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Citrine last won the day on June 14 2013

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About Citrine

  • Birthday April 3

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    Border Girl
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  1. Pleaaaase shave c: Also, Nao on a lazy day off. I eat Charizard wallets. And another shameless selfie.
  2. Real life stuff. = w=;; Been hard on me. Thanks for asking
  3. Confirming that I'm in with Dark Desire and Blast.
  4. Leaving this place permanently. Don't expect me to speak to you.

    1. Epic C

      Epic C

      But but but but but but- D;

  5. mfw I try to brush my hair out like hark's and fail (why doesn't it work) but in all seriousness, hi. c: hair is a mess because I just got out of the shower ^^;;
  6. [b]Name:[/b] Naomi Rose Jackson [b]Age:[/b] 16 ( Born April 3rd, 1996 ) [b]Birthday:[/b] April 3rd [b]Location:[/b] Virginia [b]Height: [/b] 5'10 [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue [b]Live With:[/b] Split between divorced mother and father [b]Pets?:[/b] Four cats, two dogs, three fish, two horses, two guinea pigs [b]Relationships?:[/b] None [b]Crushes lately?:[/b] ...Yes. [b]Dream Job:[/b] Sleeping. [b]Currently Playing:[/b] League of Legends. [b]Favourite Food:[/b] Curry [b]Favourite Drink: [/b] Lemonade [b]Favourite Color: [/b] Blue [b]Favourite kind of Music: [/b] Varies [b]Favourite Band:[/b] Santana [b]Favourite Album: [/b] Opheliac [b]Favourite Game: [/b] Final Fantasy VI [b]Favourite Genre of Game:[/b] Strategy/Roleplaying [b]Favourite Hobbies:[/b] Sleeping, Sex, Roleplay [b]Favourite Movies:[/b] Kung Pow: Enter the Fist [b]Favourite Shows:[/b] Dreams
  7. There's no point to living anymore.

    1. Brave


      You've been added to my list of people to punch some sense into. And, no, I will not go easy on you because you're a girl.

  8. I actually sort of like short hair on me. DX
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