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  1. For reasons I can't fully explain, I really hate what they did with the Kimono Girls in HGSS.

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    2. Ashka


      I can see what you mean. For me, though, all the 'destiny' stuff felt kind of...stale. And I felt it took away from catching Ho-Oh. In comparison to GSC, their actions in HGSS made the game feel more linear and forced to me, like...no, I don't think I can explain it properly. From a story perspective, they got more, and more = better, right? But it just doesn't feel that way to me for some reason.

    3. Ashka


      Well, there are plenty of things, like the executives, which I'm not 100% happy with, maybe because Johto doesn't feel as understated as it did before. I feel like everything has to be spelled out now. But eh, it's just one complaint about a really cool game, and I know I'm always going to look at GSC through rose-tinted glasses.

    4. Bearadactyl


      Well, Pokémon has always been a very linear experience. No matter what game you play. Gen II was by far my favorite, and I still play Gold and Crystal to this day. I honestly have no complaints, what so ever about HG/SS. They're the best games of Gen IV, by far in my opinion.

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