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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by iSharingan

  1. Interesting start to a birhday... I make a decent ubers team then pass on what may be my single most effective OU team. Well at least Truant Durant may start seeing more use.

    1. Summer


      Hone Claws + Hustle Durant will forever be in my respect list.

  2. Oh the dilemma... I have an excellent team that should work wonders for if I challenged the League here, but I don't want to reveal my set since the strategy would become obvious to everyone else I would battle. The only reason it works is because it has no apparent strategy in battle until it's too late.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iSharingan


      It's meant for normal OU but I believe it should work on Reborn as well.

    3. iSharingan


      Dilemma solved. My team is a singles-only team. -.-

    4. Noivy


      Yyyyyeeeeeeep. Gotta work dem Dubz and tripz.

  3. Terrakion used Rock Slide - 'd Ferrothorn used Power Whip
  4. Houndoom: Cerberus the Double-amputee
  5. Octillery: the original fire-breathing octopus
  6. Serebii is highly unreliable in many cases. While this case may be correct, I've been burned too many times. Is there another source? (I'll be looking myself in the meantime)
  7. It looks like an excelent game, but I'm not going to let myself get worked up about it. They'll most likely keep releasing tidbits over the course of the waiting period to try to keep people eager for it, but I'm going to actually concentrate on my class work then gawk over it once I actually buy it. Right now everyone is just speculating so much, there's more fiction floating around than fact anyway. I say give it a rest and come back in, say, August. It'll save us from a ton of emotional strain (among other things) and there won't be some hype like there was when someone took a screenshot from Black/White 2's Humilau city piers and claimed the new games would be Hoenn remakes because it mildly looked like Pacifidlog town.
  8. /d ticked off Yagami Raito /d entered the Nether with an empty inventory. Three Ghasts threw a welcome party. (true story... and they turn off the portal too TT.TT) /d found the Mimic Circle
  9. ^ that one wasn't super effective... Ghost is neutral on grass...Anyway, Mamoswine used Earthquake
  10. Be warned. This one is the slightest touch creepy. And no it's not broken... Cannot unsee... click it... CLICK IT! Lastly. the Magikarp fangirl Oh, and you can take the www out of the link... it doesn't need to be there (it doesn't work if you copy it with the rest of the link).
  11. Arceus (grass) used Shadow Force! (not enough grass types and shoutout to the TRU event)
  12. This may not be the case here, but I do know that RealPlayer can cause problems with video playback on FireFox (on Youtube and elsewhere) due to a plugin conflict. If this turns out to be the case, just delete RealPlayer.
  13. Mamoswine. I picked up that tub of lard when doing research for a good set when the male-only verson was first released via password on PGL. Since then it's been on practically every one of my teams, usually as a lead.
  14. I just love these animated recolors I figured out how to make...

    1. Kiozo


      That is cool. I want to know how do D:

    2. iSharingan


      I take requests, but at the moment, I'm keeping my trick a secret. I run a shop on Pokefarm for these, so if too many people know how to do it, there will be no point in charging anything for mass orders (I don't charge for most of them, and when I do it's usually common on-site credit items). While I can scratch edit some features, I prefer not to since most animations have 100+ frames.

  15. Blast you reborn tiers... I build a decent team for UU and you put Slowbro in OU. Sure it does well there, but UU needs it too (Slowking won't work for this team)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iSharingan


      yeah, the team would even be fine there... OU is just a touch too much.

    3. The Fush

      The Fush

      There's a link to the tier page on the Reborn Server, y'know >>

    4. iSharingan


      Yes. That how I nailed down exactly what bumped the team into OU

  16. Neo: Sorry, nothing at the moment. College has me too busy (and the only computer classes are on this level). Most of the programming I've done was in Game maker and all that died with my last computer (I don't want to pay $40 for proversion... again). I think the only things left are some old files from back when I was teaching myself Pyton and C++ (and a ton of files from when I was experimenting by modding Red Alert 2 rules, maps, characters, etc.) Summer: Actually no. The first place I officially joined was Pokefarm, but it got really slow there and everyone got more interested in RP forums and random types of artwork. I'm now on Pokebeach and I joined here as well since I usually have more than one team for an RMT thread (and untill your first RMT dies there, you can't post another). The metagame is a bit different here to (considering there isn't an implied evasion clause and there is virtualy no weather regulation) as is the tiering, which can help find weaknesses I would miss elsewhere.
  17. Greetings. I'm iSharingan. If the name sounds familiar, you probably know me from another site (in which case, PM me to be sure). I'm 21 (soon to be 22) and, despite picking up pokemon at 18-19, I find I've gotten at least decent at competitive battling . I'm almost always looking for a battle and I tend to use slightly modified competitive sets (I hate predictable battles). I mainly use PO to test strategies for use on my retail games so my teams are based on what I can breed/catch in game (thus I do not use unreleased abilities or move combinations that can no longer be obtained. That's right, I'm looking at you Wishbliss, especially since you couldn't be RNGed for good IVs and nature in the first place). I am also picky about certain clauses. I appreciate those that observe the Evasion Clause (at least with moves and items) and those that do not use the banned Drizzle + Swift Swim combination. Back to more personal matters, I live in the USA, and if it wasn't immediately apparent from this post's train of thought, I have from a severe case of ADHLAS. I have few material hobbies, but I particularly enjoy fun-running, mental challenges, Anime (SAO all the way), and programming. I am a Moderator on Pokebeach's PO server, so I may not be available to battle on the Reborn server much. I feel sharing teams helps everyone get better (and techniques can often be perfected by another point of view even if that person wouldn't have thought of using it on their own) so I'm usually willing to share my teams. I'm not ashamed to ask others what sets they used, so don't feel bad about saying no if I should ask. It's your team after all and sharing is up to you. I suppose that's it, so I'll see you around.
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