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Everything posted by Ashka

  1. I have one myself but I'm not sure if I'm allowed tell you where it is. It's not all that hard to find - have you finished up until the end of the current beta?
  2. Ashka


    This is the Houndoom set I always use in UU:   Mixed Houndoom @ [Life Orb Trait: Flash Fire EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 SAtk Hasty Sucker Punch Fire Blast Crunch Pursuit   This is built to destroy ghosts that get in Heracross and Mienshao's way and to be a sort of emergency check for things like Darmanitan. None of those are allowed in UU on Reborn, I think, and I'm not accustomed to Reborn's UU yet but with the plethora of Fighting types in the UU tier you'll probably still be able to make use of it. Sucker Punch is a godsend if your team otherwise lacks priority. You need to play skilfully with it, but in the right hands it can be just what your team needs. Keep in mind it neither sweeps or wallbreaks aside from maybe getting a lucky Fire Blast on Gligar, but is mainly designed to remove things like Cofagrigus and such which can keep your main sweepers at bay. Obviously you need to be aware that pretty much any decent hit will take Houndoom out so you have to predict your opponent and look for opportunities to get in rather than switching it in willy-nilly. The lack of team preview works in Houndoom's favour as it's even more effective when people don't see it coming.
  3. My first shiny was a shiny Geodude on Gold, in that route near the beginning, south of Blackthorn. Goddamn I loved that thing so much. Trained it all the way to Golem (I was lucky enough to have a neighbour who played pokemon at the time and I got him to trade and trade back). After that I didn't see any more shinies until R/S/E when I got a shiny Sunkern in the Safari. Back then I wasn't overly fond of them, but Sunflora has since become a favourite of mine because of one I used in a nuzlocke. Anyway, after that I found a shiny Buizel on my Diamond and thought I was being very clever when I named him Bui because Buí's the Irish for yellow...and shiny's Buizel's yellow...yeah. xD I also ran into a shiny Seedot while playing a hack (the shiny chance wasn't edited), which was cool. On Reborn, I think I have like two shiny Pidgeys, a shiny Beedrill, a shiny Skitty, a shiny Weezing and a shiny Grimer.
  4. I was introduced to the Reborn community through the game and decided to mosey on over and join. So yeah. Hi and nice to meet you.
  5. You sound tired so I'll just tell you. Talk to the Daycare Couple. Keep talking them until they get annoyed and reveal that they're members of Team Meteor disguised as the couple. Beat them they'll mention the key. It should be in the house now. Down in the Port there are two warehouses you can unlock with it.
  6. Tfw Easter's over and it's time for being woken up at seven before an hour's drive to school every day until the summer holidays My natural sleep pattern involves sleeping until about 11 AM - 1 PM. It's not even because I go to bed late, I can go to bed at seven or eight and still sleep until one in the afternoon. I could sleep through machinery bulldozing my house. Naturally, I am non-functional for most of my school day.
  7. So that's why ololololol Well at least now I know there's not some secret area I'm missing or anything. Thanks, Ame.
  8. *Spade* neeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
  9. So I asked Ame to give me a hint about Munchlax but I'm lame and still can't find it. I thought it would be in headbutt-able trees in the Wastelands but no trees seem to be headbutt-able so it seems I'm missing something. I need either a very clear hint or just a straight answer to find this thing (*cough*and Ditto*cough*). Please and thank you?
  10. You can find the key in the empty house in Obsidia Park. By the way, from now on you should probably make a habit of going back and checking areas you've been in before (And talking to everyone. Everyone. Repeatedly.), as Reborn has a lot of hidden stuff. The key won't appear until you've seen a certain event (if you haven't already). Think about who in the city would be using whose warehouses. You might have to badger them a bit to get them to talk. If you want a straight answer then ask and I'll just tell you.
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