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  1. [Life Orb]
    [Starmie] (M/F) @ [Life Orb]
    Trait: [Natural Cure]
    EVs: [252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP]
    [Nature] Timid
    - Hydro Pump/Surf
    - Ice Beam
    - Thunderbolt
    - Hidden Power Fire/Psychic/Rapid Spin

    [There are people who say Starmie is inadequate to handle the 5th Generation metagame. Those people are what I like to call "wrong!" =D. Starmie is certainly still quite powerful for its combination of STAB water and BoltBeam. Life Orb lets it pack some real punch, especially with Hydro Pump, but Surf is perfectly viable for the sake of accuracy. Boiling Water is rather ineffective in my opinion, as sweepers don't really care whether they inflict a burn for the most part. Your final move has some options, Hidden Power Fire is the move of choice to deal with Nattorei who walls you otherwise, but Psychic is a useful secondary STAB option to deal with the flood of Fighting Pokémon bar Zuruzukin, and Rapid Spin is even more usful than the previous generation with Spikes being used everywhere.]
  2. [I'M BANDED]
    [Azumarill] (M/F) @ [Choice Band]
    Trait: [Huge Power]
    EVs: [252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP]
    [Nature] Adamant
    - Aqua Jet
    - Waterfall
    - Ice Punch
    - Superpower

    [Your bread and butter banded Azumarill set. Aqua Jet is quite an effective tool, with sand running rampant. Kills Doryuuloses, Ran(doro)sus, and the like. Superpower is your best tool for the omnipresent Nattorei, hopefully you can predict its switch in on a fleeing Doryuulose or something. Ice Punch is effective for killing other Grass Pokémon, while Waterfall is a solid STAB move when you need to forsake priority for some more oomph. Double Edge can be a viable alternative move, but the set here provides the best coverage. Finally, note that Burungeru is your bane no matter which move you use, lest you want to try to get an Ice Punch freeze.]
  3. /endpokédexhiatus

    [Physical Tank]
    [Weezing] (M/F) @ Black Sludge]
    Trait: [Levitate]
    EVs: [252 Defense, 252 Special Defense, 4 HP]
    [Nature] Bold
    - Will o Wisp
    - Flamethrower
    - Thunderbolt
    - Pain Split

    [First of all, don't try to use this thing in OU. You will get raped up the anus repetitively. In a lower tier however, Weezing can be quite the effective physical tank. Will o Wisp waters down physically inclined Pokemons' attacks even more, and can help even when Weezing is gone. TBolt and Flamethrower get quite some decent coverage, though it's too bad Weezing doesn't get Ice Beam. Finally, Pain Split is the closest thing to a reliable recovery move Weezing has, and the fairly low HP of Weezing helps boost its recovery a bit.]

    [color="#FF8C00"]Geo here with another ninja edit but with Nerdy equations WDFUX? Trolls do math no fuckin' way!, Weezing + Clear smog = ultra troll on Physical set up sweepers,including some Blaziken and their attemps on baton passing boost.I suggest using it over T-Bolt cause Poison + Fire is good coverage if you include the Steel types into say problem. /endnerdymode [/color]
  4. [quote name='Gardevoir' post='11387' date='Mar 4 2011, 08:08 PM']I get that you don't like me and all. Fine! If that's how it is... It's not like I put hard work into updating these for you day after day for so long... So okay.
    If I'm not doing them,
    Well, I made sure that this little Roserade over here isn't either. <3
    [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']It's super effective![/color]

    Gossip Gardevoir... signing out.[/quote]

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