Seemed legit enough for me. Battle between One Minute and Rainbow started! Tier: 1v1 CC Mode: Singles Rule: Unrated Rule: Challenge Cup One Minute sent out Grimer! Rainbow sent out Seaking! Rainbow: ! Rainbow: you know Rainbow: the Rainbow: drill Rainbow: ! One Minute: LOL One Minute: again good one ) you're the sea QUEEN [G.M.U]DigitalBlizz is watching the battle. Start of turn 1 Seaking used Drill Run! The attack of Seaking missed! The foe's Grimer used Giga Drain! It's super effective! A critical hit! Seaking lost 124 HP! (47% of its health) Seaking had its energy drained! Rainbow: I- Rainbow: D: One Minute: D: [Astra]FruitJuice is watching the battle. Rainbow: I sea what you did there One Minute: hahah One Minute: terrible puns ftw ) Start of turn 2 Seaking used Drill Run! It's super effective! The foe's Grimer lost 52% of its health! Rainbow: omg The foe's Grimer used Giga Drain! It's super effective! Seaking lost 62 HP! (23% of its health) Seaking had its energy drained! Seaking ate its Enigma Berry! Seaking restored a some HP Rainbow: water you doing [Astra]FruitJuice: ^ [G.M.U]DigitalBlizz: I hate puns [Astra]FruitJuice: that was a good un One Minute: omg sapph [Astra]FruitJuice: one One Minute: lol Rainbow: :] One Minute: so good at this xp Rainbow: Wait wait Rainbow: i fish you knew what I was planning Rainbow: im shore youd like ot know Rainbow: im going to wave at you Rainbow: shell I stop now? One Minute: OMG Rainbow: wow, maybe I should just hurry up and krill you [G.M.U]DigitalBlizz: So many sea puns One Minute: you are just too good at this Rainbow: I'll make you walk the plankton Rainbow: I guess I should be more pacific One Minute: LOL [Astra]FruitJuice: Rainbow: Sorry, I wont sand anymore of these One Minute: IT JUST KEEPS COMING omg lolol Rainbow: I bet they can get anoying after awhile Rainbow: awhale* Rainbow: I think I just tide a little on the inside Rainbow: I should stop acting like a beach Rainbow: seariously... One Minute: i can't sand this anymore!!!!! [G.M.U]DigitalBlizz: Sea puns Rainbow: Sorry, they just keep flowing [G.M.U]DigitalBlizz: SEA PUNS EVERYWHERE One Minute: i sea what you did with the flowing One Minute: DON'T ACT AS IF I DIDN'T One Minute: AHHHHHH Rainbow: something seems fishy though Rainbow: I'm kind of hungry Rainbow: maybe I should go to golden coral Rainbow: Wow Rainbow: I'm really diving into this One Minute: hahahha Start of turn 3 Seaking used Drill Run! It's super effective! The foe's Grimer lost 50% of its health! The foe's Grimer used Giga Drain! It's super effective! Seaking lost 60 HP! (22% of its health) Seaking had its energy drained! One Minute: this has been going on for 5 mins Rainbow: Sea Rainbow: This is why water types are my favorite. Rainbow: Like Rainbow: Absolute favorite One Minute: how do you know so many!! One Minute: same here minus knowing the puns!!! Rainbow: <3 One Minute: clever though P: Start of turn 4 Seaking used Drill Run! It's super effective! The foe's Grimer lost 18% of its health! The foe's Grimer fainted! Rainbow won the battle! One Minute: Rainbow: I thought it was pretty cleaver [Astra]FruitJuice: i like water types too One Minute: OMG One Minute: it never ends [Astra]FruitJuice: because they are liquidy [Astra]FruitJuice: like fruit juice One Minute: ^ [G.M.U]DigitalBlizz stopped watching the battle. Rainbow: seems fruity Rainbow: orange you glad I didn't say something else? [Astra]FruitJuice: AVO [Astra]FruitJuice: 'CADO One Minute: hahahaha One Minute: you have puns One Minute: for absolutely everything [Astra]FruitJuice stopped watching the battle.