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Muin last won the day on March 31 2013

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About Muin

  • Birthday 09/22/1993

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  1. MAEL! I think I've finally found something! I think I've finally found something you'll actually like!
  2. Oh yeah yeah! That one is amazing! Let's see if I can get you hooked up on this one, like it happened to me. I doubt it so, but damn, it's upbeat gets me in the mood for anything o: This one I like it better original, since It's so... imposibly fast to be recreated well by humans.
  3. It seems to me that the answer to "What's on your mind", for everyone, is "Ughghdghgh"

    1. Eternal Edge
    2. The Fush
    3. Pocky


      My answer is always hghdhghgU!

  4. Mael! Ane everyone, of course c: I hope you like this one as much as I did c: And I hope you people don't mind to become some sort of Nico Nico Chorus uploader, but I really like them-
  5. Introverted (I) 79.17% Extroverted (E) 20.83% Intuitive (N) 66.67% Sensing (S) 33.33% Thinking (T) 50% Feeling (F) 50% Perceiving (P) 70.83% Judging (J) 29.17% Your type is: INFP INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population. Oh, is that so?
  6. Right on! I feel flattered, thank you !
  7. Me please! c: I take any pokèmon no matter how silly. Inb4 Dunsparce? ._.
  8. Damn Nikki you're hot o:! Sorry :c But you are c; Also, thank you all, and you're completely right Eekaroo, it was very complicated, it actually was just as puffeh at the beggining of the event, but I just went running around battlin' everything and everyone in sight, shortly after my hair was flat ._. Both the side kind of things and the back-puff o: Also... As hard to belive as it might be, I was the only pokémon trainer in the entire event. And Oak and I were the only pokèmon-related cosplays, fact. As a matter of fact, there's a funny pic about it I never got my hands on! It was me with a pokèdex-like Tablet, checking the forehg-like Pokèballs, and him inquiring on my Snivy. Sadly, I didn't take the picture and it was never shared.
  9. Oh dear! Ame, you look adorable. Okay! Ame inspired me! Behold! Muin: AKA Touko cosplay? Yes ._.
  10. That feel when all your friends are playing. You tell them to wait. Their game is already 40 minutes long. You decide to play a Bot game to kill time and get some free IP. They win/lose inmediatly after. They see you busy. They start another hour-long game. You expectate like a loner and shed man-tears.
  11. What's the Internet's favorite animal? Yup. I went there. Yup.
  12. Eek! Pushed sensitive button right there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8bc1_CRQyw Not only we broke up for good, but I'm not coping too well with that. But yeah! Tounge sticking, why not! c:
  13. Oh boy! I'm liking Mael c: If that's okay with Mael c: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YJAfmK3SPU
  14. Ah. For how long Have I been griefing? Ah~

    1. Pocky


      stahp griefing the server man :c

      inb4 not

    2. Muin
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