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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Ashka

  1. Ah, my dreams usually have a lot of plot, too. I rarely get to see the end, though, or even a continuation.
  2. I always wake up the instant I realise it's a dream T.T I'd really like to have a lucid one.
  3. Toxic Orb does less damage initially. Therefore, you use Toxic Orb if you're using something that dishes out damage and then switches, Flame Orb if you\re using something that might be staying in a while.
  4. no one told me Monobear was here

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Ashka


      jokes on you they were filled with nothing but deliciousness...I think

      and now I've eaten them all

    3. Ashka
    4. Ashka


      Okay why did I let this go on for so long

      Shinku brings out the worst in me

  5. Also I think you're supposed to post this in that main topic in the Reborn game section.
  6. Remember those walls I built Well, baby they're tumbling down And they didn't even put up a fight They didn't even make up a sound You're everything I need and more It's written all over your face Baby I can feel your heylo Pray it won't fade away I can feel your heylo heylo heylo I can see your heylo heylo heylo I can feel your heylo heylo heylo I can see your heylo heylo heylo
  7. What's up party people, this is TonyFlygon Hi and welcome I hope you like it here. How's Electrical Engineering working out for ya? That's what my dad did, so I'm curious.
  8. These be dangerous waters, filled with peril...amongst other things.

    1. Garnet.


      Don't forget the kraken.

  9. Yesh, a person from the UK Hey, neighbour! Nice to meet you and hope you like it here.
  10. Trainer's Name(s): I used to use my name but I kind of don't like my name anymore. What trainer name to use now and in the future is something I'm still trying to decide, because I'm not sure what I feel comfortable with. I guess I should try not to take the trainer name so personally? xD Ever "caught 'em all": No, but I wanna. Hopefullly this summer. Games Played: At least one from each gen, some other stuff like Colosseum and Mystery Dungeon...  Spin-off games played: ^ Any TCG decks: Nope Favorite Generation for Pokémon: 3rd Gen Favorite Generation for Games: 2nd Gen Favorite Game: Gold <3333333 Favorite Spin-off game: Colosseum Pokémon that needs to exist: Eh, I just wait to see what we're given. Not too concerned about what we have and don't. Pokémon that needs to not exist: How dare you, every pokemon has the right to life! D:< That said, I was very disappointed with Swoobat. I was filled with joy at the sight of another bat pokemon, an adorable one at that, and then it goes and evolves into that....THING. Ahem. Still has a right to exist, though. Dream PokéJob (breeder, elite four, etc): An ordinary trainer. Breeding's out because it's boring and I can't ride a bike, and Elite Four is overrated...who wants to sit in the same room all day, having to battle people? A normal trainer who can go on adventures with their pokemon, doing whatever, sounds great to me. :) Currently Playing: I SHOULD be playing Heart Gold...but I've been busy. Favourite Pokémon: LEGENDARIES *froths at mouth* Mewtwo <3 But Crobat, Rayquaza and Deoxys deserve a special mention.  Favourite Starter: Chikorita or Torchic If you could have anything for a starter: Mewwwwwwwwwwwwww2  Favourite Pokémon Song: Wait, like the music or an actual song? I'm going to assume music. Uh...I like the Mt. Pyre BGM from RSE a lot. And Deoxys' theme. And the Regi theme. And that theme that plays when you fight the genies, that one is great. And...*blah blah* Favourite Kanto Leader/E4: Imma have to say Giovanni. In the games he's more of just your regular villain but I saw the show before I played Kanto (as I started with gen 2) so when I think of Giovanni I think of all Meowth's hypothetical scenarios with him, and him stroking his Persian like a badass and BREAKING A GLASS WITH HIS HAND because THIS MAN DON'T CARE. Ahem. So, when I think of Giovanni, I think of a suave, smooth operator man's man, making him probably my favourite character overall...along with Jessie, James and Meowth, but they're not in the games, soooo.... Favourite Johto Leader/E4: Karen. When I was small playing Gold, the first time I got to the E4 and fought her, she struck me as really classy. Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4:  Rooooxannnee...you don't have to put on that dress tonight...I just like her hair, and her colour scheme. Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4: Cynthia! :D Simply because of her coat. I love coats with fluffy bits like that. Favourite Leader/E4 overall: Giovanni  Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon: I never bothered with Pokethon, must do that one of these days. I have sometimes gone through the trouble to win the top contests in third gen, but I haven't done much in gens since then. Have to complete my dex first. Favourite Pokémon Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back/The First Movie, the movie that made me fall in love as a young girl <3 Also the Pikachu's vacation side story was amazing also. Favourite Animé Episode: Honestly it's been so many years since I've seen the anime I can't remember many episodes at all. Favourite Type: y u make me choose? I guess I'd say either Ghost or Flying. Favourite Strategies: Um...bulky offense? Favourite Characters: Giovanni and Team Rocket.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH3P83Lfwk8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwiC8klWMmA .These are from CROW'S CLAW's Frozen Frog album, which is full of lovely metal Touhou remixes. They're really good for this kind of stuff. They do FSN/Tsukihime things as well, and probably more. I've also made a return to listening to The Prodigy.
  12. Oh and by the way I know I posted already but your avatar is adorable that is all
  13. Wercome to the famiry *shot* Hope you have a lovely time here.
  14. noooooooooo why didn't I wait for a cooler 3DS

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shenzou


      I guess in this case, good things come to those who wait and have no money..

    3. Kaito


      I've got the classic " First Release Aqua Blue" one, so you're both gonna

      have cooler ones than me. xD

    4. Godot


      I have Jet Black... but I have this Kingdom Hearts Cover on the top...

      It has all the different Enemy symbols... Heartless, Nobody, Dream Eater, and Inverse

  15. I'm all for seeing other countries, I really want to. But yeah imo Dublin (and Ireland as a whole) is just...awful. I'll probably end up moving somewhere, even if it's just to the UK. Probably will go further than that, though. Gyarados is a beast. Not sure if Ame has Moxie working yet but once it gets it it's gg for the rest of the gaem.
  16. Dublin's a complete kip xD Ame said she was saving the 'high tier' pokemon for later episodes (can't be having Dragonites too early, can you?). They'll be there eventually.
  17. Hey hey hey Hope you continue to like it here, and have a fun time.
  18. Ashka


    Banned because Aizen
  19. You can't catch Aron underneath the staircase. When you are in the Railnet, there'll be an area off to the left past a gate which you may have already found. You can rescue a guy trapped there and go down further, there'll be Aron all over the place. A large metal pole will be down there; you headbutt it and an Aron will fall down.
  20. What if I told you that there are no pokemon

    1. Garnet.


      What if I told you there were no Digimon

    2. Summer


      you will die by my blade

  21. I wish my brother would just log off my account before watching videos on Youtube. Some of the coolest stuff I find is through suggestions, but now all my suggestions are PewDiePie and stuff. :(

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      PewDiePie is teh best, i wouldn't be upset :c

  22. With this Type, I could make a Mermail deck...muahahahaha jk I don't play Yu-Gi-Oh Anyways, welcome! Hope you have fun here.
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