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Yuki last won the day on May 1 2014

Yuki had the most liked content!


5 Fledgling

About Yuki

  • Birthday 01/15/1995

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you are having a fun day 😉🍰

    1. Yuki


      Thank you! My bday was grand :D

    2. LykosHand


      Good to know and you're welcome 😄

  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  4. Anyone know where I can find my old Reborn team [that used to be under my signature when I'd make a post on the forums]? I want to reference it for pokemon showdown :]

    1. Yuki


      Didn't there used to be a thread where we'd submit our team way back in the day?

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      if you mean as in generated by the former trainer card generator, thats gone forever alongside the generator itself, unless you saved the image somewhere.

  5. Can I post GIFs to the forum?

  6. Can't stop creepin!

  7. We have a Minecraft server but it needs an update to work- does anyone in the forums have a server we can play on in the meantime?
  8. Exploding Kittens is whimsical & HILARIOUS, mostly because of the artwork & different names/descriptions (which don't effect actual gameplay/are seriously just nice touches) of cards. Short, simple, easy to pick up- I'd check it out! Has anyone here ever played boardgameonline???
  9. Some card games I've been enjoying recently include Cards Against Humanity & Exploding Kittens, my favorite board games of all time though HAVE to be Stratego & Settlers of Catan :-)
  11. Hello all it is your resident Hark I don't get to see all of you as much as I like (<3) so here I am??? THE PURPOSE OF THIS THREAD: THIS is a thread where you SCREAM INTO THE VOID about things in your life or on your mind you DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO ABOUT. SOMETIMES PEOPLE MIGHT RESPOND AND OFFER INSIGHT/ADVICE! BUT THE POINT IS WE'RE SHRIEKING AT THE INTERNET BECAUSE IT CAN BE CATHARTIC You are encouraged to be really crazy about font size there is no linear theme of content, it's whatever you want to YELL or whisper It's sort of like twitter for really loud people! @ me sometime <3 A BOY KISSED ME THAT'S NOT MY LIFE I'M GOING TO ROLL AROUND IN THE MUD I CAN'T GET MY EARS PIERCED BECAUSE MY JOB WON'T LET ME IT'S SPRING OUTSIDE
  12. I'm really glad I discovered this band at the time I did
  13. Hey!!!! This is pretty similar to What Are You Listening To?~ BUT this thread is only for real BANGERS!!!! If it don't make me jump don't drop it!! I'm throwing myself a birthday celebration tonight and need good Dance and Step music to put on! I already have over 100 songs in 2 different playlists but it's gonna be on shuffle and the more the merrier! Obviously this thread can be used past today to hit us with only your MOST HYPE jams, and may do well attached under WRYLT?~ but for now I'm looking for participants to share their MOST FAVORABLE tunes and make my party The Most LIT! Groovy Funky and Swanky are words that could describe the sort of music that would ALSO fit in here, if you're not a club head! IIT: AMALGAMATION OF MUSIC REBORNIANS CAN DRAW FROM FOR PARTY SONGS!!!
  14. Pretty cool that the police can just kill people and lie about the whole thing

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