(20:42:43) +Eternal Edge: Oh Amethyst (20:42:44) Sapphire Rose: Ollie butbut (20:42:47) King Tink: .... (20:42:48) [PP]Pandora: Olie what (20:42:50) +Eternal Edge: I see you managed to unban yourself (20:42:51) [PP]Pandora: WHAT (20:42:51) *** King Tink cries in a corner *** (20:42:55) [PP]Pandora: WOW (20:42:56) Chibi Ollie: lol jk (20:42:57) +Amethyst: q-q (20:42:57) Sapphire Rose: Edge-sama! (20:43:00) *** [PP]Pandora suicide *** (20:43:06) Sapphire Rose: bye Panny (20:43:07) Yame: Ollie has two wittle bros and I just wanna snatch them and hug them alll day (20:43:10) +Amethyst: Ika had mercy on me (20:43:14) [PP]Pandora: Bye tormentor (20:43:18) +Ikaru: ...Ame I told you already I didn't do it (20:43:21) Sapphire Rose: Your fault. (20:43:22) +Amethyst: Oh, speaking of Ikaru- I had a dream about you last night (20:43:25) +Ikaru: it was already done when Mashew or I tried t- (20:43:27) King Tink: ....Hot (20:43:29) +Ikaru: I don't even want to know. (20:43:29) [Hero]Niiick: is beta server down? (20:43:30) Crush On You: Oh my. (20:43:30) Sapphire Rose: Ohbby (20:43:31) *** Ikaru goes away *** (20:43:33) Chibi Ollie: Lol I don't have sons yet xD (20:43:33) [PP]Pandora: Sh Tink (20:43:34) +Amethyst: ...No, it's not- (20:43:35) +Amethyst: ._.; (20:43:36) Sapphire Rose: Ika-samaaaaa (20:43:37) [Hero]Niiick: hm (20:43:37) King Tink: You can tell me Amethyst (20:43:40) King Tink: I'm past Ikaru (20:43:42) Chibi Ollie: Yame they're sleeping D: (20:43:42) [Hero]Niiick: i cant connect (20:43:48) *** [PP]Pandora glomps Olie *** (20:43:51) [PP]Pandora: Why ya want sons (20:43:54) Yame: Fine i'll wait until they wake up (20:43:55) *** Chibi Ollie got glomped *** (20:43:59) [PP]Pandora: Daughters are bettah (20:44:02) *** Sapphire Rose huggles Ollie *** (20:44:03) Sapphire Rose: <3 (20:44:09) Chibi Ollie: I don't need children yet (20:44:14) Chibi Ollie: Daughter o-/// (20:44:18) [PP]Pandora: Hehes (20:44:18) +Amethyst: We were trapped in a blizzarded town or something and so I snuck out of my house and brough him with me and we found a secret metal ruin burried under the snow in the middle of town, and so we started exploring it (20:44:19) Sapphire Rose: Yet~/ (20:44:26) [PP]Pandora: we can adopt (20:44:28) [PP]Pandora: I said nothing (20:44:31) *** King Tink leans in *** (20:44:31) [PP]Pandora: Nothing at all (20:44:33) King Tink: Go on (20:44:34) [PP]Pandora: NOTHIIIIIIING (20:44:34) Yame: Ollie should have a daughter Cutest girl EVER (20:44:39) Sapphire Rose: Omg yes (20:44:52) Sapphire Rose: That would be the cutest little thing ever~ (20:44:54) Battle between Crush On You and SerAnt started.
(20:44:58) Sapphire Rose: I would be like yuss (20:44:58) Chibi Ollie: Have you seen most of the kids now a days? If I have a daughter im raising her to knever trust most of these thugs :I (20:45:02) *** King Tink throws a bag of cookies to Silver while still listening to the story *** (20:45:08) Chibi Ollie: *never (20:45:08) +Amethyst: I don't remember the details, but I'm pretty sure we were also being chased by a mecha that kind of looked like a more humanoid Blitzcrank, and at the center of the ruin, we found a secret treassure: (20:45:09) Yame: AUNTY YAME HAS COME TO TEACH ABOUT GAMES (20:45:14) [PP]Pandora: (20:45:20) King Tink: TRESUR?! (20:45:23) +Amethyst: A style of sweet chip based off of chocolate chip cookies and cinammon rolls (20:45:34) King Tink: o3o (20:45:35) Sapphire Rose: I'll beat those assholes they try to touch your daughterrrrr (20:45:38) [PP]Pandora: Ame got high before going to bed (20:45:43) Sapphire Rose: ^ (20:45:48) +Amethyst: And they were the most delicoius things ever (20:45:49) +Amethyst: I did not! (20:45:52) [PP]Pandora: LIAR (20:45:54) Sapphire Rose: You sure (20:45:55) Sapphire Rose: I mean (20:45:58) Yame: afk (20:45:59) [PP]Pandora: YOUR CUTENESS CANNOT DECIEVE ME (20:46:00) Sapphire Rose: You banned yourself (20:46:04) Chibi Ollie: If I have a daughter I'm naming her Mitsuki, couple of month slater I meet Belle. What a odd occurence huh? (20:46:06) King Tink: I could honestly see Ame getting stoned (20:46:07) Silver: ...What did I walk into (20:46:12) Chibi Ollie: *months later (20:46:30) Silver: ..Ame, did you bake special cookies? (20:46:32) Silver: Oh my. (20:46:37) +Amethyst: Anyway, Ika and I went home, and I got in trouble for sneaking out but that didn't stop me because I did the same the next night and apparently I went to go add secret chambers to the ruin, which apparently I had built in the first place and just forgot? (20:46:53) Sapphire Rose: Ame (20:46:54) [PP]Pandora: If I have a daughter I'll name her Alexandra (20:46:57) King Tink: High as all hell (20:46:57) Sapphire Rose: Are you on something? (20:46:59) +Amethyst: And so then I challenged Ika to find the secret chamber, and then he was like actually I built the ruin and three others get on my level noob (20:47:22) +Amethyst: And then I went to go eat more of the chocolate chip cookie chips and woke up. Deliciousness was ripped from my hands qq (20:47:23) Chibi Ollie: Ame :'D (20:47:25) *** Chibi Ollie glomped *** (20:47:36) King Tink: Well now that I'm hungry (20:47:44) *** Sapphire Rose gives tink food *** (20:47:49) [PP]Pandora: You can eat off my belly Tink (20:47:53) King Tink: Omigawd I love you both (20:47:55) +Amethyst: Also hi (20:47:55) +Mczipo: Ame has dreams about other auth (20:47:57) +Mczipo: Every night (20:48:00) +Amethyst: And no I don't do drugs :c (20:48:02) Sapphire Rose: oh (20:48:03) Sapphire Rose: ok (20:48:04) Sapphire Rose: well uh (20:48:07) Sapphire Rose: you sure Ame (20:48:07) *** King Tink eats the food while nommin on Pandora's belly *** (20:48:08) +Ikaru: (15:46:50) +Amethyst: And so then I challenged Ika to find the secret chamber, and then he was like actually I built the ruin and three others get on my level noob (20:48:13) +Ikaru: #minecraft (20:48:16) +Amethyst: ^^^^ (20:48:17) Sapphire Rose: ^^ (20:48:20) [PP]Pandora: wtf don't eat my stomach ;c (20:48:22) Silver: Ikaru, you Whitelisted me right?> (20:48:42) +Ikaru: I think so (20:48:43) King Tink: Er- Perspective (20:48:44) Crush On You won against SerAnt.
(20:48:44) +Ikaru: remind me your name/ (20:48:45) +Amethyst: so basically it was like a blizzardy minecraft (20:48:46) +Ikaru: ?*
I'm saving all of these.