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About Pokelord

  • Birthday 07/25/1996

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    A place where it snow during 1/4 of a year

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  1. Look who's back! By the way my character's is a guy named Daniel (I name my character like that in games A LOT!)
  2. "I should tell what my team consists of. There's Layle, my Kadabra, Xane, my Swellow, Vain, my Glaceon, my newest addition Kin, a Misdreaveus. Also there's my other two." I say. (Short post, sorry.)
  3. Granted, but you are now her poo. I wish for people to stop warring with one another.
  4. I'm a-back!

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Welcome Back to Reborn! You can;t escape the void forever.....

  5. I'll stay 'til about May 2015-ish, just to let you know. I've made yet other post. *Spoilers* My character has challenged the Hoenn League, but failed. He also has been to Orre,Kanto,Johto,and Sinnoh. Well before coming to the Shrouded Isles. HAS FACED STEVEN IN BATTLE!!!! *End Spoliers* Just a bit of background Info.
  6. I just knew it. I walk up to a group of students. "Hey, my I join you all in this assault? I may not look like it but I'm skilled with a sword and words." I inquired. It's time show them what I'm made of. I've my secret weapons with me.
  7. Pokelord


    Banned for illogical reasoning!! Exterminate!
  8. OFF TOPIC!!! Never have I ever been to New York.
  9. Gardevoir is too Good for Porn A Gallade named Ike
  10. Update!!! Daniel Current Active Mambers: Layle: Lv. 30 Kadabra Xane: Lv 31 Swellow Vain: Lv 29 Glaceon Kin: Lv 5 Misdreaveus It seems too peaceful. Well expect for the battling earlier. That was intense. I briskly walk towards the gym area, expect a something crazy to happen considering that villainous teams are almost everywhere. It seems I was beat here by some one else. I'll wait for something to happen.
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