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Status Updates posted by Ashka

  1. So I'm doing Ecology in Biology right now and all I can think about is how every grassland food chain should end with my tom cat, really. He's the size of a small dog, for Pete's sake, and he likes to go beyond the norms of mice, rabbits and small birds. This dude takes down PHEASANTS, man. And tfw you look out the bathroom window and you're like "aww ducks" and then you realise there's only one baby and there's usually more than one baby. Dammit Vester!

    1. Maelstrom


      Ecology = applied statistics. Cuz that's pretty much what I learned from my college ecology class.

    2. Ashka


      I don't like it, it's too much like Geography. It is easy and a huge part of our course, though, which is good news for the exam.

    3. Ashka


      You're not required to get into the maths of anything at all, it's basically just the 'Name That Seaweed!' show.

  2. It seems I've been converted to the...is Final Fantasy the dark side?

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      That depends, are you joining the Church of Kefka with me? >><<

  3. Oh darn I forgot to water Seymour. I knew I forgot something. And it's late and the container of rainwater is outside. Hmm.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ikaru


      I feel no remorse for those named Seymour, inanimate or not

    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      I was the Dentist once upon a time when I was in the musical =3

    4. Amethyst


      Yeah that's pretty much what I thought of too @ Edge

  4. Tfw wake up because the kitten dropped the lamp on your head...owww....

    1. Eternal Edge
    2. Pocky
    3. Diana


      Allan what the fuck man

      keep your balance

      god damnit man

  5. I pray for the day that I get a computer that has a graphics card and can play stuff that was made within the last ten years.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ashka


      The lag generally is worst around Opal and Obsidia...I don't think it'll get any worse, anyway. :D

    3. Diana


      I don't have much trouble in the area right by the slums, and near the Grand Hall in Opal. Other places it's still really.noticeable, but not nearly as bad.

      Also I lol'd at the chick who went to extremes and blames Neku for the train explosions in the beginning.

    4. Ashka
  6. http://tinypic.com/r/2n03ac0/4 < me every time I run into Shanco's Trick Room team on the ladder
    1. Shanco


      Wait till you battle Washman

    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      lol Ryan has the power to do that to people...or maybe just women...

    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      KEFKA <33333333333

  7. I literally just spent thirty minutes trying to lure the kitten with a scarf so I could catch her and bring her up to bed. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ashka


      <3 Except when it gets loud and prolonged to wake you up in the morning. She's my baby, though. <3

    3. Eternal Edge
    4. Ashka


      I woke up at 8:45 today. I am a very deep sleeper. It is almost impossible to wake me up and I won't naturally wake up until at least eleven, but usually I sleep until one. You know how she managed it? She got on top of the locker beside my bed and PUSHED THE LAMP OFF, CAUSING IT TO FALL ON MY HEAD. T.T

  8. Kitten + laser = fun times all round

  9. Dammit Murasame just drop. Drop I say.

  10. That maths exam went well, I think! :D ...I need to trim the bonsai. He's a grower. o.O There's something cool about having a miniature tree.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Psh, one wrong question ain't that bad, can't be perfect xP

    3. Ashka


      Yeah, you're right. :) I'll get a B anyway. But whatever - on to a happier subject! Kitten has successfully been fished out of the closet for the millionth time! Let the snuggling commence!

      So antisocial....yet so soooooft... <3

    4. Eternal Edge
  11. I thought I was going to have plenty of time today since I had to miss school, but we spent so much time at the hospital. qq

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ashka


      Well, with some difficulty, since she's so small. :/ She's pretty antisocial compared to our other two cats, but she's so sooooft and waaarrm and cute. <3

    3. Pocky


      I wanna pet her. Can I sleep in your house today? my cat is dead so i can't hug my fluffy black cat qq

    4. Ashka


      Awww T.T I'm sorry. You can pet her as long as you're prepared for disobedience D: We've had our tom cat for ten or eleven years and the big tabby for...five or six? But the kitten has kind of adopted me as her mom so neither of the other cats sleep on my bed anymore, because she bullies them (even though the tom cat is really big for a cat, like a small dog).

  12. Studies show that studying maths becomes harder when there's a kitten lying across your book as you try to read it.

  13. Are high tier pokemon necessary for the league? Is it a liability to use your favourites if some are like NU? I hate teambuilding. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashka


      Thank you. :) That's good to know.

    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Even leaders use some non-high tier Pokemon. It's more about strategy than raw power. Keep in consideration that leaders can prepare for you and they choose between single, double and triple battles.

    4. Ashka


      Mmm, another thing I've got to get right is making the team good for doubles and triples without crippling their singles ability too much. I have some fun ideas, but the hard part is getting team synergy at the end. It is for me, anyway.

  14. So I'm missing school tomorrow and might be able to stay up long enough to play a League battle, but what do you do after registering a trainer card? I haven't done mine yet, but...

    1. Amethyst


      Once you get on the server, check out the /reborn commands! I think /reborn2 describes the steps after you've made a trainer card.

    2. Shanco


      Ame thinks that's right but doesn't know? That kinda worries me...

  15. I never really took notice of Hydreigon before, but it's quickly becoming a favourite of mine since I've started using it. I mean, it's a sock puppet dragon. What's not to like?

    1. SapphireSkyWillow


      It's hard not to like Hydreigon. High Five for liking it :D

  16. Eating Chocolate Digestives and drinking tea. Nothing can upset me right now. Nothing. <3

    1. Pocky


      inb4 stomach ache

    2. Ashka


      I never get stomach ache. :)

  17. Even my cat is happy because it's Friday. :D

  18. I hate Thursdays. Bring on the weekend!

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