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Posts posted by Melody

  1. How come our trainer card sprites have the same basis to it?

    Why are you so much better at LoL than me? D:

    How come Ika totally demolished your teams? :P (I know you're decent at battling)

    What do you like listening to music wise?

    What do you think of Reborn in all of your time here?

    Chocolate or Vanilla?

    How long have you been here actually?

    Mind if I ask how old you are? c: (If so how old?)

    What is your view on the current state of the US economy? (Not sure why I asked this...)

    Are we going to be best friends? <3

  2. New years resolutions:

    1. Find that special person~ (Haha, Yeah right but worth a try. <3)

    2. Find myself, Be a better person, Figure out what I'd truly like to do after I graduate from college. (Musical career path)

    3. Save up to go on a grand vacation spot to Hawaii for a month or 2, Maybe even a cruise.

  3. I figured I'd leave a few questions myself. So, Here goes~

    1. In your time here on Reborn how has it personally to you, Impacted your life in any way?

    2. Do you ever feel like you have been a good figure to others lives in your time here?

    3. What is your favorite activities/hobbies?

    4. How do you feel about the people here on reborn?

    5. What is your favorite book?

    6. How come you deem yourself 'socially awkward' when everytime we have talked, We've made extremely decent conversation?

    7. Is there anything you are afraid of? If so, May I ask what? (Don't have to answer if it is too personal)

    8. In your own thoughts, Mind if I ask what you think of me individually as well? (Always more than welcome to message me that one...)

    9. How come you don't ever really battle much anymore when I hear you are actually very good?

    10. What is your absolute favorite artist/band and why?

  4. What do you think of the people on reborn?

    What do you think about me individually?

    Paper or plastic?

    How good at battling do you believe you are?

    What's your favorite color?

    How old are you?

    Are you content with life?

    Are you mad bro?

    Why don't you play LoL?

    What do you think of the number 69?

    Do you even lift?

    Who is your bestfriend on all of reborn?

    What do you like about Hoshi?

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