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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by SapphireSkyWillow

  1. There, profile's done...for now.


    1. Garnet.


      Indeed, I shall marry you if you are okay with i--

      o, mary.

      Das cray yo.

    2. SapphireSkyWillow



  3. Corpses? I've had parties with those before.

  4. No....no, no. No. No, I told myself I wouldn't do it, that I wouldn't love again. Stop it right now...before you shatter again. Stop...

  5. Yaranaika, kokoro? *doki doki*

  6. Doki doki, doki doki, doki doki...

    1. Maelstrom


      Shh, your heartbeat is too loud and throwing me off rhythm. JK.

    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      My heart isn't even that big Mael qq

  7. Oliver: I am done! I am through! I am just sick of it all! I'm sick of everyone telling me that I'm the English Len!

  8. Len Kagamine, this boy man, makes me want to try my hardest to become a computer file qq

  9. "You...monster..." She managed to say with her last breath of air. The rose in her hand turned to ashes, and her eyes faded to a distant gray color.

  10. Pfft, I'm done, just, just done, halp

  11. Thank you sure you have officially broke my laughing box IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT THERE IS A SENTENCE IT SAYS 'I thought it was obvious...' BUT I WAS TOO LAZY TO CATCH IT ALL PHOTOBOMB WHY qq
  12. HUM DEE DUM DEE DUM SO LOOK AT THIS TERRIBAD ART LIKE ASDFGHJKL It started off as Dio from mad father but then I fucked up on the eyes and hair and expression and qq so now this is a badass Edge https://fbcdn-photos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/942941_441443909285996_1370966631_n.jpg The hair is the only thing I'm sorta proud of. qq
  13. EdgexJulia famart go

    1. Will


      That's not MashxJulia

  14. Pfft, people try to threaten me. It's nothing I haven't heard.

    1. Garnet.



      Upon further inspection, that's kind of saddening, but for now, HAHAHA, YOU HAVE A ONE UP ON THEM!

    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      I think it's funnier that one's like


      Where I'm like 5'8

    3. Garnet.



      Let's hope s/he's not like Edward Elric, okay? cx

  15. Will stop making us all looks like noobs qq I'll upload some art later, it's kinda like a little past 12:00 in the morning? Yeah. Plus I need to work on my Dio V. From mad father. My blonde cutie. <3 My past 2 posts on the other page were like Meh I could've done better but pfft, oh well I'm lazy and suck at shading and drawing hands. And ears. I dunno but I suck at ears.
  16. The promises we made, Is this just all a game? Your love just seems to fade, I wish I had you...I'm not one to define, But I wish you were mine, Is loving you a crime? It always seems so...

  17. My town keeps losing power. Now I'm outside and playing in the dark...

  18. Stupid stupid stupid...

    1. Ikaru


      human human human

    2. diana


      hefty hefty hefty

    3. SapphireSkyWillow
  19. God please, I don't want to fall and hurt myself again...nonono, stop...

  20. Sometimes I wish I had some one who cares about me as much as I care about them.

  21. "Her dead face was very pretty. I soon got addicted to seeing pretty dead faces."

  22. Ew, the liiiiiight qq

  23. I woke up feeling a hot breath on my neck and something holding me down for 5 minutes...qq

  24. What if I just...vanished?

    1. Garnet.


      Well, it probably means nothing, but I'd be upset if you just vanished.

  25. Whenever my friend talks about her boyfriend Joey, I always think of Joey Wheeler for some reason...

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