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  1. I thought I was going to have plenty of time today since I had to miss school, but we spent so much time at the hospital. qq

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ashka


      Well, with some difficulty, since she's so small. :/ She's pretty antisocial compared to our other two cats, but she's so sooooft and waaarrm and cute. <3

    3. Pocky


      I wanna pet her. Can I sleep in your house today? my cat is dead so i can't hug my fluffy black cat qq

    4. Ashka


      Awww T.T I'm sorry. You can pet her as long as you're prepared for disobedience D: We've had our tom cat for ten or eleven years and the big tabby for...five or six? But the kitten has kind of adopted me as her mom so neither of the other cats sleep on my bed anymore, because she bullies them (even though the tom cat is really big for a cat, like a small dog).

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