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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Status Updates posted by SapphireSkyWillow

  1. The last of us is finally here...but I don't have a fucking PS3 DAMNIIIIT

  2. ....aaaaand the happiness ends by my mother telling me that my sister threatened to kill herself today. Fucking awesome...

  3. In chorus right now. Why am I so happy today~

  4. Meeting my chorus teacher for next year <3

  5. I'm such an anime smut. //forever alone

  6. Ye-e-essss, I finished another chapter...fuck yeah. I feel happy.

  7. The crookes man will walk a crooked mile, and meet you with a crooked smile...the crooked man will take a crooked knife, and make an end to your crooked life...

  8. Mm, my computer doesn't seem to like supporting the server...

  9. My half brother...cares? He aure as hell doesn't act like it...

  10. May I help you?

    1. Epic C

      Epic C

      Yes. i want a hug. ;w;

    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      Piko: I don't approve. You can't hugs my Sapphire.

  11. Piko Utatane woukd care to know if he can help you. If not...go away~

  12. Fuck my computer is so slow. But at least I got to write more...

  13. Oh I am such an idiot sometimes. <3

    1. Ikaru


      so is basically everyone ever

  14. Fffffff this thing was due today...if I realized that BEFORE I left school...

    1. Shanco


      ^ me in high school

  15. ...well I mean I'm honored to be stalked but I mean when I don't know you and your outside of my house, it's kinda creepy. Where's my written will...

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      Ask Brave for his Quartz Gun, that could fix the issue

  16. So, er...my mom may have broken my computer. If you want to keep in touch, just text me or something. PM if you must.

  17. Sitting in a car with your friend and her fairly attractive brother is in the front...

    1. Pocky


      i saw fairy

    2. Brave


      I've seen this status before...

    3. SapphireSkyWillow


      Well it happened again shh

  18. Fuck. I have Finals all this week and then a 2 hour Math one next week. Fuuuuck. Someone uninstall me~

  19. I know everything is fixed but where are our trainer cards? :o

    1. Amethyst
    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      Well, a few things are missing, actually...around the sides of the forums, things are missing. Maybe it's just me. You know how you used to be able to see how many $R a person haild on their overviee near the bottom? Can't see that either now...

  20. Because, I love when my Mashumaro Onee-Chan draws fanart of me and Len. <3

  21. Uninstall, Uninstall... Kono hoshi no musuu no chiri no hitotsu dato, Ima no boku niwa rikai dekinai... Uninstall, Uninstall... Osore wo shiranai senshi no youni, Furumau shikanai, uninstall...

  22. Ah, what the hell, damnit. This wasn't supposed to happen.

  23. Ah...I feel really...what's wrong? I can't...I'm in pain, but why...?

  24. The hell's wrong with me? I can barely breathe and I fill dizzy.

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