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Void last won the day on March 24 2015

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About Void

  • Birthday 09/26/1995

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  1. Forum name: Void Showdown alt(s): Void Discord: Void#7627 Availability: none Favourite type(s): ghost Least favourite type(s): normal
  2. lmao kamina and rural are awful good god
  3. There is a actually pretty big difference between voting Johnson and not voting at all, even if he realistically stands no chance in this election. Winning 5% of the popular vote will qualify the libertarians for millions of dollars in public funding for the next election. Hitting that mark will be a step towards breaking the current republican/democrat duopoly.
  4. Funny that we were 4-0 at the start when I was active, and then as soon as I got busy with stuff irl and was unable to play and help with teambuilding we go 2-4. From the few times I checked in on the skype group, it seems that almost everyone else got busy and/or lost interest during the latter half of this competition as well, so it was unavoidable I suppose. If it's any consolation to you all, we dominated the competition when people actually cared, so good job with that at least lol.
  5. that's a difficult question because what i watch and what i enjoy is largely dictated by how i feel at that moment, and also because i probably will have forgotten about even some good series i've watched. i'll list off 10 that i can think of right now but just note that on another day there might be a couple or so differences lol in no particular order:
  6. not bad, you can make some 'plays' but you end up choking because you don't think through your endgame enough a lot of the time, which is something a lot of people do. so guess you could work on that, lol.
  7. i've enjoyed songs from nearly every genre to be honest, but i'd say for the most part i like 70s/80s/90s rock. joy division are one of my all time favs, i also like the clash, the police, the smiths to name a few. i also enjoy hiphop like nas/2pac etc, edm if i'm in the mood for it, once in a while a decent pop song that i can dig comes along, even music from anime/games sometimes. if there's one genre i don't really listen to it would be country, but there probably are some decent country tracks that i just haven't bothered to search for. southern rock like the eagles/lynyrd skynyrd are a-ok though. not into jazz really but i'm a fan of artists like nujabes and dj okawari. i haven't played those kind of games in years tbh, i can't really remember too well what my preferences were for those. not too hot, it's been pretty rainy recently as well. well, i try. my first experience with a pokemon sim was netbattle when i was a kid, but i had 0 understanding of evs/ivs at that point. my first experience with actual competitive mons was on diamond/pearl wifi around late 2007/early 2008. from there i transitioned to shoddy battle, by 2009 i mainly played on shoddy and only occasionally on wifi as stuff like frequent disconnects during battles were really annoying and battles on shoddy were much quicker too. by 2010 towards the end of gen 4 i managed to get #1 on smogon's shoddy OU ladder for my very first time. therefore, by my 'early days' on pokemon online i was already sort of considered a vet when it came to battling you could say. i wasn't a big fan of the gen 5 metagame overall however and so i never quite played the game as seriously as i did during my shoddy days. i can't remember exactly when this happened (it was during the gen 4 era), but my friend dark abyss/arctic eclipse created a pokemon forum and invited me to join. this site later merged with 2 other communites to create pokemon mysidia, which i'm sure you are familiar with. we set up a server on shoddy battle and i was a mod there. i quit competitive mons completely for some time after the release of BW, when i returned i came back to mysidia (which now had a server on PO) and took up a moderator position again. i just chilled there for most of the BW era and even after the site completely died, i mostly hung out on private channels on PO main with people i knew from there. these days i still occasionally play tournaments on smogon if i have the time and feel like it, they still have an extremely active gen 4 ou playerbase there so it's nice to get some high quality battles just like the old days. that's the summary of my 'pokemon career' in short, i suppose. i could write a big essay about this if anyone actually wants to read that but i highly doubt it lol. i talk to emvee quite often and gary occasionally when he gets on skype, people like ed/drake are kinda dead tho unfortunately :[
  8. following in the steps of jellyrural and kamina, interested to see what kind of questions the people here come up with...
  9. from your 2k: what bagel said: yeah, wonder why i only roasted you... haha.
  10. I still remember back when we set up PRCL and no one knew who you were, but Emvee decided to pick you up on a whim or something lol. Not sure exactly what happened since then, but you ended up integrating yourself into our 'AO' or whatever group very nicely. You're a cool guy to hang out with in calls and stuff and your battling ability has definitely improved a ton since that first PRCL. Grats on the 2 years buddy.
  11. The only time we lose is when I'm not in the starting line-up, classic. Even if I don't play / end up getting subbed out, clearly the very sight of me in the line-up is enough to make our opponents choke. We will learn from this mistake.
  12. didn't get to reveal this set in my battle unfortunately, but still thought it was pretty fireflames. Magnezone @ Custap Berry Ability: Sturdy EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Modest Nature - Protect - Discharge - Flash Cannon - Thunderbolt
  13. rural joined. Void: . Void: rural Void: u ditched the call Void: and now u dare Void: show up +rural: i was having a bpd episode +rural: sry man +rural: it's better now rupe: whats bpd +rural: i might join in a min rupe: bad play disorder
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