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Everything posted by Ashka

  1. Lovely to meet you. Your introduction was interesting to read! Looks like you share my interest in Japan. I also kind of want to hear your Irish accent now. Many welcomes and I hope you have a good time here.
  2. Tfw no internet for an unspecified amount of time come back internet I'm sorry Oh and look for some reason I've lost hours of my save file on a game I had otherwise been thoroughly enjoying I'n never using my Supercard for GBA again I swear In fact I'm switching to vba tomorrow, screw authenticity
  3. Well that escalated quickly. Friggin' laser *grumbles*

    1. Ashka


      But god damn that was fun. I need to do that again.

  4. Not much - try to avoid levelling him as much as possible for now. Even if you do overlevel with him, her pokemon aside from Cradily shouldn't be able to post much of a threat.
  5. With a Combusken and a Golbat, you shouldn't have any trouble at all with Florinia. Golbat should be able to take out most of het team with Wing Attack. When she switches to Cradily I would recommend switching to Combusken and Double Kicking her to death. It's bulky, however, so you might need to use Focus Energy first and hope for crits.
  6. A lot of nuzlockes plain don't allow gifts, and if they do, they count them as your catch for that area. So if you got Spinda, you couldn't get Ralts or anything else there. However, this still allows you to cherry pick pokemon, so if I were to nuzlocke this, I wouldn't allow gifts. Ah, this topic makes me want to replay. ><
  7. So our router and all that is in my closet, because my room was originally my dad's office. Last night, the internet shut off and I couldn't do anything. I assumed that, as usual, the internet guys had messed up. This morning it's still gone and I realise that that crash I heard yesterday must have been the kitten wrecking it. :<

    1. Ashka


      A few things plugged in later...

    2. Amethyst


      :ccc it's fixable right?

    3. Ashka


      Yep, I was just shocked. I don't know why, every time I think that kitten's reached her limit she does something worse. xD

  8. Anybody know if Wicked is good? We're going to see it in sixth year as our bonding trip or whatever.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashka


      Ba dum tsh ~

    3. Ashka


      Well, that's good to hear. The girls wanted The Lion King but thankfully the music teacher, our year head, opted for Wicked instead.

    4. Eternal Edge
  9. Ashka

    Need help

    I just used Focus Energy and relied on crits with Double Kick. Hardly a foolproof strategy, I know, but...
  10. I'm done spamming after this, I promise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MJgs7dyfgk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08vzJwpJeVQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2EG_Gc89ks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Byv8GRnhgK8 Have an exploration one after all those boss themes~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV7_IciO-FI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lr1BN-pqAA
  11. Rather than levels or moves, what made Aya difficult for me was the fact that all my pokemon had passed the level cap at that point. I realise when you're trying to squish so many gyms in you have to cap it more, but a lot of people seem to have experienced the same thing so I would say to raise the level cap before Aya just a bit. It is a long stretch to go without a Gym Badge, particularly because of all the trainers in Apophyll. As you yourself have said, it is hugely dependant on your team. Because I had a Combusken, Florinia was no trouble at all for me. Corey, on the other hand...I feel that the leaders are at reasonable levels of difficulty as they are now. I have no particular desire for them to be harder, but maybe other people do.
  12. You kids and yer LoL and yer TF2 and yer...

  13. I think these two are best listened to back to back. And now, have this piece of greatness: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG7jN4m83yI
  14. that feel when the laptop that started skipping every two seconds, preventing you from playing your Toohoo games, your Umineko, your Rance, your EVERYTHING fixed itself and they never told you

    1. Ashka


      and my little brother has taken over that laptop and there's so much crap on it how am I going to get it back

    2. Eternal Edge
    3. Bearadactyl


      Thump him in the head... You're the older sibling. Take it back.

  15. Ah, the omnipresent U.N. Owen.
  16. *rolls back sleeves* Finally, something I know about. ahem... YEEEEEEEESSSSSS I love you. <3 You'll find plenty of Touhou appreciation from me as well. But my favourite theme? Gah! That's too hard. I love all of them. As for artists...CROW'S CLAW do some nice stuff, and they do other arranges like Arcueid from Tsukihime's theme as well. O-Life Japan is really excellent. What I like about their songs is that they're usually done in a very different style to the original. Listen to their version of Yamame's theme if you haven't already. Obviously, ZUN's remastered versions of his own songs are really great. I especially like his retake on Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome. There are some really nice versions of Mary, the Magician out there too... EDIT: How did I not mention IOSYS?!? Them too.
  17. Ashka


    Banned because Snorlax NO GET EXPLOSION!
  18. Ashka


    Banned for Trick Room.
  19. (20:42:43) +Eternal Edge: Oh Amethyst (20:42:44) Sapphire Rose: Ollie butbut (20:42:47) King Tink: .... (20:42:48) [PP]Pandora: Olie what (20:42:50) +Eternal Edge: I see you managed to unban yourself (20:42:51) [PP]Pandora: WHAT (20:42:51) *** King Tink cries in a corner *** (20:42:55) [PP]Pandora: WOW (20:42:56) Chibi Ollie: lol jk (20:42:57) +Amethyst: q-q (20:42:57) Sapphire Rose: Edge-sama! (20:43:00) *** [PP]Pandora suicide *** (20:43:06) Sapphire Rose: bye Panny (20:43:07) Yame: Ollie has two wittle bros and I just wanna snatch them and hug them alll day (20:43:10) +Amethyst: Ika had mercy on me (20:43:14) [PP]Pandora: Bye tormentor (20:43:18) +Ikaru: ...Ame I told you already I didn't do it (20:43:21) Sapphire Rose: Your fault. (20:43:22) +Amethyst: Oh, speaking of Ikaru- I had a dream about you last night (20:43:25) +Ikaru: it was already done when Mashew or I tried t- (20:43:27) King Tink: ....Hot (20:43:29) +Ikaru: I don't even want to know. (20:43:29) [Hero]Niiick: is beta server down? (20:43:30) Crush On You: Oh my. (20:43:30) Sapphire Rose: Ohbby (20:43:31) *** Ikaru goes away *** (20:43:33) Chibi Ollie: Lol I don't have sons yet xD (20:43:33) [PP]Pandora: Sh Tink (20:43:34) +Amethyst: ...No, it's not- (20:43:35) +Amethyst: ._.; (20:43:36) Sapphire Rose: Ika-samaaaaa (20:43:37) [Hero]Niiick: hm (20:43:37) King Tink: You can tell me Amethyst (20:43:40) King Tink: I'm past Ikaru (20:43:42) Chibi Ollie: Yame they're sleeping D: (20:43:42) [Hero]Niiick: i cant connect (20:43:48) *** [PP]Pandora glomps Olie *** (20:43:51) [PP]Pandora: Why ya want sons (20:43:54) Yame: Fine i'll wait until they wake up (20:43:55) *** Chibi Ollie got glomped *** (20:43:59) [PP]Pandora: Daughters are bettah (20:44:02) *** Sapphire Rose huggles Ollie *** (20:44:03) Sapphire Rose: <3 (20:44:09) Chibi Ollie: I don't need children yet (20:44:14) Chibi Ollie: Daughter o-/// (20:44:18) [PP]Pandora: Hehes (20:44:18) +Amethyst: We were trapped in a blizzarded town or something and so I snuck out of my house and brough him with me and we found a secret metal ruin burried under the snow in the middle of town, and so we started exploring it (20:44:19) Sapphire Rose: Yet~/ (20:44:26) [PP]Pandora: we can adopt (20:44:28) [PP]Pandora: I said nothing (20:44:31) *** King Tink leans in *** (20:44:31) [PP]Pandora: Nothing at all (20:44:33) King Tink: Go on (20:44:34) [PP]Pandora: NOTHIIIIIIING (20:44:34) Yame: Ollie should have a daughter Cutest girl EVER (20:44:39) Sapphire Rose: Omg yes (20:44:52) Sapphire Rose: That would be the cutest little thing ever~ (20:44:54) Battle between Crush On You and SerAnt started. (20:44:58) Sapphire Rose: I would be like yuss (20:44:58) Chibi Ollie: Have you seen most of the kids now a days? If I have a daughter im raising her to knever trust most of these thugs :I (20:45:02) *** King Tink throws a bag of cookies to Silver while still listening to the story *** (20:45:08) Chibi Ollie: *never (20:45:08) +Amethyst: I don't remember the details, but I'm pretty sure we were also being chased by a mecha that kind of looked like a more humanoid Blitzcrank, and at the center of the ruin, we found a secret treassure: (20:45:09) Yame: AUNTY YAME HAS COME TO TEACH ABOUT GAMES (20:45:14) [PP]Pandora: (20:45:20) King Tink: TRESUR?! (20:45:23) +Amethyst: A style of sweet chip based off of chocolate chip cookies and cinammon rolls (20:45:34) King Tink: o3o (20:45:35) Sapphire Rose: I'll beat those assholes they try to touch your daughterrrrr (20:45:38) [PP]Pandora: Ame got high before going to bed (20:45:43) Sapphire Rose: ^ (20:45:48) +Amethyst: And they were the most delicoius things ever (20:45:49) +Amethyst: I did not! (20:45:52) [PP]Pandora: LIAR (20:45:54) Sapphire Rose: You sure (20:45:55) Sapphire Rose: I mean (20:45:58) Yame: afk (20:45:59) [PP]Pandora: YOUR CUTENESS CANNOT DECIEVE ME (20:46:00) Sapphire Rose: You banned yourself (20:46:04) Chibi Ollie: If I have a daughter I'm naming her Mitsuki, couple of month slater I meet Belle. What a odd occurence huh? (20:46:06) King Tink: I could honestly see Ame getting stoned (20:46:07) Silver: ...What did I walk into (20:46:12) Chibi Ollie: *months later (20:46:30) Silver: ..Ame, did you bake special cookies? (20:46:32) Silver: Oh my. (20:46:37) +Amethyst: Anyway, Ika and I went home, and I got in trouble for sneaking out but that didn't stop me because I did the same the next night and apparently I went to go add secret chambers to the ruin, which apparently I had built in the first place and just forgot? (20:46:53) Sapphire Rose: Ame (20:46:54) [PP]Pandora: If I have a daughter I'll name her Alexandra (20:46:57) King Tink: High as all hell (20:46:57) Sapphire Rose: Are you on something? (20:46:59) +Amethyst: And so then I challenged Ika to find the secret chamber, and then he was like actually I built the ruin and three others get on my level noob (20:47:22) +Amethyst: And then I went to go eat more of the chocolate chip cookie chips and woke up. Deliciousness was ripped from my hands qq (20:47:23) Chibi Ollie: Ame :'D (20:47:25) *** Chibi Ollie glomped *** (20:47:36) King Tink: Well now that I'm hungry (20:47:44) *** Sapphire Rose gives tink food *** (20:47:49) [PP]Pandora: You can eat off my belly Tink (20:47:53) King Tink: Omigawd I love you both (20:47:55) +Amethyst: Also hi (20:47:55) +Mczipo: Ame has dreams about other auth (20:47:57) +Mczipo: Every night (20:48:00) +Amethyst: And no I don't do drugs :c (20:48:02) Sapphire Rose: oh (20:48:03) Sapphire Rose: ok (20:48:04) Sapphire Rose: well uh (20:48:07) Sapphire Rose: you sure Ame (20:48:07) *** King Tink eats the food while nommin on Pandora's belly *** (20:48:08) +Ikaru: (15:46:50) +Amethyst: And so then I challenged Ika to find the secret chamber, and then he was like actually I built the ruin and three others get on my level noob (20:48:13) +Ikaru: #minecraft (20:48:16) +Amethyst: ^^^^ (20:48:17) Sapphire Rose: ^^ (20:48:20) [PP]Pandora: wtf don't eat my stomach ;c (20:48:22) Silver: Ikaru, you Whitelisted me right?> (20:48:42) +Ikaru: I think so (20:48:43) King Tink: Er- Perspective (20:48:44) Crush On You won against SerAnt. (20:48:44) +Ikaru: remind me your name/ (20:48:45) +Amethyst: so basically it was like a blizzardy minecraft (20:48:46) +Ikaru: ?* I'm saving all of these.
  20. Warning: language ahead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKPN_9l73Ow Yeah, I dunno either.
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