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Everything posted by SapphireSkyWillow


  2. Fuck it, ganna walk to my friends house. Don't care what happens.

  3. Ah...I'm so...lonely right now. No one's home, and even my neighbors are gone...

  4. So for graduation, I'm singing 'I'll be There' with several other people and I have a solo. Plus I have to wear a fucking dress qq

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      I remember my first choir solo...

      It was in an arranged version of Viva La Vida.

      I earned my place as Male Section Leader that night.

    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Heh. I was Lead Tenor throughout High School.

    4. SapphireSkyWillow


      Only the dress is a bad thing. I dun like dresses.

  5. I have been decieved all this time qq Well, happy birthday Aaron. You're one year closer to dying. <3 Just kidding. I keep wanting to draw things for people's birthdays BUT I ALWAYS FORGET I'm sorry qq
  6. Someone text me, I'm lonely and playing Golden Sun in the dark qq

  7. When my friends look over my shoulder when I'm on here ahd they see Hark: OMG.WHO.THE.FUCK.IS.THAT.IS.HE.YOUR.FRIEND.OMG.HE'S.SO.CUTE.<33333 Me: Yeah that's right I have cute internet friends, fuck you. And I realize I have to life and i'm like qq
  8. If I ever cosplayed I's like burn peoples eyes out xD

  9. What I lost was just someone who didn't about me as much as I cared about them. Their loss, not mine...

  10. The last of us is finally here...but I don't have a fucking PS3 DAMNIIIIT

  11. ....aaaaand the happiness ends by my mother telling me that my sister threatened to kill herself today. Fucking awesome...

  12. In chorus right now. Why am I so happy today~

  13. Meeting my chorus teacher for next year <3

  14. I'm such an anime smut. //forever alone

  15. Ye-e-essss, I finished another chapter...fuck yeah. I feel happy.

  16. The crookes man will walk a crooked mile, and meet you with a crooked smile...the crooked man will take a crooked knife, and make an end to your crooked life...

  17. Mm, my computer doesn't seem to like supporting the server...

  18. My half brother...cares? He aure as hell doesn't act like it...

  19. May I help you?

    1. Epic C

      Epic C

      Yes. i want a hug. ;w;

    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      Piko: I don't approve. You can't hugs my Sapphire.

  20. Piko Utatane woukd care to know if he can help you. If not...go away~

  21. Fuck my computer is so slow. But at least I got to write more...

  22. Oh I am such an idiot sometimes. <3

    1. Ikaru


      so is basically everyone ever

  23. Fffffff this thing was due today...if I realized that BEFORE I left school...

    1. Shanco


      ^ me in high school

  24. ...well I mean I'm honored to be stalked but I mean when I don't know you and your outside of my house, it's kinda creepy. Where's my written will...

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      Ask Brave for his Quartz Gun, that could fix the issue

  25. So, er...my mom may have broken my computer. If you want to keep in touch, just text me or something. PM if you must.

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