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  1. Um, I know that, haha. I was just wondering if there was any way to know in advance which event/gift pokemon have egg moves and which do not. The pattern I noticed from what I've played so far (up to the third Gym) is that ones with different OTs have all had egg moves, but I'm not sure whether this is really a rule or if it's just arbitrary.
  2. Heya. It's been a while since I've played Reborn, so I was hoping someone could answer this for me. I know that certain pokemon you get from events, such as Igglybuff, can possess egg moves when you get them. But are all event pokemon have a chance at getting them, or is it only a select few (and if so, is there a list of which ones, or a way to tell what may or may not come with egg moves?). Is it only the pokemon that are received as 'gifts', with a different OT, that may have egg moves?
  3. Hi! I don't need pokerus any more, but I would still love a headbutt pokemon!
  4. Yeah, Bidoof does learn it, but I'd like to save myself that grinding if I can (also I'm doing a monotype, so I'd prefer not to use it in battle for any reason if I can help it). I would really appreciate a mon with pokerus
  5. Hey, I just found out I can change the weather by myself, so no need for Hoppip/Lotad, but thank you :] All I need now is to find myself a Headbutt pokemon, and maybe Pokerus...
  6. Oh, I didn't know this existed! Thank you so much; this will do me fine.
  7. EDIT: Looks like I ran into something else I needed help with rather quickly :X In my current save file I got Pachirisu on the bridge and not Zigzagoon, so I'm kind of stuck for something to easily use Headbutt. Would anyone please be willing to trade me a mon with Headbutt?
  8. Ashka


    Okie dokie, that's great. Thanks!
  9. Ashka


    Hiya. So, I know that you can find Electrike in an alley in Obsidia, but what if Litleo appears there instead? Is there somewhere else you find Electrike, or is it based on a weather condition or something?
  10. I just noticed that Pachirisu isn't available at the usual locations any more. Is it still in Peridot? I was about to do an Electric monotype run; need any early Electric mons I can get.
  11. The status bar is still trapping people, I see :] I've been AFK for a while but I'm all sorted now. Turns out Ep 11 was the specific one I needed. Someone was kind enough to help me with it.
  12. Just opened it and it looks like Ep 12 still has them, so still looking for an older version if anyone has one.
  13. Hey, all. I've been fiddling around a bit with the game's sprites, and I need to replace the edited shiny versions of Pokemon in Reborn with the original ones. I figure the safest way to do this is to transfer the old files from a previous version of Reborn in which they hadn't yet been implemented. I was wondering if there's anyone here who has a version with the original shiny sprites that they wouldn't mind sending me as a favour? EDIT: Found an Episode 12 version, but I'm not sure if custom sprites were implemented at that time or not. Guess I'll find out in a little bit!
  14. 9/10 I looks cool. Next person, you don't need to tell me that mine is 10/10 I already know
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