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Posts posted by Bullet

  1. 1. Adamant Ttar is too slow even after 1 DD.
    2. Few people try to Taunt Ttars, so Mental Herb is kinda pointless. Plus, it didn't work on PO when I tested it a while ago, glitch may be fixed but I'm not sure.
    3. Fire Punch > Ice Punch, you actaully want to hit steels hard, most notable Skarm and Nattorei.
  2. BANNED FOR BREAKING THE RULES(you just know I don't have stuff to say when I resort to this)

    Also Mael way up there, I believe I've said it before... in response to you >> <<

  3. *clap clap*
    Brilliant on the part of the auth, allying with Geo for the sake of [i]trolling[/i]. This has fully convinced me they completely deserve their positions despite all previous doubt.

  4. The point of this is to make a fun new tier with new Pokemon to try out, no? Does squeezing weather into miniscule existence do this? Nope. It just discourages people from using weather. Fascinating, that's a fun new tier. If you really think weather needs to be countered that badly, just create that No Weather Tier for god's sake.
  5. My question, why does everyone jump to anti weather immediately? It's just another mechanic. Is it powerful? Sure. Do lots of people use it? Sure. But does creating one Pokemon to just destroy it fix anything? No, it convinces people not to use weather. My point is, what's the point of making a Pokemon solely to counter weather? Is everyone so afraid of it they want an all powerful guardian against it? There's nothing to say we can't create a Pokemon that has a role but indirectly counters weather. And it's not to say counters to weather don't already exist. Also, do we [i]want[/i] a Pokemon to be abused endlessly just because people can't think and actually build their teams so they won't get rolled over by weather? What's the fun in that? Do we want to maim weather by making a Pokemon with the intention to simply counter it? It's a perfectly viable strategy, powerful perhaps, but simply making something that flat out destroys it isn't fair to the people who actually [i]like[/i] weather, and use it for that sole reason, is it? And for the others that use it? Like I said, there's no point in making something to defeat it and simply defeat it, do we need to entirely destroy a strategy just because some people don't like it? I leave with those thoughts.
  6. This isn't a "make something you like as if you were a second grader making Pokemon and be happy" thing. I'm expecting anyone who participates to actually be reasonable, serious, and open to peoples' input, as well as cooperate, not just endlessly praisse and argue over their idea. Tell it, give a brief description, and that's fine. Don't flame others' ideas or troll though >> <<.
  7. Skimmed through list of 5th Gen moves and came up with this list. If anyone wants to correct it, feel free.

    Hone Claws
    Flame Burst
    Flame Charge
    Foul Play
    Hex Incinerate
    Final Gambit
    Chip Away
    Low Sweep
  8. Kay well, here I go.

    Submission #1
    Speed Stall
    [quote]Stall Pokemon are slow and defensive, no? So, what about a speedy Pokemon, with the other attributes of a stalling Pokemon? One that's not fit to attack and attack, but actually defends using its Speed as an asset? "QuickStall" teams are nothing new to most Uber players, teams built to stall with fast and semi-frail Pokemon. This Pokemon would pretty much be just this, though perhaps with some more defensive capabilities. This Pokemon would also really bring a whole new dimension to stall teams, an inclusion that strays away from weaknesses of most stalling Pokemon, and adds more variety for the player and the opponent. However, such a Pokemon would have merits outside stall teams; a speedy wall/tank Pokemon can migitate the downsides of offensive teams requiring to use slower walls that will slow down their tempo.[/quote]

    Submission #2
    Fix It!

    [quote]Every team has holes. Every team has weaknesses. Sometimes, it's difficult to find a Pokemon that can cover up a major weakness without opening up another. This ladies and gentlemen, is the Pokemon that fixes that. Basically, a universal problem solver that can stop certain sweepers, or perhaps break past certain walls depending on the moves and EVs used. Versatility is the main thing here, enough for it to do one job incredibly well without it taking on a different role that it could pull off with a different moveset, at the same time. Abilities are also fairly key here, and stats need to be greatly tinkered with.[/quote]

    Submission #3
    Momentum Generator

    [quote]A tool for offensively based teams, or balanced teams, to create a stepping stone for advantage. How does this work? Well, offensive teams often suffer the problem of being forced to sacrifice a Pokemon against a certain sweeper, perhaps exhaust many resources to defeat a certain wall. This is the solution. A somewhat utility Pokemon, the role is to stop Pokemon that can shift the advantage to your opponent, and one-up them. Sounds tricky, but it's somewhat of a check to certain Pokemon, what moves such as U-Turn that lets you keep the match under control. Immunities are fairly key here.[/quote]
  9. I think just picking a typing is kinda silly. The first step should be to simply figure out, what do we want the Pokemon to do. What is its role? How is it going to be unique? What are the main selling points of it? Just picking types doesn't give us these key aspects that actually identify the Pokemon. After this basic step, we can flesh out typing, movepool, etc.
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