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Everything posted by Tiggy

  1. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-501077531
  2. Saw a kid faint after the professor passed out our exams. That's one way to get out of a final I guess.

    1. Ikaru


      nailed it LOL

  3. You think I'm lyin', you right, see my teeth.

  4. Movin through the city, nothing but a Tauros.

    1. Eternal Edge
    2. Garnet.


      they say the flow's retarded but its just a little slowbro

    3. Shgo


      they say that i'm retarded, but i'm just a little slowbro.

  5. #RebornCypher2017

  6. It's not delivery, it's  DiSchlirno.

    1. Shgo


      it doesn't floooooooooooooow

    2. Garnet.


      flooooow, it doesnt floooow

  7. I've changed my mind. You will all refer to me as Ramesses LXIX.



  8. You shall all refer to me as, The Dab Chulainn.

    1. Sheep


      Truly his greatest form yet.

  9. *Tiggy Noise*

    1. Ikaru


      *Tiggy Noise*

  10. Bitch I threw up my guts, PYUKUMUKU!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Garnet.


      Bitch I've still got the stuff, Kahuna Hapu!

    3. Tiggy


      Bitch I'm bringin the heat INCINEROAR

    4. Guzam


      Bitch I'm the new rival, Mega Hau

  11. Yo it's Tiggy aka Tig Tag teh Nig Nag aka Dameleon rhymes with chameleon cause yall cant see me aka Twotoncommon aka The Oxford comma aka Yung Nero aka Mustard aka Choa Godfather aka Zeke aka GAWD aka Chocolate fruity pebbles. IDM nation, we still int cut Sudowoodo. Still got my hat to the back. Shoutout to my lil bro Naspaniel. We in this mom
  12. Prepare for dankness Denounce the stankness To protect the world from wack ass rapers To unite all people within this mother fucker YOUNG BASELORD
  13. Bitch I'm still in the cut, SUDOWOODO

  14. So we’re just going to turn a thread that’s supposed to be about white privilege into a politics. K. Anyways, am I wrong for thinking that while words hurt people, it's wrong to react to it because that just reinforces the thought that those words actually did have the power to oppress someone like the person saying said words originally thought? Words don’t mean a thing until you internalize them. And Trump’s rhetoric is no more than that, rhetoric. He couldn’t care less about what happens to those people, he just wants the presidency. He’s just looking for attention, and talking about illegal immigrants and Muslims is the quickest way for the public to notice you. If you listen to him he uses Saxon language and the topic of Mexicans and Muslims to rile emotion, so that everyone knows of him. And it worked. Regardless of if you hate or love him, you know of him. There’s no such thing as bad publicity. And even if he did want to actually do these things, there’s no way in hell he would actually be allowed to do them. There’s this neat thing call checks and balances that makes sure that the president, as well as the other branches of government can’t just do what they want. So we’re just going to turn a thread that’s supposed to be about white privilege into a politics. K.
  15. I don't see how someone making a racist comment is oppression. I guess it's probably a bit unnerving to hear, but a comment like that isn't that big of a deal. It's just some kid talking out of his ass. As a black man comments like that are funny because no one's creative enough to make up something new. No one is sensitive enough to be hurt or offended by something that came out of Trump's mouth.
  16. I don't know I was just feeling cute~
  17. Why dont you look me in the eyes anymore ;-;
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