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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Ashka

  1. Have you actually talked to the guy who tells you about Mudkip in the first place? It might be a required event. It probably is.
  2. Um, well, you've gone through the hidden entrance behind one of the pillars, right?
  3. I haven't got far enough to tell you about Zorua, but Mudkip is behind the locked door in the wastelands. So you'll be wanting to change those pillars too.
  4. Is it pink already in your game? If it is, never mind then, just me being silly. Maybe that pillar is just an indicator of when you've gotten all the others. I should really have remembered this, but... :/ Well, have you changed the colour of those five to pink? Has it done anything?
  5. That's what I have (I've probably been silly and missed one ><). I don't think I've fiddled with them too much since then, so the colour is probably pink. There is also a pillar right above the house where the door is which you probably noticed, and I can't remember exactly what I did about that one. Is it the monitor screen thingy to the left of it? EDIT: That, I mean. Looking over this post, it had a lot of 'probably's, didn't it? Sorry. ><
  6. Alright, I'm going to go look at my Wastelands and see if I can help a bit. I think there might have been more than five, I'll quickly check the number and colour for you.
  7. Oops, sorry! >< What Ikaru said, you don't have to give him the Chimecho, but you do need to have one to show him. And there should only be two combinations you have to try since they should all be set to one colour. My guess is you're just missing one or two that are a bit harder to find.
  8. Bulba is on that island you had to rescue Cain from. A guy will give it to you in exchange for a Chimecho. Tepig is in the volcano in Apophyll. If the door in the Wastelands isn't opening, it just means you haven't found and changed all the pillars.
  9. Congrats. I guess it depends whether you like Gastly or not.
  10. 7 episodes in and I decide I don't like my trainer name after all

  11. Ashka

    So Um Question

    :3 If you thoroughly explore the wastelands, you shouldn't have trouble getting to each of the pillars. S'all I can say, really cause I'm going to sleep. Have you done the ones near the very beginning?
  12. MUAHAHAHAHAHA Mmm, that event was really cool. Well, any event involving ghosties in this game tends to deliver. Oh, now I want to grind up the ghosties I have and do a monotype from here on out... As for beating her, I was a jerk and used the same Focus Band + Curse strategy I used to beat yer man and his Garchomp. I wouldn't be too confident with the Luxray and Gyarados; HJK coming from a Medicham should still destroy Luxray even after Intimidate, and it has Thunderpunch for Gyarados. Well, you could still always try for a miss with HJK, but I seem to remember it being high level so even that might not be enough. I guess spamming the battle until you get two misses wouldn't take that long, though. See how you fare.
  13. Ashka

    So Um Question

    Yeah, what Ikaru said, the door stays open. Can't remember which colour it was - obviously, it's whichever colour they DON'T all start off as. I will say that the Mudkip is placed rather deviously - even if you unlock the door, it may be a while before you find it. There'll be plenty of other things down there to entertain you, though.
  14. That feel when there's one of those late-night shows that show all the cool old music on

  15. Ashka

    So Um Question

    Change all the pillars. It doesn't matter what time it is.
  16. Ashka

    So Um Question

    No but seriously, that door definitely has something to do with it. Your thought about the pillars is a good one.
  17. Any good way to grind low level pokemon you might want to add to your Reborn team? I want to do some rearranging but the wilds aren't promising much exp...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ikaru


      ...alternatively the day care DOES exist I guess, and my Ditto has to be well over 50 by now

    3. Ashka


      Ah well. I've grinded for Touhoumon Insane, I can grind for this. Chaaaaaaaaaaaarge!

    4. Voctrode


      #Forever Unown

  18. Huh. That's what I thought, but then I thought I was wrong. Thank you!
  19. Glorious news! I got me a Ditto. And a Surskit along the way. Now, before I embark on the rest of my adventure, I'd like some help with Starly...anyone? :3
  20. The Starly are right there. Taunting me.

    1. Maelstrom


      Or staring at you, slowly gathering into Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds...

    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge


  21. kwdqwmkdw the amount of HAPPY I have right now I don't know what to do with it all

  22. Just when I was thinking of posting some Gotye.
  23. Just saw this. I remember when this was on the radio all the time. EDIT: Oh, um, here, have this. I heard it on the radio today, I thought it had a nice tune.
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