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Posts posted by Bullet

  1. Simply put, the league means shit. Some people are being nominated because we seem to have a preconcepted notion that the league is anything like competitive battling. DaZzA said it quite well. It doesn't matter woh's in X League or who's blahblahblah, the determining factor of who gets in is battling ability. The league does not gauge battling ability, your own experiences with a particular person gauge battling ability. That is all.
  2. [Wishpass]
    (Alomomola) (F) @ Leftovers
    Trait: Regenerator
    EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
    Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
    - Scald
    - Toxic
    - Wish
    - Protect

    [It's not amazing, but it's something. Huge HP coupled with decent defenses make for a passable Wishpasser. Toxic is pretty much the best source of damage Alomomola has, considering its mediocre Special Attack. However, Scald does have some merit for Pokemon weak to it, and the burn chance helps as well. EVs are very simple, Sp Def EVs to make up for your lackluster Special Defense stat, and maximum HP allows you to make the most of your Wishes.]
  3. [SD]
    (Cobalion) @ Life Orb
    Trait: Justified
    EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Speed
    Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
    - Close Combat
    - Iron Head
    - Stone Edge
    - Swords Dance

    [Plain and simple. Life Orb and Swords Dance augment its usually mediocre attack stat. Close Combat's power is more than enough incentive to use it over gimmicky options such as Sacred Sword. Stone Edge hits flying Pokemon, and Iron Head is a solid secondary STAB attack. Cobalion's ability Justified works quite well with its x4 resistance to Dark and the attack boost is quite relevant. To set up, one should take advantage of Cobalion's natural bulk, as well as its typing. Being immune Toxic is quite useful, though you must always beware of burns. They will essentially make you useless.]
  4. Preliminary suggestions

    Type: Steel/Ghost
    -People here seem to like Ghost/Dark/Psychic
    -Immune to: Poison, Fighting, Normal
    -Immune to Spikes, and resists Stealth Rock
    -Resists: Grass, Bug, Steel, Rock, Ice, Dragon, Psychic, Flying
    -Neutral againt: Water, Electric, Dark, Ghost
    -Weak to: Fire, Ground
    -Generally badass typing

    -HP: somewhere around base 90ish?(think Politoed, legendary birds, Machamp, etc.)
    -Attack and Special Attack: somewhere from base 70 - 80. Quite mediocre.
    -Defense: 100ish(Pixies, and other mid-level bulk Pokemon such as Feraligatr)
    -Sp Def: 80ish. fairly average, Pokemon with unspectacular Sp Def such as Scizor, Flygon, Azumarill, etc.
    -Speed: Either
    a. 146-149(faster than anything not Deoxys or Ninjask)
    b. 141-144(faster than electrode, slower than accelgor)
    c. 131-139(faster than base 130s, slower than Electrode)
    d. 126-129(faster than Weavile and Swellow, slower than base 130s)

    -Status moves such as Will o Wisp, Toxic, and maybe Hypnosis
    -Generic moves such as Substitute and Protect
    -Recover or an identical move
    -Flavor moves such as Curse, Metal Sound, Night Shade, etc.
    -STAB moves such as Shadow Claw and Flash Cannon
    -Other attacking moves such as Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, etc.
    -Gimmick options such as Nasty Plot, Dual Screens, etc.
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