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Posts posted by Bullet

  1. [quote name='Maelstrom' timestamp='1304902151' post='13718']
    Now, now Winter- you know I would have. But chances are good I probably would have sided with GG on certain things as much as I would have clashed with her. It would have been fun either way- for me. Some of the rest of you are trolled too easy. ;)

    Holy shit someone on Reborn not named Geo that actually understands. What a miracle O:
  2. [s]thissucks/endthread[/s]

    Ehhh, the writing's slanted this way and that and it's not very uniform or easy to read. Sometimes it just looks like you drew the speech bubble first and ended up having to cram it into a small corner.... Other than that, looks fine.
  3. *shrug*
    Energy Ball still does fairly poor damage to both, and they can both OHKO you or set up on you, so if you're using Energy Ball predicting their switch in, it would be better just to switch yourself :S
  4. Set up Sweeper
    (Terrakion) @ Life Orb
    Trait: Justified
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
    - Close Combat
    - Earthquake
    - Stone Edge
    - Rock Polish/Swords Dance

    [Simply put, Terakion is an absolute beast. With monstrous base attack, good speed, incredible dual STABs, and both Rock Polish and Swords Dance, it is a force to be reckoned with. This set is plain and simple, use the boosting move of your choice, then sweep with Close Combat to put a dent in most Pokemon and having 100 accuraacy, Stone Edge to hit fliers and the like, and Earthquake as another no-miss move for say, Fire types. Life Orb is basically the only good item, it makes your terrifying offense even better. If it's not obvious to you, Adamant nature is used with Rock Polish and Jolly with Swords Dance.]
  5. ...finally stopped being an idiot and realized I can export in teambuilder and copy-paste an individual Poke's set so I don't have to type it out >_>

    (Tentacruel) (M) @ Black Sludge
    Trait: Liquid Ooze
    EVs: 76 HP / 252 Def / 180 SDef
    Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
    - Toxic Spikes
    - Rapid Spin
    - Scald
    - Ice Beam

    [Yay, a Tentacruel. Toxic Spikes + Rapid Spin is obviously the main selling point of Tentcruel(being a bulky water doesn't either). Black Sludge is liek teh Lefties only when det tries to Trick you dey get trolled. Err, yeah, that was fairly obvious. Scald is the new premiere move for bulky waters, we're using it here. Ice Beam is no worse than it is last gen, in other words, it's awesome. The EVs seem pretty odd, but 76 HP brings you to 320 HP which is a pretty number. Maximum defense lets you be as bulky as possible, and the rest is dumped into Sp Def, with Calm giving you a good boost to the stat as well.]
  6. [Sun]
    [Ninetales] (M/F) @ [Balloon/Leftovers]
    Trait: [Drought]
    EVs: [252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Defense]
    [Nature] Timid
    - Overheat/Fire Blast/Flamethrower
    - Solarbeam
    - Hypnosis
    - Nasty Plot/Psycho Shock

    [Hey look a Pokémon with Drought. Let's abuse it. Anyways, Ninetales ain't so special without Drought, so we just have to make it as special as we can. All three fire moves are perfectly viable options, take your pick. Solarbeam is Solarbeam, and Hypnosis is arguably the best move Ninetales has when it doesn't move. Finally, you have Nasty Plot to actually attempt to turn it into a sweeper, or Psycho Shock for coverage purposes. For item, you can either go with the standard Lefties, or add Balloon to dodge the pesky Ground attacks flying(heh flying) around everywhere.]
  7. [quote name='Dragonz996' timestamp='1296715584' post='10291']
    [Special Sweeper]
    Sazandora (M/F) @ Leftovers/Life Orb
    Trait: Levitate
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed
    Modest Nature/Timid Nature
    - Surf/Flamethrower
    - Flash Cannon
    - Dark Pulse
    - Dragon Pulse

    The set that will beat anything that appears in front of it. Dragon Pulse and Dark Pulse for good STAB Moves, and you've got Flash Cannon in case of Ice Pokemon. Surf and Flamethrower are for coverage. For Natures, Modest for power and Timid for speed. And you can choose either Leftovers for durability or Life Orb for power.

    Flamethrower beats Ice types and gets far better coverage than Flash Cannon....
    Oh, it has more base power as well...
  8. [quote name='Dragonz996' timestamp='1304693480' post='13586']
    Bullet, Scrafty is Dark/Fighting, so Psychic fails.

    [quote]flood of Fighting Pokémon [i]bar[/i] Zuruzukin[/quote]

    wat you mean Dragonz?
  9. [Hazard Lead]
    [Forretress] (M/F) @ [Custap Berry]
    Trait: [Sturdy]
    EVs: [252 HP, 252 Special Defense, 4 Def]
    [Nature] Relaxed
    - Gyro Ball
    - Toxic Spikes
    - Stealth Rock
    - Spikes/Rapid Spin

    [Ehhhh, fairly normal set. Maximum Special bulk lets you be a decent mixed wall. Toxic Spikes is the real gem, being insane against most stall teams. Gyro Ball is the solo attacking move, please don't forget do set the Speed IV to 0. Cocks and Spikes are still fairly good, though foregoing Spikes for Spinning isn't such a bad idea. Custap Berry works with Sturdy against Fire types, letting you go to 1, set up a layer of T Spikes, and let Custap give you layer 2 before you're finished off.]
  10. Time to get off my lazy ass

    [Lolumad wall]
    [Arbok] (M/F) @ [Black Sludge]
    Trait: [Shed Skin]
    EVs: [252 Special Defense, 252 Defense, 4 HP ]
    [Nature] Careful
    - Stockpile
    - Rest
    - Spite
    - Poison Fang

    [Before you start screaming WAT, here me out, k? Stockpile is the move you need to boost your measly little defenses, so use it. Rest + Shed Skin is a sick combo, for PP stalling and as a great healing move once your defenses are boosted. Poison Fang is a unique move; it can actually badly poison the opposing Pokemon as a side effect, making for your primary attack, not to mention the chance of badly poisoning is pretty good. Finally, Spite. Stall wars are nothing new to Pokemon(just look at Gen II....), and 5th Gen hasn't lessened them at all. With Rest already conserving PP, Spite lets you wear down an opponent's PP and win a stall war. Also, it can whittle away the PP of a SE move to decrease the number of tries your opponent has to to crit you with that move. So Wynaut give Arbok a try? O:]
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