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  1. Need event only legends I don't have. What's everyone's stance on editing them?

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    2. Bearadactyl


      Just hack the items required to trigger the events, then catch them of your own accord.

      It's what I did. All you're doing with this method is removing the regional boundary.

    3. Ikaru


      ^ typically what I did, especially in Diamond when I had dat action replay

      I caught Arceus "legitmately" in a Cherish Ball c:

    4. Ashka


      That is typically what I do, I guess it's the best way. Some things like Genesect are gotten straight away, though I think there might be codes for that too by now, and if not I can PokeEdit them or something. Luckily I can catch the vast majority of pokemon myself, without using anything. I don't have Action Replay but I'll probably be able to work something out with my Supercard.

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