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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Pokelord

  1. Look who's back! By the way my character's is a guy named Daniel (I name my character like that in games A LOT!)
  2. "I should tell what my team consists of. There's Layle, my Kadabra, Xane, my Swellow, Vain, my Glaceon, my newest addition Kin, a Misdreaveus. Also there's my other two." I say. (Short post, sorry.)
  3. Granted, but you are now her poo. I wish for people to stop warring with one another.
  4. I'm a-back!

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Welcome Back to Reborn! You can;t escape the void forever.....

  5. I'll stay 'til about May 2015-ish, just to let you know. I've made yet other post. *Spoilers* My character has challenged the Hoenn League, but failed. He also has been to Orre,Kanto,Johto,and Sinnoh. Well before coming to the Shrouded Isles. HAS FACED STEVEN IN BATTLE!!!! *End Spoliers* Just a bit of background Info.
  6. I just knew it. I walk up to a group of students. "Hey, my I join you all in this assault? I may not look like it but I'm skilled with a sword and words." I inquired. It's time show them what I'm made of. I've my secret weapons with me.
  7. Pokelord


    Banned for illogical reasoning!! Exterminate!
  8. OFF TOPIC!!! Never have I ever been to New York.
  9. Gardevoir is too Good for Porn A Gallade named Ike
  10. Update!!! Daniel Current Active Mambers: Layle: Lv. 30 Kadabra Xane: Lv 31 Swellow Vain: Lv 29 Glaceon Kin: Lv 5 Misdreaveus It seems too peaceful. Well expect for the battling earlier. That was intense. I briskly walk towards the gym area, expect a something crazy to happen considering that villainous teams are almost everywhere. It seems I was beat here by some one else. I'll wait for something to happen.
  11. ------------------- Daniel Layle-Kadabra Lv 24 Xane- Swellow Lv 25 Vain- Eevee Lv 10(New obtained) -------------------- That was an intense fight between those two. I proceed to walk around bit aimlessly until I notice Grace pass by. "Grace, you like to battle me tomorrow?" I asked quickly.
  12. Character Name: Danion(Age 17) Gender: Male Race: Elf, Dok Hybrid Class: Paladin Description: Danion is Paladin Elf whose skills have passed down from father to son. He tend to keep to himself and has no thrist for battle or war, due to this he focuses more on healing He wears a white chain mail, a flame shield, Blue shoulder armor pad thingies, a pale blue robe. His hair is just a big black mess, according to his dad. His sword, Testament, which is a long sword keeps him sane.
  13. Rules: You must guess who that person is. The Person who post the thing to be guesses !correctly! MUST USE ONE SENTANCE OR QUOTE! I'll go first "You are not alone"
  14. Pokelord


    Banned for be very puny to today.
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