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Ayanokoji Kanna

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  1. [attachment=334:gentails.png][attachment=335:krabsect.png][attachment=336:venotoise.png] Gentails, Krabsect, and Venostoise.
  2. Any crab pokemon. That is my only request.
  3. I would attempt to persuade Morty to tutor me in the ways of the Ghost type trainer... then stalk him for several days.
  4. Would you hate me if I cheated by saying 'Arceus'? I can't really choose a favourite from each, but my favourite Ghost will always be Gengar.
  5. I would be Audino. I was born to be EXP fodder.
  6. My first Shiny was a Vulpix. I found it while training near Lavaridge. Since it was the first I'd ever seen, I became obsessed with it and made evolving it my top priority. One day, late into Summer, my cartridge broke. I had to get a new one. No more Shiny Ninetales.
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