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Everything posted by Ashka

  1. Ashka

    HM Rock Smash

    Veronica? Um I THINK I got it from a hiker underneath the Grand Staircase, but I may be wrong on that.
  2. Look around the area near the graveyard in Beryl. I forget, but I think you might need Rock Smash.
  3. 9/10 Because fishy :3 But I wanna know what the writing says EDIT: Now that I've seen the picture it's a 9.5
  4. Just got Skyrim, and for some reason the first housecarl sharing my name feels weird, maybe because I think it's the first time I've seen another Lydia in a game. Maybe the name'll get more popular now, cause people never liked it before. ;D

    1. Nyrias


      (People don't like Lydia in Skyrim. I'm sorry.)

    2. Ashka
  5. Your avatar is probably going to haunt my dreams tonight! But, uh, yeah welcome and congrats on the stylish introduction. I'd say 'leave your sanity at the window', but in this case I think you're...already there, as it were.
  6. That feel when every episode of drama I watch I've learned a couple more words and feel like I understand a bit more. It's a really nice feeling.
  7. It's a bird...it's a plane...no, it's a new person! *shot* Hello, nice to meet you. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  8. *sneak* *sneak* *sneak*

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Noivy


      Me thinks we should find a TF2 server and play! I promise I wont wave my hat swag around too much...

    3. Meteor Grunt Simon

      Meteor Grunt Simon

      I recommend bushes! They're great for sneaking around in. Best part is no one ever suspects a thing!

    4. Garnet.


      Well, if you ever want to sneak around, you could go to the hood. Although, if you get caught, you're in big trouble. At least it's good exp.

  9. 8/10 Don't know where he's from but he looks cool And pretty sure the guy in Roo's avatar is from Disgaea, though I've only played the first game.
  10. Ficciones: <3 Kevin: <3

    1. Ashka


      Need new books

  11. You can check by looking at the Obtainable Pokemon list onsite. According to the list, Duskull and Dusclops are available but Dusknoir is not. Someone did find an Electrizer on the Elekid, but other than that those evolution items are not available yet. They might possibly be offered later on on a high floor of the Department Store.
  12. *Waves* I hope you enjoy your stay. And, eh...if you're in need of some sanity...meet me at sunset in the forum, no mods. Bring cash
  13. Holy heck the fight scenes in Afro Samurai are amazing

  14. Only starters you can get other than the one you picked right now are Bulbasaur and Tepig, but the others should gradually follow.
  15. Good luck, it shouldn't take you too long.
  16. My one is a female, too, so it may be programmed that way. If you really want a male Shuppet, just breed one.
  17. I have seen the light.
  18. I try to go for triple 7s in the slots but it'd take a long time to do. You're past Corey, so that's good. Next will be the Ghost gym, which you should find alright since it's not very hard. I would advice grabbing that Abra or that Ralts because a Psychic type is a great thing to have for Aya's gym, and at the levels you are now the grinding to let it catch up wouldn't be too intensive. But all I can really say is keep an eye on the Obtainable Pokemon list and use what you like, it doesn't matter a great deal.
  19. I come across a series that makes me want to RP for the first time in years, and I'm late to the party. xD Oh well, I'll continue with my imaginings in the meantime.

  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7R7q1lSZfs After some investigation, I found that the thing in the background is apparently a harpsichord. What on earth this means I don't know (musical expert that I am), but I like how it sounds. Whether it's about heroin or the colour of my cat on a sunny day, it's nice. On a side note, why is everything on Vevo nowadays? Also, I realised that I listen to a lot of different crap. I'd have room for more in my library if my tastes were a little less varied. I also really wanted to post something by David Gray, even if I am late for nostalgia week, because he was the soundtrack to many years of my childhood, since the album was always in the car. I think that's enough spamming out of me for now, however. Look him up yourself, I guess? Babylon, This Year's Love, Sail Away...plus he did Full Steam with Annie Lennox, who is really cool in her own right...
  21. You can get Bidoof in the small garden thing near where the trade is, you know, the one you had to fight the old man to get access to. Then just level it up a bit and you'll have a Bibarel.
  22. You might have access to them by then, but Aya's fight is a double battle, so there's really no point in using potions, it's easiest just to throw the strongest attacks you have at her. If you got that Abra it'll be a godsend, and even if you didn't it might be worth training as it'll level faster than usual since it's a gotten from a trade.
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