: Wanna know why seagulls live near the sea and not the bay? (20:05:32) Socks: >> (20:05:46) +Nirvash: Why do seagulls live near the sea and not the bay? << (20:05:50) Sapphire: Because, Then they'd be called Baygulls. (20:05:53) Sapphire: Think about that (20:05:54) Sapphire: for a sec (20:06:01) +Nirvash: ...Ew (20:06:05) +Nirvash: I'm never eating bagles again. (20:06:08) AllGoldEverything cancelled their challenge. (20:06:15) Socks: also rj (20:06:25) Sapphire: Baguls* (20:06:26) Sapphire: qq (20:06:28) Socks: you can't make it freds misson to kill the cute birdes (20:06:33) +Nirvash: I haven't. (20:06:35) Socks: just cause his name sounds appropriate (20:06:36) +Nirvash: He made it his own mission. (20:06:41) +Nirvash: HE (20:06:42) +Nirvash: IS (20:06:46) +Nirvash: SEAGULLKIIN (20:06:55) Socks: i meant Slay-gull (20:07:02) +Nirvash: fred, say Fus Ro CAW!
  18. Melody


    Banned for not wanting to use proper sentence structure.
  19. Brave has the attention span of a 5 year old.
  20. Melody


    Banned for making the puns too easy to use.
  21. A night to remember~

    1. Brave


      Fondly, I hope.

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