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About DaZzA

  • Birthday 08/02/1995

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    UK, London

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  1. Sorry, been busy and will continue to be, I'll have to forfeit out of this tourney, sorry for the inconvenience.
  2. By the way, what do you do against taunt gliscor?
  3. That is what hyper offensive is, you specialise in one spectrum and aim to manage to breakthrough their physical wall/s and then sweep the rest of the team. Even physical walls can't take +2 attacks over and over, and once they are dead you are free to go balls deep on the rest of the team. Nice team, one thing I'd suggest is some sort of status absorber since HO teams are weak to it, particularly burn and para.
  4. There's no list for cards that appeared in the anime that weren't released before gx. Proxies can be ANY card. Preferably a card with a similar name/type so it is easier to remember. As long as you tell Inuki the proxy that are using it's fine.
  5. This, but also when people somehow think they are superior for using more original teams.
  6. I'm a newer member right? Right? :feelsgn:
  7. Lol'd at #9 because I've played against people with that fanboy, and it's funny when you win.
  8. ..Inuki o_o http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showuser=136 - press send me a message.
  9. Yes, while trick room is down, offensive teams that don't let me get it back up will completely wreck me. If I manage to keep it up through smart switching then offensive teams get wrecked. Stall teams can fair well against me while trick room is up but I deal with them through the fact that I can break through them even when trick room is down since V-Create and Hammer Arm nuke things. I do often have trouble with Swampert but thankfully I don't see many of them and neither many curseperts. Latias and Reuniclus can deal with them quite easily though. Gastrodon and Quagsire are pretty much exactly the same.
  10. Just to clear things up incase some people don't know, even if Dueling Network sees the said card as Solemn Warning, it will not effect the game since all action are done by the players, nothing is done automatically by Dueling Network itself so as long as both players know about it and agree to it, it will work ok.
  11. My team at a glance. Introduction/Explanation This team is a trick room team I made a long while ago. My favourite team and what I consider my best. This is pretty much the only team I use anymore because trick room is pretty damn fun and while some may call it gimmicky and plain bad, I think it is just very underrated. I can't remember what ladders ranks and stuff I got with it but just take my word that it has done well. I know this team can be improved and I know it's weaknesses, I just can't really be bothered with PO much and can't be bothered to try and fix it l0l. Suggestions would be nice because then I would have to do less thinking. Playstyle This team is based around keeping trick room up (durrr) and mixing it with some super aggressive pokemans. Setting up stealth rock is huge for this team since it helps me get the KO's I need. Usually what happens is I set up trick room with bronzong, switch to an appropriate pokemon depending on the opponents pokemon. Let's say I have Victini or Conkeldurr out, they will switch out and have to take a huge 600+ attack STAB hammer arm or a 600+ attack v-create. This puts huge dents into the enemy team and then I will switch to one of my trick room set ups and repeat. I'll go on to the team now. Bronzong (RunsRLYFast) @ Shed Shell (Leftovers on servers that ban Chandelure) Trait: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 160 Atk / 96 SDef Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd) - Gyro Ball - Trick Room - Stealth Rock - Explosion This guy is the best trick room and stealth rock set up evar. If I can take a couple hits I will stealth rock first then trick room in order to get as many turns out of it as possible. Most taunt leads are fast and gyro ball can do a LOT of damage and suprise people when they don't expect a Bronzong to hurt them much. Eventhough explosion isn't that good anymore, it synergises too well with trick room to pass up. Being able to do some damage as I go out to my damage dealers helps set up KO's. Shed Shell is needed for Chandelure unless it's banned in which I case I take leftovers. Also, I do like to try and keep Bronzong alive since he is the much needed dragon resist and also the only trick room set up that doesn't take 36362353 damage from dark/ghost/bug attacks. He runs RLY fast in trick room. Conkeldurr (RunsFast) @ Flame Orb Trait: Guts EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 SDef Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd) - Hammer Arm - Stone Edge - Mach Punch - Earthquake One of my main damage dealers under trick room. Hammer Arm for the highest reliable and consistent damage. The -speed it gives isn't that useful since I am lower speed than most anyway, but at least it isn't bad. Mach Punch because obviously I won't have trick room up 24/7 and priority is good on any team. No payback since I'll be going first usually anyway and people don't expect Conkeldurr to have stone edge AND earthquake. Non - STAB earthquakes and stone edges to a suprisingly high amount of damage. Sometimes I predict Gliscors and do a lot of damage even with stone edge. Generally if the enemy doesn't resist/have immunity to hammer arm, it will take 2 hits at most to kill them. He runs fast in trick room. Reuniclus (WtfSpeed) @ Life Orb Trait: Magic Guard EVs: 80 HP / 176 Def / 252 SAtk Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd) - Psychic - Focus Blast - Trick Room - Shadow Ball Another main damage dealer. Psychic because psyshock sucks. Focus Blast for t-tar's and stoof. Trick room set up because it can take a hit, set up trick room then proceed to sweep. I used to run HP Fire because Scizor is such a common switch in to this and it caught them so often however I REALLY needed an answer to things like Latios and Starmie and things like dat. Magic Guard is so good. Life orb is so good with it. Has WtfSpeed in trick room. Victini (NotDatFast) @ Choice Band Trait: Victory Star EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd) - V-create - Fusion Bolt - Giga Impact - Brick Break Yeah 100 base speed in trick room is somewhat viable when you have a move that decreases speed. Oh and also when that move has 180 BASE POWER WTF??? Nuke the absolute living shit out of things and if I manage to get trick room up and switch to this guy, it is going to be a rough 3 turns for them unless they have Flash Fire/Swampert/Gyarados or some shit and even then it's going to hurt a fair bit. Fusion Bolt for anything that it'll do more damage than v-create to and brick break for Tyranitar. Gig Impact because it's funny LOL. One thing though, useless against rain teams. Against sun teams it's hilarious. He's NotDatFast in trick room. Slowking (RunsLikeWind) @ Leftovers Trait: Regenerator EVs: 44 HP / 212 Def / 252 SAtk Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd) - Trick Room - Nasty Plot - Surf - Fire Blast I love this guy so much. He's a bit of the bulkiness this team needs and is there to take hits and counter other waters and shit like that. Get a nasty plot against rain teams and this kills Chansey's. If you set trick room up against a harmless water type and they don't got dragons, you can sweep after a nasty plot. Fire blast grass types and stuff. Lack of coverage in surf and fire blast but I'd rather not take out nasty plot for psychic. Overall this does really well against all weather and you have to use it to see why this is my favourite member of the team. He RunsLikeWind in trick room. Latios (SlowFucker) @ Choice Specs Trait: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Draco Meteor - Surf - Hidden Power [Fire] - Trick A message to all people who ever want to make a trick room team; don't rely on trick room. A good trick room team is not filled with slow pokemans. You need to pokemon to fall back on when you get stuck without trick room and all your pokemon get killed because they're slow as hell. This is mine, just a standard specs Latios to break through thing without needing trick room up. Amazing revenge killer and trick is really nice to have on a team to stuff up certain things. He's a SlowFucker in trick room. Take that how you will. Weaknesses Four members weak to dark/ghost attacks, can get sweeped by them if trick room isn't up and they are faster than latios, gengar in particular sucks. Heavy stall; PROTECT ON EVERY FACKIN POKEMANS I RAGE Dragons; dragon dance Dragonite in particular. Nothing can OHKO it because of multiscale and if at any point they get 1 dragon dance and trick room isn't up, fire punch+outrage takes out my whole team. Swords dance Bisharp with sucker punch LOLO no seriously it sweeps me all the time unless I trick it Importable So yeah rate and suggest and stuff gogogo.
  12. Don't expect to get picked for this if you get more than 10 people since I havn't been active here or anything, but I decided I'd try NA server n stoof. Name/IGN: DaZzAP Main Roles (AD/AP/Solo Top/Jungler/Support; list the ones you're comfortable to play): All of them thought if it is at all possible I'd avoid playing support. Most comfortable solo top. Do you want to be a team captain (Yes/No): If it is required sure, if theres others available then no. Additional Comments: I play a lot on EU servers, can play NA but have high ping. Also VERY low level on NA so I will try to level it up a little bit if I'm going to play.
  13. I know it's still playable but that extra half a second to a second it takes after I click can really annoy me >> I have tried to play on NA before and I do actually have an account on there, I think the name was DaZzAP. Put me on the list I guess, I might try NA again some time.
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