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Status Updates posted by Ashka

  1. Johto starters acquired. Heart Gold is a go go.

  2. mfw I go to the serebii events page and I see Shift Gear Extremespeed Genesect in an upcoming event

    1. Ashka





    2. Ashka


      Oh and Mewtwo will soon be able to rock you like a hurricane also but that's not a big thing it's just nifty

  3. I hate this crappy laptop. That is all

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Neo



    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Ough, my GTX 650 isn't a Titan =c

    4. Ashka



  4. Alright, enough talking about doing things, time to do them. I guess starting with Black 2 would be best, but...I don't wanna...

  5. Need event only legends I don't have. What's everyone's stance on editing them?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      Just hack the items required to trigger the events, then catch them of your own accord.

      It's what I did. All you're doing with this method is removing the regional boundary.

    3. Ikaru


      ^ typically what I did, especially in Diamond when I had dat action replay

      I caught Arceus "legitmately" in a Cherish Ball c:

    4. Ashka


      That is typically what I do, I guess it's the best way. Some things like Genesect are gotten straight away, though I think there might be codes for that too by now, and if not I can PokeEdit them or something. Luckily I can catch the vast majority of pokemon myself, without using anything. I don't have Action Replay but I'll probably be able to work something out with my Supercard.

  6. ugh it's that town where everyone won't shut up about how rich they are

  7. let's ladder

    1. Ashka


      > loses many points

      okay let's not ladder

    2. Kamina


      lol story of my life :'[

  8. 7 episodes in and I decide I don't like my trainer name after all

  9. That feel when there's one of those late-night shows that show all the cool old music on

  10. Any good way to grind low level pokemon you might want to add to your Reborn team? I want to do some rearranging but the wilds aren't promising much exp...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ikaru


      ...alternatively the day care DOES exist I guess, and my Ditto has to be well over 50 by now

    3. Ashka


      Ah well. I've grinded for Touhoumon Insane, I can grind for this. Chaaaaaaaaaaaarge!

    4. Voctrode


      #Forever Unown

  11. The Starly are right there. Taunting me.

    1. Maelstrom


      Or staring at you, slowly gathering into Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds...

    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge


  12. kwdqwmkdw the amount of HAPPY I have right now I don't know what to do with it all

  13. yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  14. Parents getting very impatient that I pick a college course, but there's nothing I'm particularly interested in. Nothing jumps out and says 'Pick me!' and they don't seem to get that. ><

  15. ok so

    1. Ashka


      "I've been looking at holidays, I'm think we'll go to France this summer"

      >my mental reaction: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

      >what I said: "I'm kind of tired of holidays, I just want to stay at home"

      "Yeah, but you're not the whole family"

      Oh, so I'M not the whole family but YOU are? Why must I waste my summer on these goddamn holidays that always end badly

    2. Ashka


      It's times like this I wish I KNEW people so I could camp out in someone's house

  16. Tá mé tinn tuirseach de Gaeilge...

    1. Eternal Edge
    2. Maelstrom
    3. Ashka


      It's all memorising essays ><

  17. Maths and Chemistry done...that's a load off my mind. Just Biology, Physics and Irish to go. Two more days!

  18. Well, whatever about any other subject, at least I know that English will always be hella easy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashka


      My Olde English is just fine. Shakespeare is the only interesting part of the course, actually. The rest is stuff like Wuthering Heights and poetry.

    3. Maelstrom


      Without google, how vast is your lexicon?

    4. Ashka


      I'd say...big enough for clear and concise conversation? Well, concise until I start rambling, that is. Since I read and most people my age in Ireland don't I guess I'd be above average but I don't know. I don't really aim to know the most words or anything, but I'm generally fine with Shakespeare.

  19. Don't suppose anyone knows how to learn everything in two maths books in the space of a few hours?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashka
    3. Ashka


      I bet there's going to be loads of area and volume and geometry T.T

      And constructions. I can't do constructions, I can't even draw a goddamn circle with a compass qq

      I came here for maths man not technical goddamn graphics

    4. Ashka


      And if the other class is to be believed there won't be anything nice like logs it'll all be shapes and other bullcrap


  20. Trying out stall for the first time

    1. Ashka


      yummy hazards are yummy

  21. Letter guy is dead. T.T At least Cid is okay.

    1. Ashka


      And I'm guessing that Terra is eventually going to realise that what she feels for the kids is LURVE and kick that fat Humbaba thing's ass and then join the party and be a badass again. :]

      Now I just need to find Gau. And Shadow. I want to know what Shadow's deal is. I probably have to find Locke first, though.

      ...why am I talking about this instead of studying?

  22. Was not expecting a one year timeskip. I've got the Figaro bros back but I think I'm going to have to stop using Sabin eventually, I'm just too bad at the blitz commands and it's costing me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge


    3. Godot


      Don't save Cid!

      He's lame

    4. Ashka


      I saved Cid! The first time I didn't and when he died I was like NOOOOOO Cid I liked youuuuu and then when what happened happened I was like NO, NOPE THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN WE'RE GOING BACK AND SAVING CID

  23. Alright, I am going to get through this week of exams which I have not studied for with dignity and grace. Wish me godspeed, so that I may emerge on Friday thinking only of the summer that awaits.

    1. Ashka


      And please, remind me to make a plan for this summer so I don't waste it like every other one.

  24. French exam tomorrow and my books are in school because I didn't expect to be sick for a week. Sigh.

    1. Ashka


      Or should that be 'le sigh'?

    2. Pocky


      No, it should be french cussing. :3

    3. Maelstrom


      french kissing > french cussing

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