My first shiny was a shiny Geodude on Gold, in that route near the beginning, south of Blackthorn. Goddamn I loved that thing so much. Trained it all the way to Golem (I was lucky enough to have a neighbour who played pokemon at the time and I got him to trade and trade back). After that I didn't see any more shinies until R/S/E when I got a shiny Sunkern in the Safari. Back then I wasn't overly fond of them, but Sunflora has since become a favourite of mine because of one I used in a nuzlocke. Anyway, after that I found a shiny Buizel on my Diamond and thought I was being very clever when I named him Bui because Buí's the Irish for yellow...and shiny's Buizel's yellow...yeah. xD I also ran into a shiny Seedot while playing a hack (the shiny chance wasn't edited), which was cool.
On Reborn, I think I have like two shiny Pidgeys, a shiny Beedrill, a shiny Skitty, a shiny Weezing and a shiny Grimer.