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Everything posted by SapphireSkyWillow

  1. I feel so old

    1. TheNewEnigma


      happy birthday mang

    2. Maelstrom


      Happy birthday, now you are slightly older than half my age. =P

    3. SapphireSkyWillow
  2. Mello, Near, and Matt...

  3. So, I'm ganna just like stay up until 12:00 cuz I caaaan

  4. My birthday's tomorrow...yay?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashka


      It's tomorrow for me right now so happy birthday! :)

    3. Kai


      Happy Early Birthday

    4. Maelstrom


      Here's to a happy birthday and any excuse to drink. =P

  5. Don't mind me, just ganna sit in a corner and draw stuff

  6. > Catched Mankey on LeafGreen >>It's Modest

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neo


      Don't you think about teaching it anything special.

    3. diana


      Still has higher Attack than Special Attack.

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      Yep, I know. I jist found it ironic.

  7. *checks to how many times I've played 'Len Kagamine - The Song of Life' On listenonrepeat.com* ....oh, wow. Over 50... /nolifer

  8. I can't fall asleep unless listening to music and hugging something. :I

  9. That is a beautiful Xbox Controller. Inu whaddaya doin' :c
  10. When my friend threatens to go Edward Elric on me. Edward is so kyuto tho :c

  11. Me: *listening to Len K. singing and owning JB at the song 'Baby'* Friend: Oh my god, I'm just imagining that black guy next to Len rapping... Me: *falls out of chair laughing* I'M SO FUCKING DONE.

  12. The things I draw when I get bored...are so adorable sometimes. <3

  13. Because on my free time, I draw this. https://photos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s720x720/1017136_442944915802562_138122565_n.jpg I fucked up on Kaito's eyes so much...so..much...everything else seems ok, I guess. Len's the one I'm more proud of...he's so adoreable and shotaish and asdfghjkl
  14. Yup, yup. Yup. I'm dead. Yup. Blonde shotas killed me.

    1. Cowtao


      Nuuuu~ Don't die on me Sapph! ;w;

  15. Waking up to my bby Len singing to me. Best way to wake up.

  16. I love it when guys are shy and insecure/unsure about themselves. It's cute yet saddning...

    1. Cowtao



      Now I feel saddened now. Thanks. ;w;

    2. Garnet.


      think of her as a possible girlfriend ;)

      Although, that's kind of messed up, Sapphy. What are you, an S?

    3. SapphireSkyWillow


      I think it's cute qq

  17. I love my cousin. He gave me LeafGreen as an early birthday gift. <3

  18. Asdfghjkl Your hair and eyes Are amazing hi
  19. Mom: I would love to read these stories you write... Me: LOLNOP, NOPE.

  20. Ah, tfw you finish writing a chapter of a story that long needed to be updates...

  21. YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU KNOW WHAT. YOU. KNOW. WHAT. Imma kill a bitch. No one talks to my little sister that way. . .

  22. Because in my free time I look up Lencest (Len selfcest)...I'm a lonely girl ok qq

  23. Yo, Edge. There, added to my new profile.

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