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Posts posted by Bullet

  1. [quote name='AmethystStorm' post='9645' date='Jan 26 2011, 05:25 PM']Thank you Geo, and whoever posted the Bidoof-sweep log.[/quote]

    Thank me for attracting people who aren't looking for Pokemon ecchi? ^^

    [quote name='AmethystStorm' post='9645' date='Jan 26 2011, 05:25 PM']Yeah, we have a bunch of pictures of satanic dragons up, didn't you know?
    Or maybe they were looking for something related to Titania...[/quote]

    I'm pretty sure I remember the metal dragon thingy. Though I can't seem to find the thread =/
  2. [quote name='Gardevoir' post='9623' date='Jan 25 2011, 06:56 PM']Nevermind that! It seems out new member Roger has already developed a crush on both Julia and Luna. In just one day! Mashew the man-whore would be proud~[/quote]


    [quote name='Gardevoir' post='9623' date='Jan 25 2011, 06:56 PM']However, Florinia's lack of emotion has been explained! [s]She's a robot![/s] She said that she cut out emotions to be more efficient, and so that she didn't have to feel any sort of pain... So... pretty much my first explanation.[/quote]

    We never could've guessed. Ever.
  3. [quote name='Luka' post='9602' date='Jan 24 2011, 07:30 PM']>Bullet lost
    >must be hax[/quote]


    [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Congratulations sir, you have successfully trolled me by rubbing this phrase in my face on a daily basis[/color]
  4. [quote name='Gardevoir' post='9597' date='Jan 24 2011, 07:07 PM']IKARU'S IN LOVE WITH TERRA~[/quote]


    [quote name='Gardevoir' post='9597' date='Jan 24 2011, 07:07 PM']Though, hypothetically speaking, that would make him the first challenger to do so, and hax or not, wouldn't that technically mean he's better than a certain ex-fanboy of mine? Hm~[/quote]

    It's funny because I've been magically transformed into an ex-fanboy =O
    Also, I can battle Ice anytime and have the result not mattereven though beating someone in a competition certainly does not mean you are better than them at said competition. That made no sense to anyone? No? Good. Also, I [s]absolutely despise[/s] adore Leaf Storm
  5. My opinions o.o

    Tepig - lol it's teh pig
    Oshawott - WTF? This makes about as much sense as Mash's fetishes
    Patrat - I like it o.o
    Pansage - Ewww
    Pansear - Ewww
    Panpour - Ewww
    Munna - lolnochange
    Musharna - lolnochange
    Pidove - Neat, I kinda like it
    Blitzle - Kinda cool
    Gigalith - Wut is this supposed to be, giga monolith? O.O
    Woobat - I thought I hated this thing before. I thought I did. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
    Drilbur - Ok i guess
    Excadrill - Not troll enough imo ._.
    Sewaddle - Wat
    Sandile - Pretty neat
    Darmanitan - I WANT HEEHEEDARUMA NOW .-.
    Cofagrigus - desudesudesu
    Zorua - lolnochange
    Zoroark - lolnochange
    Minccino - Oooh I like dat
    Gothitelle - loll.jpg
    Reuniclus - It should be named Jelloman ;_;
    Alomomola - That's really fun to say =O
    Klink - Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    Axew - I dunno if I'm pronouncing it right, but it sounds like "Axe You"
    Braviary - Where is my wargle. I mean come on, you can't admit wargle didn't sounds like an English name <_<
    Reshiram - lolnochange
    Zekrom - lolnochange
  6. Lalala mine are Dragon, Steel, and Psychic
    [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']For anyone who shouts Ground!, shut up, my sand team only has 3 ground Pokemon >>[/color]
  7. [quote name='N8theGr8' post='9429' date='Jan 18 2011, 08:32 PM']And for once in my life, I completely and thoroughly agree with Bullet.[/quote]

    See, it's not so hard :P

    [quote name='Will' post='9432' date='Jan 18 2011, 08:50 PM']Yeah, because leaders give a damn on what's considered "cheap."[/quote]

    That's why we protest :3

    [quote name='AZKnight' post='9433' date='Jan 18 2011, 09:52 PM']I just want to say that I do not have nearly as big of a beef with Doubles as I do with Triples. Even though it's still hard, I feel it's easier to adapt a team for a Doubles battle. Does not help that in Triples that the battle usually only lasts 2-4 turns. I also agree with Ame about how it probably feels more prominent because it keeps repeating because of the [s]insane[/s] [s]impossible[/s] [s]ludicrous[/s] hard difficulty. Can we make a compromise and if PO ever gets Rotation battles working, we use that instead of Triples? I feel Doubles does what it does best and that Rotation is the next variation of battles. Triples is just...bleh compared to those two.[/quote]

    Rotation, from what I've seen, is as different to triples as triples is different to singles. I sitll wants them though ._. NAO
  8. [quote name='Gardevoir' post='9423' date='Jan 18 2011, 07:27 PM']A surprising lack of drama happened last night, [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']probably because Titania wasn't there[/color]. In lieu of that, my master did beat Ikaru, who clearly can't figure out battling or dealing with [s]bitches[/s] women~[/quote]

    You so funny

    And at Ame, I in particular am rather focused and ticked off at the use of doubles and triples because it just seems like a "cheap" way to win for leaders. Let's face it, a singles-geared team will seldom defeat a well built triples built team in triples without prior preparation, and well, it's quite annoying to lose because you simply had nothing. It ah, takes away most of the skill. Just my 2 cents.

    *is shot and Reborn*
  9. >Hypnotized
    >Chosing to wake up without master's order
    Something [i]might[/i] be wrong. Possibly. Though I guess it [i]isn't[/i] your fault Gardevoir ._. But not everyone is innocent like you >> << ><
    Let's see, standard drama drama drama
    2/16 is beyond pathetic though
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