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About Freya

  • Birthday 06/25/1996

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  3. I was going through my old stuff and found a forgotten sketch of Champion Ame. The episode where she was...you know...had just been released. I binged the episode, got feelings, and then drew this lol. Edit: Bonus Shelly sketch I did around the same time.
  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  5. I downloaded E17 last night and just finished the new storyline stuff that was added. I went into Grand Hall to start Arclight's sidequest, but he isn't there. I bought all the pokemon from 7th street already a long time ago, and I even went back down there to see if I needed to go there to start it, but he's just not showing up. Am I missing something? Also, I've been going through the desert to unlock Mirage Tower. As I understand, you need to touch all the shiny things by each oasis to unlock the tower, and there's only one oasis out at a time. I'm pretty sure I got all of the oasis locations (there are like, 4 of them, right?), but they keep spawning in old places that I've already touched. I've gotten the oasis with the trainer who wants to challenge the gym thrice already, and I've gotten the rest of the locations at least 2 times each now. I keep checking where the tower is supposed to appear, but it's still just a bunch of rubble and empty pools of water. What am I doing wrong? :'D EDIT: I touched a few more mirages and the tower showed up? I'm not entirely sure what I did differently lol. Still need help with starting Arclight's event though.
  6. lol yeah. My ratio is just Josh's ratio in reduced form though. Trubbish is gr8. RIP my memory
  7. 1. I see mega evolutions in the sprites gallery, are they not in the game? Most of them aren't in YET, but will be eventually. There's at least 1 available in the latest episode. Apparently not. I do remember finding a mega stone though, but I guess we haven't gotten the mega bracelet yet. 2. How does the online trading work? i wont try it but just asking You access it through your pokegear. It'll prompt you to either login or create an account. If you haven't used online features yet, you'll have to create an account. Everything in handled in-game when you access the online option, so don't worry about doing anything on here. From there, you can do wonder trading or if you set up a proper trade with someone outside the game, you can input their login name and trade with them. 3. Episodes are versions of the game? if i finish and the next episode comes out do i lose my progress ? Every how much time does a new episode come? Yes, the game is released in "episodes." The latest is ep. 16. Saved games are stored outside of the Reborn folder, which means that updating or even deleting Reborn won't harm your saved data. Saved data is stored in C:\Users\[accountName]\Saved Games\Pokemon Reborn. Episodes are of different lengths, and there's a lot going on behind the scenes, so it varies are often episodes are released. From my experience, it could take as little as a few months to as long as a year for the next episode to to released. As far as I know, ep. 17 is about halfway done as of now? 4. Have u tried SR for a starter? i love shinies and have bred many in the main games, i want to get one here too! i have a problem also since f12 doesnt seem to SR the app crashes. I can sr with F12 no problem. Maybe post your problem on the Troubleshooting forum? I haven't sr for shinies because I don't care enough lol.
  8. Seki already answered everything, so I'll just add in my two cents. 1. Do i need to have great or perfect IVs and natures and to EV train my pokemon to finish the game? Nope, I got through most of the game without any breeding/training (even before the gym nerfs), and it's perfectly doable. It's more fun playing this way imo cause you don't have to go through the tedium of breeding lol. There's an NPC later in the game that can change the nature of your mons btw. 2. a ) What is the shiny chance? Particularly of starter pokemon 1/8192. The chance of Pokerus is 3/65536 if you were curious. b ) Can NPCs have shinies? Yes, and it's completely random. At least in the older versions. Idk about the current episode. c ) Is there a shiny sprite list i can access? i want to see the shinies of my favorite pokemon here and decide if i am to go for one of them. Pokemon Reborn\Graphics\Battlers <---- contains sprites of all pokemon currently in the game, shiny and normal versions 4. I played last summer reborn but only untill a little after the first badge, i remember grinding a LOT. I went to the grasses and leveled pokemon so i could win the gym. Did i do something wrong? Or is this the way the game is meant to be played? Everyone plays differently, but I actually had issues with overleveling early on, and that was from just fighting other trainers. I didn't start grinding till late game to train up mons outside of my existing team. But again, everyone plays differently. 6. Any additional info about the game will be appreciated (what pokemon to choose, train etc) Trubbish was a godsend for the first ~3 gyms because of Acid Spray (deals damage and lowers enemy's sp. defense by 2 levels). I used to hate trubbish, but now I know better lmao. I always bought my pokeballs 10 at a time to get the free premium balls. Doing that helps you save money early on.
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