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Status Updates posted by Ashka

  1. YES the sun's gone and it's actually windy. Please let this last

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashka


      That would actually be awesome, but we don't get a lot of thunderstorms

    3. Ikaru


      It's actually drizzling right now; want to trade?

    4. Ashka


      Sure, can I post it to you or something?

  2. Dark Souls, where have you been all my life?

  3. The ONE TIME I decide to go to the PO server and play some UU I end up in a battle with SOMALIA, Edgar and aaaaaallll that watching. *headdesk*

  4. no one told me Monobear was here

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Ashka


      jokes on you they were filled with nothing but deliciousness...I think

      and now I've eaten them all

    3. Ashka
    4. Ashka


      Okay why did I let this go on for so long

      Shinku brings out the worst in me

  5. These be dangerous waters, filled with peril...amongst other things.

    1. Garnet.


      Don't forget the kraken.

  6. noooooooooo why didn't I wait for a cooler 3DS

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shenzou


      I guess in this case, good things come to those who wait and have no money..

    3. Kaito


      I've got the classic " First Release Aqua Blue" one, so you're both gonna

      have cooler ones than me. xD

    4. Godot


      I have Jet Black... but I have this Kingdom Hearts Cover on the top...

      It has all the different Enemy symbols... Heartless, Nobody, Dream Eater, and Inverse

  7. What if I told you that there are no pokemon

    1. Garnet.


      What if I told you there were no Digimon

    2. Summer


      you will die by my blade

  8. I wish my brother would just log off my account before watching videos on Youtube. Some of the coolest stuff I find is through suggestions, but now all my suggestions are PewDiePie and stuff. :(

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      PewDiePie is teh best, i wouldn't be upset :c

  9. Just got Skyrim, and for some reason the first housecarl sharing my name feels weird, maybe because I think it's the first time I've seen another Lydia in a game. Maybe the name'll get more popular now, cause people never liked it before. ;D

    1. Nyrias


      (People don't like Lydia in Skyrim. I'm sorry.)

    2. Ashka
  10. *sneak* *sneak* *sneak*

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Noivy


      Me thinks we should find a TF2 server and play! I promise I wont wave my hat swag around too much...

    3. Meteor Grunt Simon

      Meteor Grunt Simon

      I recommend bushes! They're great for sneaking around in. Best part is no one ever suspects a thing!

    4. Garnet.


      Well, if you ever want to sneak around, you could go to the hood. Although, if you get caught, you're in big trouble. At least it's good exp.

  11. Ficciones: <3 Kevin: <3

    1. Ashka


      Need new books

  12. Holy heck the fight scenes in Afro Samurai are amazing

  13. I come across a series that makes me want to RP for the first time in years, and I'm late to the party. xD Oh well, I'll continue with my imaginings in the meantime.

  14. I had a dream but I don't want to clog up the statuses so

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashka


      one. We were all like really weak witches or something, so we decided to get together and form this group of four, so we could get stronger and eventually fufill our dream - I'll get to the dream in a minute. To get stronger, we climbed up a ladder in twos and ate and exchanged berries we had collected. How this would lead to us becoming stronger I don't know, but I never question anything when I'm dreaming.

    3. Ashka


      Anyway! Our dream was to have our names be the brand names of several lines of best-selling soft drinks. I heard my name but I completely forgot it, but I remember the tsundere's name was California Dry, and she was all 'Soon all the world will know the name of California Dry!' and then there was an image of the can in my head, and then I woke up.

    4. Maelstrom
  15. eeeee that was awesome

  16. Okay starting VtMB again just as soon as I finish it with my Tremere, which will be soon. Someone name my Nosferatu and my Malkavian

  17. Okay I don't think I have the patience for good natures on the roamers. I'll never use Entei or Raikou anyway

  18. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

  19. Ho-Oh you oversized chicken be Adamant already

    1. Ashka


      YEAH there we go

      I love you, big chicken.

  20. Ah, I love Ho-Oh's theme.

    1. Shanco


      route 47

      that is all

    2. Diana


      I love the sound of Ho-oh dying to Ashka's Rollout c:

    3. Ashka
  21. why is it 23 degrees ><

  22. For reasons I can't fully explain, I really hate what they did with the Kimono Girls in HGSS.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashka


      I can see what you mean. For me, though, all the 'destiny' stuff felt kind of...stale. And I felt it took away from catching Ho-Oh. In comparison to GSC, their actions in HGSS made the game feel more linear and forced to me, like...no, I don't think I can explain it properly. From a story perspective, they got more, and more = better, right? But it just doesn't feel that way to me for some reason.

    3. Ashka


      Well, there are plenty of things, like the executives, which I'm not 100% happy with, maybe because Johto doesn't feel as understated as it did before. I feel like everything has to be spelled out now. But eh, it's just one complaint about a really cool game, and I know I'm always going to look at GSC through rose-tinted glasses.

    4. Bearadactyl


      Well, Pokémon has always been a very linear experience. No matter what game you play. Gen II was by far my favorite, and I still play Gold and Crystal to this day. I honestly have no complaints, what so ever about HG/SS. They're the best games of Gen IV, by far in my opinion.

  23. Surf x3 - Player defeated Leader Jasmine!

    1. Ikaru


      you leave her alone she's the best gym leader

    2. Ashka
  24. attract stomp flinch stomp flinch crit

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