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Mashew last won the day on August 1 2013

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About Mashew

  • Birthday 08/28/1994

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  1. Does anyone know C# coding? :o

  2. Hihi I know literally NO ONE here knows me anymore all I am is a forgotten relic of the very very past but if anyone here likes to do art, specifically spriting of the PMD style like this please PM a sample or post a sample. I'd love to commission someone for a few sprites of pokemon that don't have official PMD sprites!! I know this is rather out of left field from me and random but I am serious, please let me know~ ~Profile #30 aka Mashew
  3. when its guild raid time on Brave Frontier but you arent apart of a guild. feelsbadman. I want the OP units

  4. Ai laik Okteivia kom Skaikru

    1. Maelstrom


      Clearly, hooked on phonics didn't work for you. =P

  5. Hoping they continue to come in 2 and Illaoi also gets one with Jhin :c
  6. S-same. Sweet little baby Jesus Right. Arena is completely different from anything else from other games and the every current and future god for only $30 is a damn good deal. Comparing it to league. The point of the thread is to let people know who don't know about it know about it, and for the people who know about it to be reminded of it and maybe give it a try. Also for the people who play it to find others on Reborn who do play it. All the league of legends topics on Reborn started with Edge asking if anyone plays/explaining to us what it was, then it all blew up. Just trying to see if anyone else plays a game I enjoy playing just as much as I enjoy league. The description under Gaming General says Talk, Play, Love. I'm trying to talk to people who may not know about a game I love playing. And hopefully can get them to enjoy it as well, be it in Arena, Joust, the soon to be new Clash, Siege, heck even in bot games. It all can be fun. It's for connecting the people on Reborn who do play the game on any console.
  7. Charmed marathon with Corin cause why not :3

  8. My names Inuki welcome to Smite's Top 5 Plays! Hi friends! I've made this topic to talk about a game that myself and @Nyrias have thoroughly enjoyed, Hi-Rez Studios' Smite. Now, you may be asking me "what the heck is Smite and why should I care?" well haha... Yeah! Smite is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) that is set in 3rd person view, sort of like an MMORPG. Now, if you're familiar with League of Legends then you know what a MOBA entails. There's several game modes in smite for different team sizes and maps. Unlike League of legends though, the characters are based from different Gods and Goddesses from different mythologies from around the world. (Which is where I got hooked, personally.) Honestly, I'm lousy at explain but thankfully Hi-Rez can help me out here! This game is available on PC, PS4 and Xbox. You can not play cross platforms though, sadly.. Now, as for a little information more about the game itself, game modes and different pantheons I'll do a lil' play by play. Here are the lists of Pantheons, number of gods, the classes and what type of god they are. Unlike in League of legends, you get a set of items you can purchase from based off of if you're playing a magical or physical god or goddess. Pantheons/Number of Gods Celtic (1) Chinese (12) Egyptian (12) Greek (16) Hindu (7) Japanese (4) Mayan (9) Norse (13) Roman (10) Classes Mage Warrior Hunter Guardian Assassin Here is a list of game modes and how many people are on each team for them! Arena (5v5 all out deathmatch, get your minions to the enemy portal and make their points 0 before they do it to you) Conquest (The bread and butter of a MOBA, 5v5 map, 2 solo lanes, a jungler and a duo lane. Push to win.) Assault (All gods are chosen at random and you fight in a single lane, can't go back until you die.) Siege (4v4 map! 2 lanes, 2 people in each. Other than siege juggernauts, its the same as conquest.) Clash (Not quite sure anymore, it's being changed with the new season.) Joust (My personal favorite! 3v3 1 lane map, push to win. Start at level 3.) With the cosmetic side, i.e skins and the like. There are some you can purchase directly for gems (the real moneys currency you can buy), which range from 200 gems to 600. There's the recolors that you can buy with in game money i.e favor that you get from playing. You can also get mastery for your gods and skins to show it off (Golden, Legendary and Diamond). There's chests where you pay from 100-400 gems on a random chance of getting a chest exclusive item or anything else from it (Kind of a gamble, only down side I see to the game really, aside from some toxicity but all games have it :s). There's constantly events to get cool items for in game and they're partnered with Twitch, so if you have Twitch Prime keep your eyes out for cool free stuff! Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how to type up much more about this to intrigue new players but there's a new season coming with a lot of cool and new changes! Patch notes are here! There's many reasons why I love this game, the art style, the lore, the game modes, everything! If you looked at this, read it, and want to give it a try then please, feel free to sign up right here! (shameless self plug if RaF) Some fun stuff you can look at to get interested (Streams/Youtubers) Hi-Rez Youtube Professional Gameplay Youtube Professional Hunter Player Hi-Rez Twitch NShadow Smitten IGNs for Reborn Peeps who play Mashew - SorciereMeredy Nyrias - nyrias Pixl - -Pixlization KosherKitten - KosherKitten
  9. So with Smite we have such cold Skadi coming out and then ext Japanese god is King Kappa

  10. did the jungle Ahri to prove to @Amethyst it works sorta. ft. @Yuki @Nyrias and ruin adn david
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