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Posts posted by Bullet

  1. Leader Name: Tsumi
    Favorite Pokemon: Skarmory
    Leader Info: Sinful wings, coated with iron and betrayal, descend to earth and wrap themselves in their sin-coated desires. Be struck down, and fall from the heavens to your dark grave.
    Sprite: Lin sprite lol
  2. Yeah, pick the one you like the best. Remember, you can only vote for one. If you don't know what this is about, visit [url="http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1195"]this thread[/url]. Descriptions:

    [quote]Speed Stall

    Stall Pokemon are slow and defensive, no? So, what about a speedy Pokemon, with the other attributes of a stalling Pokemon? One that's not fit to attack and attack, but actually defends using its Speed as an asset? "QuickStall" teams are nothing new to most Uber players, teams built to stall with fast and semi-frail Pokemon. This Pokemon would pretty much be just this, though perhaps with some more defensive capabilities. This Pokemon would also really bring a whole new dimension to stall teams, an inclusion that strays away from weaknesses of most stalling Pokemon, and adds more variety for the player and the opponent. However, such a Pokemon would have merits outside stall teams; a speedy wall/tank Pokemon can migitate the downsides of offensive teams requiring to use slower walls that will slow down their tempo.[/quote]

    [quote]Fix It!

    Every team has holes. Every team has weaknesses. Sometimes, it's difficult to find a Pokemon that can cover up a major weakness without opening up another. This ladies and gentlemen, is the Pokemon that fixes that. Basically, a universal problem solver that can stop certain sweepers, or perhaps break past certain walls depending on the moves and EVs used. Versatility is the main thing here, enough for it to do one job incredibly well without it taking on a different role that it could pull off with a different moveset, at the same time. Abilities are also fairly key here, and stats need to be greatly tinkered with.[/quote]

    [quote]Momentum Generator

    A tool for offensively based teams, or balanced teams, to create a stepping stone for advantage. How does this work? Well, offensive teams often suffer the problem of being forced to sacrifice a Pokemon against a certain sweeper, perhaps exhaust many resources to defeat a certain wall. This is the solution. A somewhat utility Pokemon, the role is to stop Pokemon that can shift the advantage to your opponent, and one-up them. Sounds tricky, but it's somewhat of a check to certain Pokemon, what moves such as U-Turn that lets you keep the match under control. Immunities are fairly key here.[/quote]

    [quote]Weather Be Gone
    basically as it suggests its a Pokemon that can both turn off weather Pokemon, aka the sandstorms and rain, while taking out the most prized sweeper of them it would show most people to stop using weather and start thinking more outside the box, it should be at least strong enough and fast to take out these pesky weather users, it should be able to hit hard enough to actually stop the stallers of weather to tell them, "buddy, weather is cool and all... but when you go up against him.... Weather isn't a factor anymore"[/quote]

    [quote]Where did all the speed go.... oh right... it goes to me
    This Pokemon should be able to both utilize the move thats been bothering people of its sheer uselessness... Trick Room. it would have to be able to take a few hits while not dishing out much pain, its main motive is to speed up the slows, it would also give teams a more greater tactics (like speed boosting on last turn of Trick room) while that being said, it would be a bit of a pain to use at times, it would help utilize trick room in some sorts.....[/quote]

    [quote]and here comes the black smith.... who broke my sword...
    did anyone say something about Smelted fire.... no? they should, basically this Pokemon would be defensive in nature but be able to get many stat boosting moves to boot with Baton pass, why? well not many people can utilize baton pass without BOOM there goes your sweeper... but what if we had a Pokemon that can bring the boosts, and hand them out like candy? then we got our selfs a Pokemon that can get sweeping the edge for the most part, it does help the more aggressive and defensive depending on what side you take... the more defensive and wally way... or the more aggressive and fast way... the choices are many[/quote]

    [quote] Ikaru Submission 1:
    We all know Agiligross had its time in the spotlight; A strong Pokemon but pitiful speed, remedied easily by Agility. I'd like to see more Pokemon like this, but ones that can do it successfully. Not something like Aggron or Rhyperior with two 4x weaknesses that are hard NOT to run into, moreso on Aggron's case.[/quote]

    [quote]Ikaru Submission 2:
    Where are the mixed sweepers? Mixape had a legacy in Gen4 with its ability to break the incredibly common SkarmBliss combo... Work Up is an amazing move giving +1 in both attacking stats... But nothing capable of using it is good enough in either speed, or either of its offensive stats to do so well enough. So how about it? [/quote]
  3. Challenge: <insert name here>

    Rules applying to both of us:

    1. No Dual Type Pokemon.
    2. No Fully evolved Pokemon. That means Pokemon that don't have an evolution(example: Zangoose) are also banned.
    3. No Eviolite. I'll have to go with honor system on this one.
    4. All Pokemon are level 42(set in the teambuilder).
    5. Every Pokemon on your team must be of a different type.
    6. No hazards.
    7. No weather.

    Rule(s) exclusive to you:

    1. Only Pokemon from Gen 1-3 allowed.

    Rule(s) exclusive to me:

    1. Only Pokemon from Gen 3-5 allowed.
  4. Standard
    (Blissey) (F) @ Leftovers
    Trait: Natural Cure
    EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
    Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
    - Aromatherapy/Counter
    - Seismic Toss/Ice Beam
    - Toxic
    - Softboiled

    [Should I even explain this? I have to? Fine. It's a standard Blissey, what do you expect? Yay, max HP and Defense. Yay, Softboiled S Toss and Ice Beam obviously are both viable. Toxic is vastly superior to T Wave, it lets you outstall nonsteel walls, Toxic stall stuff, blah blah blah. Aromatherapy lets her work to heal your team of status, but Counterbliss can always be a nice surprise.]
  5. [Sub Roost]
    Articuno @ Leftovers
    Trait: Pressure
    EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 Spd
    Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
    - Ice Beam
    - Roost
    - Substitute
    - Toxic

    [Classic Sub Roost Articuno from Gen IV NU that still works. EVs are plain and simple, maximum speed, HP that lets you come in on rocks twice and live, which is crucial, and the last 8 EVs are mainly filler. It's simple, sub up, Toxic stall. Ice Beam works for threatening Pokemon weak against it, just hitting them with it, and hitting Taunt Pokemon, as well as Whimsicott. It's pretty simple to use. Although the EVs let you live Stealth Rock twice, a spinner or Magic Bouncer is recommended as a team mate regardless.]
  6. [Wall]
    (Jellicent) (M) @ Leftovers
    Trait: Water Absorb
    EVs: 236 HP / 224 Def / 48 Spd
    Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
    - Recover
    - Taunt
    - Will-O-Wisp/Toxic
    - Scald

    [God Taunt Jellicent is so fucking awesome it makes my head hurt. Speed EVs let you outspeed some stuff like Chansey that you want to Taunt. Scald is the only attacking move you have or need. Will o Wisp is just cool to hit Scizor, Dory, etc., though Toxic works too. Recover shouldn't be a big surprise. The best use for this thing is just a guy with a few immunities that can beat your opponent's walls and make your team have an inherent advantage against your opponent. Sounds weird, but if your wall can beat their wall(s) 1 on 1, you'll be able to break through any stalemate.]
  7. huh, didn't do this before :o

    Trainer's Name(s): Tenshi, Bullet, too many alts to count
    Ever "caught 'em all": yah
    Games Played: All of em at one point or another
    Spin-off games played: Mystery Dungeon, Ranger
    Any TCG decks: If one from 5 years ago or so counts
    Favorite Generation for Pokémon: 3rd
    Favorite Generation for Games: 3rd
    Favorite Game: Emerald
    Favorite Spin-off game: Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky
    Pokémon that needs to exist: Angel Pokémon!
    Pokémon that needs to not exist: Maggyo, Bidoof/Bibarel, Mismagius
    Dream PokéJob (breeder, elite four, etc): Mercenary
    Currently Playing: Pokemon Online :o

    Favourite Pokémon: Gardevoir
    Favourite Starter: Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon
    If you could have anything for a starter: Ralts
    Favourite Pokémon Song: N/A
    Favourite Kanto Leader/E4:Brock
    Favourite Johto Leader/E4: Karen
    Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4: Flannery
    Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4: Cynthia if she counts?
    Favourite Leader/E4 overall: Kamitsure/Elesa(she should count >> <<)
    Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon: Ew
    Favourite Pokémon Movie: I dun like any of the ones I've watched :c
    Favourite Animé Episode: Episode 69!
    Favourite Type: Dragon, Steel, Water, Psychic
    Favourite Strategies: Stall.tp
    Favourite Characters: Meowth
  8. 1. Chansey is too weak to utilize Psychic well
    2. It you use Protect on Chansey, you should be running Wish over Sofboiled.
    3. Your EVs seem somewhat odd, also, odd mumbered EVs are a bad idea. Any EVs invested should be multiples of 4.
    4. Chansey has no use for sash. Also, any Chansey should be running Eviolite anyways, as that is the sole reason to use Chansey over Blissey.
  9. [size=4][font=times new roman,times,serif][color=#CCCCCC][Charge Beam][/color]
    [color=#CCCCCC][Lanturn] (M/F) @ [Leftovera][/color]
    [color=#CCCCCC]Trait: [Volt Absorb][/color]
    [color=#CCCCCC]EVs: [252 HP/252 SpAtk/4 Speed OR 52 HP/252 SpAtk/200 SpDef/4 Speed][/color]
    [color=#CCCCCC][Nature] Calm/Modest[/color]
    [color=#CCCCCC]- Charge Beam[/color]
    [color=#CCCCCC]- Surf/Scald[/color]
    [color=#CCCCCC]- Ice Beam[/color]
    [color=#CCCCCC]- Substitute/Heal Bell[/color]

    [color=#CCCCCC][Lanturn is a Pokemon sporting very high HP, but average stats otherwise. This set focuses upon bulkiness with Charge Beam to enhance offensive power. It is ideal to switch in on either an Electric move, or a Pokemon that cannot threaten you, to start charging up. Powerful physical attacks such as Earthquake can absolutely destroy you, so it is ideal as a late game sweeper when counters are removed. The moves are mostly explanatory, Charge Beam, your choice of STAB, and the ever useful Ice Beam. The final moveslot is an interesting choice. Substitute is a classic duo with Charge Beam, that works well to negate status and set up on weaker Pokemon. However, Heal Bell can also cure status, and gives utility before you attempt to set up; you can bluff yourself as a more tanky support Lanturn if you want. The first EV spread is for Heal Bell, lots of HP and Special Attack. The second one is for Substitute; 52 HP EVs yields in 404 HP, allowing for 101 Subs. Special Attack is maxed again, while the rest is poured into Special Defense with 4 speed EVs. You may choose to put it in Defense instead; but I prefer boosting Lanturn's naturally better Special Defense. Calm can be used to further power up that Special Defense; however you may go with Modest on either set.][/color][/font][/size]
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