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lil ed

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About lil ed

  • Birthday 09/25/1992

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    xzzF, lil ed
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  1. Welcome buddy! First games were red and blue too? Enjoy your stay
  2. Welcome friend! What's your favorite type to monorun?
  3. Hi some of you from old reborn(2010-12) might remember me as batman, gang green, big/little Ed and so on from the PO server! Coming back to mind again after a while and wanted to be a part of a community again so here I am! I'm eager to meet some new faces and rekindle with old ones as well! Been playing competitive mons on and off since gen 3 but playing in general since red and blue back in the day so I know all sorts of random knoweledge about this damn game haha. So yeah hi everyone
  4. getting back into mons after a long while: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-587533357
  5. nice team i really like the sable teams in the meta right now, have you thought of adding defog to skarmory, and swapping mandi to dugtrio or something? a sash set can trap and revenge kill a lot of threats to stall, IE: lele, hoopa-U heatran zard x etc, might be something to try out otherwise really nice team. for chansey i would add toxic or wish for the last move. edit: the clefable option over mandi looks good too for the unaware user, if she uses rocks you can add protect or toxic to heatran too to break down opposing stall
  6. Hey u fuck :J

  7. Ambipom (Non Shiny) - Double Hit - Fake Out - U-turn - Payback Hitmontop (Shiny) - Ankle Sweep - Fake Out - Mach Punch - Sucker Punch Infernape (Non Shiny) - Fake Out - Mach Punch - U-turn - Fire Punch Mamoswine (not shiny) - Icicle Drop - Ice Shard - Earthquake - Stone Edge Gengar (Shiny) - Hidden Power [Fire] - Shadow Ball - Focus Blast - Thunderbolt Jarooda (shiny) - Leaf Storm - Hidden Power [Ground] - Mirror Coat - Substitute Trainer card colors - Blue + purple trainer sprite: [img]http://i481.photobucket.com/albums/rr179/eddieeatsbacon/defeater2.png[/img]
  8. [img]http://i481.photobucket.com/albums/rr179/eddieeatsbacon/MerryChristmasD-1.png[/img] so, I decided to make a delibird chirstmas collage. hope you all like it took a lot of time and effot! happy holidays :3
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