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Everything posted by Ashka

  1. mfw I go to the serebii events page and I see Shift Gear Extremespeed Genesect in an upcoming event

    1. Ashka





    2. Ashka


      Oh and Mewtwo will soon be able to rock you like a hurricane also but that's not a big thing it's just nifty

  2. There's a girl who's been stuck in her house in the Jasper ward, if you find her she'll realise that she can leave now. She'll go to her friend's house which is the house in Obsidia just outside Jasper, and you can pick up a sticker from one of them. For the stolen pokemon, have you checked the other warehouses?
  3. I hate this crappy laptop. That is all

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Neo



    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Ough, my GTX 650 isn't a Titan =c

    4. Ashka



  4. Alright, enough talking about doing things, time to do them. I guess starting with Black 2 would be best, but...I don't wanna...

  5. Haven't gotten to this part yet but this just gave me the mental image of items being hidden inside the Eevee as it it were a piñata. D:
  6. Elekid should show up on the rooftop in Beryl no problem, as long as it's night time and there's a thunderstorm.
  7. Need event only legends I don't have. What's everyone's stance on editing them?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      Just hack the items required to trigger the events, then catch them of your own accord.

      It's what I did. All you're doing with this method is removing the regional boundary.

    3. Ikaru


      ^ typically what I did, especially in Diamond when I had dat action replay

      I caught Arceus "legitmately" in a Cherish Ball c:

    4. Ashka


      That is typically what I do, I guess it's the best way. Some things like Genesect are gotten straight away, though I think there might be codes for that too by now, and if not I can PokeEdit them or something. Luckily I can catch the vast majority of pokemon myself, without using anything. I don't have Action Replay but I'll probably be able to work something out with my Supercard.

  8. Ah, I see. So I guess you should pick depending on whether you'd prefer a Ponyta and a Carvanha or a Chinchou and a Houndour.
  9. If you join Team Aqua and steal the Ponyta you also get a Carvanha at the end, as a reward. If you join Team Magma you might steal the Carvanha and then get a Ponyta, so it might not matter, don't know.
  10. Oh, so it's at a part I haven't got to yet. I thought I had missed it earlier. Thanks.
  11. Uh, Scraggy should be in the slums, if you go back there you should find it. I just checked my Scraggy and its location is 'Obsidia Slums Back Room', so it should be...in a back room, if that helps you any. The guy who tells you about Mudkip isn't an old man, it's a young guy with glasses. Maybe that's where you're going wrong? He should be in the building with lots of stairs on a rainy day. You don't need anyone to tell you about Tepig, you just find it and chase it around the volcano. And now for my own questions - is the Good Rod in this game? If so, where the heck do I find it? And where do I get Luvdisc, in Apophyll?
  12. In a not too hard to find area of the Wastelands. You'll need Strength and maybe Rock Smash depending where you enter from.
  13. Oh, good, they're not in the game or DPPt. I thought I was going mad there for a sec.
  14. I'm sure she could have, I'm just impressed that she went that far. Thanks for the info, anyway. I've been mining for them again but haven't found any, so it's probably just my luck.
  15. Oh, really? I wasn't getting any. Oval, Sun, Water, Fire, Electric, Grass and Moon as well as Everstones I know can all be mined, but I was pretty sure Dawn and Dusk weren't there. They aren't available in DPPt, but then again I guess Ame could have added them in, though then they'd need their own images...you sure you didn't have four Sun stones or something? I forgot to mention that Shiny stones shouldn't be available by mining, either.
  16. ugh it's that town where everyone won't shut up about how rich they are

  17. Dawn Stones are NOT mineable and neither are Dusk Stones (the items that are mineable in this game are the same as in DPPt, so if you want to check, just check the Underground page on Bulbapedia). There is one hidden as an invisible item in the Wastelands. There are lots of hidden goodies in the Wastelands, actually, so you should go around pressing C on everything.
  18. ...secret cove? I definitely have some exploring to do. Or is that in episode 8?
  19. Yeah, it should be there. If it isn't it's most likely the weather. Change your clock to another day, go back into the cave entrance and back out again and you should have different weather. You might only be able to find it on a clear day.
  20. Outside is where Mudkip is. Yeah, Sven, turn them all pink and see how that goes.
  21. let's ladder

    1. Ashka


      > loses many points

      okay let's not ladder

    2. Kamina


      lol story of my life :'[

  22. Yeah...I thought it had to be raining (?), but it's raining in the game today (for me at least) so I didn't think that was the problem. If it is weather that's getting in your way, all you have to do is fiddle with your computer's clock.
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