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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Melody

  1. Do not question the almighty Cacturne. He talks with his pen by stabbing it in the eye of children and the insolent.
  2. ~ Gather around friends, family, challengers, losers! ~ Well as you know, we here at the Redemption League are making a comeback here in the next few weeks, fun right? I'd say so! Here on this page I will be revealing some brand new and never before seen leaders to this wonderful league of ours. As of today, we will be doing more and more each few days as we prepare to re-open and have our wonderful leaders take your challenges. Just remember, the most important part of this league is to overall just have fun! Current image of leaders: ~Stay tuned for more updates~ Here is some release dates for you to stay tuned for our reveals: Bracket 1: Nick Olivia Mira Bracket 2: Ariel Edgar "Dex" Haley Bracket 3: Helen Lucifer Penelope Bracket 4: Elliot Leonidas Duncan Bracket 5: Venus Erwin Emilia Bracket 6: Lilly Festus Oliver And now for our new reporter! Here is our new reporter after, Gallade, finally left to go live happily ever after with his lover, Gardevoir, the ambitious Curious Cacturne~ He's been following the leaders of the Redemption League for years, but now he gets to live his dream and be the lead coverage for them all!
  3. Melody

    Flash Cannon

    Only pokemon such as Magnezone could learn it via level-up, it's not currently in the game as of yet.
  4. This is something I have noticed has gone unaddressed, unless I missed something... Basically all we can tell you is that it's something that is being decided upon, and we are unsure as of this very moment. I'm sure in due time I can update this and let you know, but as of now I cannot tell you yes or no. I appreciate you asking, but for now we're still working on things such as prizes and eligibility for future tournaments, & X-League related things until further notice. Of course we will most definitely have something, but it'll take a bit to get back to you on that one.
  5. Melody


    Although it USED to be a thing within the game, it is currently not anymore as it is. Toxic is currently a TM in the game that you get by doing a questline. Try this: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/23667-tm-toxic/
  6. Uh...I want to say the lvl 55 Absol, but I literally have no idea on that one. I'm sure I've found higher, but I can't remember what is where anymore. (I also spam repels if I can.)
  7. 1. To encounter Helioptile, you need to have Sunny weather and you encounter him on the rooftop. (Look in the "On The Hunt" forum.) Refer to: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/forum/38-on-the-hunt/ 2. He did not move as of Ep. 16, so you shouldn't be having any issues encountering him. 3. Sandile is encountered anywhere in the Tanzan Mountain area, he is just an extremely low encounter rate. Refer to: (Look for gen he is in, press ctrl + f, enter name. http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16407-pokémon-location-guide-v3-episode-16/
  8. Literally love her musical talent, so I listen to them frequently.
  9. Gen 3: Gen 1: Gen 4: Gen 2: Gen 5: Gen 7: Gen 6: P.S. - I really hate fairy types, if you couldn't already tell by now.
  10. Don't feed the wild Cockodiles~!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Isn't there supposed to be an 'r' in there somewhere, Saph?

    3. Melody


      No sir, there is not ~ <3

    4. Maelstrom


      just making sure.

  11. Ello, leave your sanity at the door, friend.
  12. Hello there children challengers! Most of you know me as Lexii, I'm just here to let you know that I will also be working with the Redemption League here as well. I'm being forced here to reveal this seasons leaders as well, so this is all you get for the time being, and we will be revealing new (and returning) leaders for this season for the first bracket starting Jan. 23rd! ~Stay tuned for more updates~
  13. Tbh I don't even mind. That actually would be new to me and I'm not a lez so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. Welcome to Reborn, friend. Don't mind most of the scrubs around here.
  15. Jericho is still a loser.

  16. I'm mildly alive.

    1. Shanco


      But alas, you are alive, and that's what counts. :)

    2. Odybld


      Say hi on skype hoe :)

  17. If you laptop constantly disconnects from your internet, what is it on your computer that is broken? I know that's a dumb question, but I don't know much about computers to begin with. Just need to know what I need fixed so I can use the server again.

    1. Commander


      That happened on my old hard drive but it's a mix of something not reading right and disk overload. I only know a little bit about this problem.

    2. Ikaru


      What sort of laptop? I had a similar issue recently where the wireless adapter would just switch itself off repeatedly and the fix I was able to find was uninstalling something that came with my laptop called Wireless Console 3

    3. dead account

      dead account

      Could be just your wi-fi card that's on the fritz.

  18. Lexii was here, Jericho is a loser. (Also Ody & Rupe smell bad)

  19. Melody


    Yeah, if you leave, don't forget I'm literally buying a one way ticket to kick your ass and take all your things.
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