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  1. ugh it's that town where everyone won't shut up about how rich they are

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    2. Bearadactyl


      Be happy you're not in a town where someone is constantly waving a bible in your face, while never shutting up about how they love Jesus and how you're going to burn in hell if you don't. -__-

      Fucking Bible Belt...

    3. Ashka


      In Ireland we have our fair share of Jesus freaks, in fairness. It's a very Catholic country and we still don't have a lot of things that many countries in the US for instance do have because of that. But they're not as aggressive because atheists haven't really hit Ireland yet. I always feel like we're twenty years behind everyone else, but oh well.

      Anyways, I was talking about FFVI. And Jidoor. Oh lord, Jidoor.

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      Ib the PC RPG? o3o

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