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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Melody

  1. Why does it always feel like nothing gets done?

    1. Cowtao


      Because we don't know everything and the people that do know everything won't explain.

    2. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      because it takes gorram forever to do anything.

  2. This is a weird place.

  3. Melody


    My testiny? Yes?
  4. It looked pretty~! <3 Be jealous of my sister's Bieber poster. Nah, but....I figured this extremely large montage would make up for my lack of posts recently. I felt like throwing in one that shows off my eyes. ;D Another eye photo! And thus concludes my montage. :3
  5. Ah...Love at it's finest. It makes me happy to see other happy with each other.

    1. Nyrias
    2. Slicster


      It has it's flaws though.

      There will be people who don't approve of certain couples.

  6. Doesn't ANYONE have a Shiny Sharpedo with 6 IV's & Adamant? :c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      It's Sharpedo. But he wants an Adamant one...

    3. Melody


      Except the fact that I'm a girl. I figured that'd be obvious.

    4. Wendel


      I have an adamant Carvanha but don know the ivs and it ain't shiny

  7. I probably could, but it highly depends on what you're trying to offer for them.
  8. To be honest? Just completely bushed...I honestly haven't had such a week to remember. I'm emotionally exhausted and I seem to keep leaving a path of destruction the more I travel down the road at Reborn. It's just really unfortunate because I've hurt so many people unintentionally and caused so much stress and I don't think I could ever gather the words to tell those people how sorry I am for doing it...
  9. Do you ever feel like someone else is watching you?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      I've been telling you I installed cameras

    3. diana


      always. ever since you installed that surveillance system in my room

    4. Joker


      I don't watch vowels

  10. I haven't posted anything for awhile...Hi guys!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Neo


      Nah, be gone, Lexxxi.

    3. Melody


      Erick gtfo.

    4. Neo


      Nah. You skype shafted me

  11. I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to go be boring somewhere else now!

  12. Are you feeling it now, Mr. Edge?

  13. Silver killed the server because of a landshark comment. Thanks a lot, Silver. We're still making our plans to make you the best female ever though.

  14. To the bee, the flower could cause many issues. Later on, the bee figured out the issues were worth the issues because of the rich nectar the flower created.

  15. Sometimes I really do wonder why we don't have a steady backup server.

    1. Brockze


      You should do it Sapph, and be queen of the server.

    2. Nyrias


      because our backup has school

    3. Melody


      Hence, the statement. I'm sure another person has the capability of hosting another temporary one if necessary.

  16. I don't know why you make topics for this instead of just asking Ame yourself. That needs to stop.
  17. So irrelevant, I swear.
  18. Teacher isn't even in class. No e-mail, no nothing. 30 minutes of wasting gas and 3 hours before next class. Dangit

  19. Love you all so much! <3 I know I don't say it enough, but thank you...For being there. Reborn's the best place I ever set my eyes on, and I'm glad to be apart of it...
  20. "Oh no, they sea me!" ~ Turtle

  21. Well, crap. That wasn't good.

  22. Sure, why not? Amephire~ (lolidkwhatimdoing)
  23. Pretty things~! Oh so, so pretty~!

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