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Phoenix last won the day on December 15 2013

Phoenix had the most liked content!


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About Phoenix

  • Birthday June 29

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    Me,myself and I

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  1. Tera rising here I come

  2. reformatted 3ds means new fc Phoenix: 1521-3961-5247 | Ghost: Pumpkaboo, Lampent,Drifblim
  3. Welp I caught my first shiny pokemon

    1. Maelstrom


      I hope it was better than a pathetically IV'd volbeat.

  4. For those that don't know. When you pick-up your reserved copy of pokemon X and Y with gamestop you'll receive this poster depicting the pokemon timeline through the years. You'll only get this poster when picking up both games you reserved
  5. aww I wanted to take you chumps on in a match I'm in though
  6. I must have been horrifyingly cruel to puppies in a previous life to deserve this kind of treatment

  7. Americans with Pokemon B/W or B2/W2 make sure you go to your local gamestop to pick up your shiny dialga. This event lasts until 9/12

    1. LGND Red

      LGND Red

      I just saw this on FB(the only thing its good for)Ill definitely be getting mine, its good that your helping out those who didn't know.

  8. ^ You know post like those are the reason why I feel like I should disembowel who ever posted that response and watch the light fade from their eyes an see their skin turn pale
  9. Unlimited Blade Works

    1. Maelstrom


      All dat scrap metal.

  10. Brand is based of Surt from Norse myth, said to bring the end of the world with fire. Cassopeia=Medusa Gangplank=Blackbeard Pantheon= random Spartan #514 Warwick= Lycanthrope Vayne=Van Helsing Zac=FLUBBER!!!!! Lucian=Blade/spawn from the marvel comics Alistar=random Minotaur #12 Sivir=Xena - the warrior princess Zed=Shredder from TNMT
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