Trainer's Name(s): I used to use my name but I kind of don't like my name anymore. What trainer name to use now and in the future is something I'm still trying to decide, because I'm not sure what I feel comfortable with. I guess I should try not to take the trainer name so personally? xD Ever "caught 'em all": No, but I wanna. Hopefullly this summer. Games Played: At least one from each gen, some other stuff like Colosseum and Mystery Dungeon... Spin-off games played: ^ Any TCG decks: Nope Favorite Generation for Pokémon: 3rd Gen Favorite Generation for Games: 2nd Gen Favorite Game: Gold <3333333 Favorite Spin-off game: Colosseum Pokémon that needs to exist: Eh, I just wait to see what we're given. Not too concerned about what we have and don't. Pokémon that needs to not exist: How dare you, every pokemon has the right to life! D:< That said, I was very disappointed with Swoobat. I was filled with joy at the sight of another bat pokemon, an adorable one at that, and then it goes and evolves into that....THING. Ahem. Still has a right to exist, though. Dream PokéJob (breeder, elite four, etc): An ordinary trainer. Breeding's out because it's boring and I can't ride a bike, and Elite Four is overrated...who wants to sit in the same room all day, having to battle people? A normal trainer who can go on adventures with their pokemon, doing whatever, sounds great to me. :) Currently Playing: I SHOULD be playing Heart Gold...but I've been busy. Favourite Pokémon: LEGENDARIES *froths at mouth* Mewtwo <3 But Crobat, Rayquaza and Deoxys deserve a special mention. Favourite Starter: Chikorita or Torchic If you could have anything for a starter: Mewwwwwwwwwwwwww2 Favourite Pokémon Song: Wait, like the music or an actual song? I'm going to assume music. Uh...I like the Mt. Pyre BGM from RSE a lot. And Deoxys' theme. And the Regi theme. And that theme that plays when you fight the genies, that one is great. And...*blah blah* Favourite Kanto Leader/E4: Imma have to say Giovanni. In the games he's more of just your regular villain but I saw the show before I played Kanto (as I started with gen 2) so when I think of Giovanni I think of all Meowth's hypothetical scenarios with him, and him stroking his Persian like a badass and BREAKING A GLASS WITH HIS HAND because THIS MAN DON'T CARE. Ahem. So, when I think of Giovanni, I think of a suave, smooth operator man's man, making him probably my favourite character overall...along with Jessie, James and Meowth, but they're not in the games, soooo.... Favourite Johto Leader/E4: Karen. When I was small playing Gold, the first time I got to the E4 and fought her, she struck me as really classy. Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4: don't have to put on that dress tonight...I just like her hair, and her colour scheme. Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4: Cynthia! :D Simply because of her coat. I love coats with fluffy bits like that. Favourite Leader/E4 overall: Giovanni Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon: I never bothered with Pokethon, must do that one of these days. I have sometimes gone through the trouble to win the top contests in third gen, but I haven't done much in gens since then. Have to complete my dex first. Favourite Pokémon Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back/The First Movie, the movie that made me fall in love as a young girl <3 Also the Pikachu's vacation side story was amazing also. Favourite Animé Episode: Honestly it's been so many years since I've seen the anime I can't remember many episodes at all. Favourite Type: y u make me choose? I guess I'd say either Ghost or Flying. Favourite Strategies: Um...bulky offense? Favourite Characters: Giovanni and Team Rocket.