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Everything posted by Ashka

  1. Eject Button is a pretty nifty item option in my opinion. It can be great for winning the weather war. Switch in Ninetails on a Politoed's Scald, Eject Button will activate, you go to Chandelure and Solarbeam away! You's have to be more careful around Tyranitar, but Dugtrio works quite nicely with this strategy as well. Just make sure it's not holding Shed Shell. Unfortunately, Hippowdon is another matter altogether due to its bulk.
  2. Hello, Virulas, it's nice to meet you. I'm new myself, but yeah. Nice to have someone else who's playing the game. Oh, yes, I suppose I should state the seemingly obligatory: if you brought any sanity with you on your trip, you might want to leave it at the window. Hopefully you enjoy your stay.
  3. I'd suggest the hell out of Touhou but that would be far too much work. Maybe a select few? Yukari Yukari Yukari Remilia Remila Remilia Oh yeah, and for some reason I really want a full suit of armour.
  4. I don't need a water bottle, I have a heat generating kitten <3 <3

    1. Ashka


      Wait no don't go into the closet come back

    2. Eternal Edge
    3. Ashka


      hbswd and now the tom cat is eating her food

      don't eat that it's not good for you

  5. I just wasn't able to choose between some most of them, but: Fire: Ho-oh Water: Gyarados, Kyogre Grass: Lilligant, Sunflora, Celebi Bug: Genesect Poison: Crobat Ice: Froslass Rock: Cradily Ground: Garchomp, Groudon Steel: Mawile, Jirachi Dark: Sableye, Darkrai Ghost: Banette, Giratina Psychic: Mewtwo, Deoxys Fighting: Breloom Dragon: Hydreigon Electric: Jolteon Flying: Rayquaza Normal: Snorlax, Arceus It would be hard choosing between Mewtwo, Deoxys, Rayquaza and Crobat for my favourite overall pokemon. I've always been a sucker for the legendaries. I tried to restrict myself, but chances are if it's a legendary I adore it. Come this summer I am hopefully going to collect them all.
  6. I'm my Beastmaster Mage from Adventure Quest. Very okay with this.
  7. So I'm doing Ecology in Biology right now and all I can think about is how every grassland food chain should end with my tom cat, really. He's the size of a small dog, for Pete's sake, and he likes to go beyond the norms of mice, rabbits and small birds. This dude takes down PHEASANTS, man. And tfw you look out the bathroom window and you're like "aww ducks" and then you realise there's only one baby and there's usually more than one baby. Dammit Vester!

    1. Maelstrom


      Ecology = applied statistics. Cuz that's pretty much what I learned from my college ecology class.

    2. Ashka


      I don't like it, it's too much like Geography. It is easy and a huge part of our course, though, which is good news for the exam.

    3. Ashka


      You're not required to get into the maths of anything at all, it's basically just the 'Name That Seaweed!' show.

  8. That does not comfort me at all. Welp, it's another post so have this: and this: oh, and this in case anyone actually wants some singing:
  9. It seems I've been converted to the...is Final Fantasy the dark side?

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      That depends, are you joining the Church of Kefka with me? >><<

  10. I was on the fence about posting this when it popped into my head, as it basically means admitting to anyone who sees this that I am a shameless pervert with no morals whatsoever (there should be an acronym for that. SPWNMW doesn't look good, though). EDIT: Oh god would someone actually spend rupees to change my trainer title to that? ffffffffff- But then I decided YOLO. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UagElsbU4WA Without the intro movie, this doesn't give you the same 'pumped up and ready to conquer the hell out of stuff' feeling (seriously, all I need to see to want to play this game is the intro), but I can't find a video of the intro so oh well. I played it for the gameplay, I swear! And the music! And the, um, plot! Yeah! The girls were just a distraction!! A-and I in no way approve of Rance or his behaviour! Ah, I need to get it on this laptop and finally play through Kenshin's IF route...and maybe try a speed run-*shot* It's a good game, don't judge me. There was other stuff I want to post, but I'll save that for later, this post is big enough as it is.
  11. Oh darn I forgot to water Seymour. I knew I forgot something. And it's late and the container of rainwater is outside. Hmm.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ikaru


      I feel no remorse for those named Seymour, inanimate or not

    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      I was the Dentist once upon a time when I was in the musical =3

    4. Amethyst


      Yeah that's pretty much what I thought of too @ Edge

  12. Anyone in a Medieval-y sort of mood? What about Medieval-y Touhou? (Lol you thought it was going to be something else didn't you) Mmmmmm, I love Subterranean Animism's stage themes. Here, have a folk remix of Yamame's theme while I'm at it. I found this as part of an amazing hour-long collection of classical/orchestral Touhou remixes, and I really must find the video again... This remix makes me wish I could fit a Galvantula on my league team...well, it's not finalised yet, so we'll see...
  13. Okay this probably isn't that hilarious but it's not often I get six kills with one pokemon. Hax was most certainly involved, and managing to hit every Fire Blast is something I rarely do. I think Chandy was angry about what happened to Wobba. EDIT: Now that I think of it, it's probably because they're Shadow Tag buddies.   Battle between ¿ Jamie and Crush On You started! Tier: OverUsed Mode: Singles Rule: Rated Rule: Sleep Clause Rule: Freeze Clause Rule: Species Clause Variation: +4, -28 ¿ Jamie sent out Mienshao! Crush On You sent out Ninetales! Ninetales's Drought intensified the sun's rays! Start of turn 1 The foe's Mienshao used Fake Out! Ninetales lost 83 HP! (23% of its health) The foe's Mienshao is hurt by its Life Orb! Ninetales used its Eject Button! Flanthertin is watching the battle. Crush On You called Ninetales back! Crush On You sent out Wobbuffet! The sunlight is strong. Start of turn 2 The foe's Mienshao used U-turn! It's super effective! A critical hit! Wobbuffet lost 584 HP! (100% of its health) Wobbuffet fainted! The foe's Mienshao is hurt by its Life Orb! ¿ Jamie called Mienshao back! ¿ Jamie sent out Breloom! The sunlight is strong. The foe's Breloom's Toxic Orb activated! The foe's Breloom was badly poisoned! Crush On You sent out Chandelure! Start of turn 3 Chandelure used Fire Blast! It's super effective! The foe's Breloom lost 100% of its health! The foe's Breloom fainted! The sunlight is strong. ¿ Jamie sent out Mienshao! Start of turn 4 Chandelure used Fire Blast! The foe's Mienshao lost 100% of its health! The foe's Mienshao fainted! The sunlight is strong. ¿ Jamie sent out Infernape! Start of turn 5 Chandelure used Fire Blast! It's not very effective... A critical hit! The foe's Infernape lost 100% of its health! The foe's Infernape fainted! The sunlight is strong. ¿ Jamie sent out Conkeldurr! Start of turn 6 Chandelure used Fire Blast! The foe's Conkeldurr lost 100% of its health! The foe's Conkeldurr fainted! The sunlight is strong. Crush On You: for the queen ¿ Jamie sent out Heracross! Start of turn 7 Chandelure used Fire Blast! It's super effective! A critical hit! The foe's Heracross lost 100% of its health! The foe's Heracross fainted! The sunlight is strong. ¿ Jamie sent out Gallade! Start of turn 8 Chandelure used Fire Blast! The foe's Gallade lost 100% of its health! The foe's Gallade fainted! Crush On You won the battle! Crush On You: gg ¿ Jamie: opps ¿ Jamie: gg Crush On You: gg The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.
  14. Final Fantasy VI I'm liking it so much eeeeeeeeee Also Touhou Labyrinth omg it's so good and they're making a sequel eeeeeeeeee I kinda want Awakening but I'm not going to ask my parents to spend money right now. I already have plenty to trawl through.
  15. Tfw wake up because the kitten dropped the lamp on your head...owww....

    1. Eternal Edge
    2. Pocky
    3. diana


      Allan what the fuck man

      keep your balance

      god damnit man

  16. If you don't like Dubstep (I don't know my genres but apparently it's dubstep) then ignore the first one...I've been unable to get it out of my head, even though it'd really simple... I thought I should try and think of music I like from games, maybe, but I'm slow to remember these things... This is from the Touhou fangame, Labyrinth of Touhou. I love this boss theme. <3 The game is filled with good music but I think this one is probably the best to showcase, as it were. The game itself is fantastic, by the way (I still need to finish it! But no time, no time...during summer I will. Definitely). If you like Etrian Odyssey (which I do, although I played this first! <3) you might like this. There's a great deal of strategy involved. You use individual characters rather than classes, though, so no two 'units' are the same...it's filled with references to other games and pop culture (seriously, if you get them all, I congratulate you) and yeah, imo you don't need to be a fan of the series at all to love this game. ...somehow, this post ended up being a promotion for Labyrinth of Touhou...oops... EDIT: I mean, it even has a great version of the Golden Serpent's theme-okay, no, I'm quieting down now.
  17. I pray for the day that I get a computer that has a graphics card and can play stuff that was made within the last ten years.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ashka


      The lag generally is worst around Opal and Obsidia...I don't think it'll get any worse, anyway. :D

    3. diana


      I don't have much trouble in the area right by the slums, and near the Grand Hall in Opal. Other places it's still really.noticeable, but not nearly as bad.

      Also I lol'd at the chick who went to extremes and blames Neku for the train explosions in the beginning.

    4. Ashka
  18. Okay, let's do this in order! Well, our version of high school (?) is called secondary school. You start when you're 12-13, in first year. At the end of third year, you have the Junior Cert, which is like a toned-down version of the Leaving Cert, which is the exam you do in sixth year to get into college. After your Junior Cert, you can go straight to fifth year or you can choose to do the optional fourth year, which is called Transition Year. TY is basically a doss year, the idea behind it of letting people be a year older before they have to choose what they want to do for the rest of their lives is a good one but it's just not executed properly imo. As for cancer, I had acute myeloid leukaemia, some weird variation called NPM1 (I'm the first person in Ireland to get it, apparently D:) but I've been in remission for two years now so things are looking good. I got it when I was 15 and in third year so I didn't do my Junior Cert, I was in hospital for pretty much that whole year.
  19. Ahh, I see. Well, as I said over here it's compulsory until Transition Year, but most schools carry it on into that year and only stop at fifth year, so most people would do it until they're 16-17. Transition Year is an optional fourth year in most schools but it's compulsory in mine, unfortunately. It's basically a free year where we do nothing. Classes are split up into stuff like Photography and Law, which you wouldn't get to do usually, but you don't get any choice subjects - everyone has to do a little bit of everything, and you don't go any more in-depth in any subject than you would for the Junior Cert. The actual classes are forgone in favour of watching movies, most of the time. I was only just finished chemotherapy at the time, though, so I needed the free time to get better. I can't really complain in my case specifically.
  20. http://tinypic.com/r/2n03ac0/4 < me every time I run into Shanco's Trick Room team on the ladder
    1. Shanco


      Wait till you battle Washman

    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      lol Ryan has the power to do that to people...or maybe just women...

    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      KEFKA <33333333333

  21. I literally just spent thirty minutes trying to lure the kitten with a scarf so I could catch her and bring her up to bed. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ashka


      <3 Except when it gets loud and prolonged to wake you up in the morning. She's my baby, though. <3

    3. Eternal Edge
    4. Ashka


      I woke up at 8:45 today. I am a very deep sleeper. It is almost impossible to wake me up and I won't naturally wake up until at least eleven, but usually I sleep until one. You know how she managed it? She got on top of the locker beside my bed and PUSHED THE LAMP OFF, CAUSING IT TO FALL ON MY HEAD. T.T

  22. Ashka


    I want to hug you so much right now.
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