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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Bullet

  1. woahwoahwoahlongesthighlightsever
    I'll try to be as annoying as I can
    Soooo, everyone's whoring =_=
    Saya decided to be mean to Ikaru
    Stop stealing my "job" please Q_Q Fine, whatever. I give up. Being mean is too hard T_T I'll be a good boi now
    WaitwheredidthelolGeologcomefrom =_=
    Since when did Geo ever have a crush on Luna?
    Also, we don't need a second trap Gardevoir. Not in Reborn. Ame alone is far more than enough ._.
    Rodaku x Terra wut?

    *is shot continuously before being reborn*
  2. >Mash

    More than I once though possible

    >4/19 wins
    >Something decent

    He's being a stalker again ._.

    >Loves Titania

    >Real life

    >Involving Luna
    I believe "Klol" is the correct term

    >Spamming arrows
    >Being annoying
    I'm self conscious when I "troll" I guess? o.o
  3. Errr, don't use HP Dragon
    It's barely stronger than a neutral Shadow Ball when Super Effective
    Use HP Ice, use HP Ice, use whatever
    But HP Dragon, use it never
    Jarooda doesn't need Specs with Leaf Storm and Perversity, so I advise you forsake them
    Also, Wring Out and Hyper Beam are terrible moves, ditch them to put SubSeeding, Dual screens, etc.

    Rest of the team looks fairly decent
  4. [quote name='Gardevoir' post='8911' date='Jan 5 2011, 06:04 PM'][color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Nothing much happened anyway, just Whitney being the first one to defeat Hardy. Guess it wasn't so [u]hard[/u] after all!... Actually, just no. I can't do Ame puns. They hurt my dignity~


    [quote name='Gardevoir' post='8911' date='Jan 5 2011, 06:04 PM'][color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Also, what was with Cal triumphing over rain and water teams? It's basics!
    I should type this in caps for maximum eff- oh wait
    Yeah WTF

    [quote name='Gardevoir' post='8911' date='Jan 5 2011, 06:04 PM'][color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Oh, and Kiki loomkilled Ika. Seriously, Ika? You have no priority moves? No chesto or lum berries? No sleep talk?[/color][/quote]

  5. [quote name='Geo' post='8904' date='Jan 5 2011, 03:32 PM']Cool story, whoever believes that is zetta slow in my book. I bet if you even tell them to jump off a cliff, theres candy at the bottom they all would gladly do it. INFACT DATS A SMEXY IDEA!!![color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Sarcasim FTW[/color][/quote]


    Also, lolGeololGeololGeololGeololGeololGeololGeololGeololGeololGeololGeololGeololGeolo
  6. [quote name='Gardevoir' post='8842' date='Jan 4 2011, 08:03 PM']Ame, I get the sense that you really can't hire good people to be mods. First you had Doc/Penguin, then you have the kick-happy Saya and Mash! What's next, you hiring n8? Wait, that happened? ...Anyone else agree that Ame should not control... anything ever again?[/quote]
    [s]More than you can imagine[/s] Nope
    Also lololololololololol
    Reborn is funny
    Mash and Julia should totally get back together
    Hark and Blake is a great couple
    Penguins are cute
    I never lie
    *runs while an angry mob gives chase*
  7. Agreed

  8. About yesterday's highlights, it was [i]I[/i] who mentioned Mash in Ashley's battle~
    Just for the record
    And um, how is Florinia connected with Amor? O_o Mysteries, mysteries.....
    Today's highlights are boring :I
    I command Geo to make them interesting
    Hi Gardevoir, I guess?
  9. Knight wins cuz well....
    Ikaru and Mash's answers made me facepalm and stuffs
    Will's made me stare blankly for 5 seconds without thinking of an appropriate reaction
    And well, Knight's answer had some common sense(shocking rite considering this is Reborn), and this place is desparately lacking in such.
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