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Everything posted by SapphireSkyWillow

  1. So I kinda spilled Soda down my shirt...>////<

  2. Someone should text me...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      :I I know that. Silver, Inuki, Tyler and Yame have it.

    3. Shanco


      oh. my bad :I

      Send it to me if you want, I've got nothing else to do and I'm in complete isolation right now e_e

    4. SapphireSkyWillow



      I think Iunki's way of asking was better


  3. I'm just ganna sit here, be fat, and write a song about...stuff.

  4. ...I feel as if you don't want to talk to me anymore...

  5. Silver, I know the first and the last situation all too well. I know exactly how that feels, except my paresnts are like that. But they fight alot. I can't wait 'till fucking school ends...
  6. Oh Hi there ...so, uhm, awkward. I was looking through here and my friend goes, 'Why do you have such attractive friends?' And I was like WHAT WHU ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY SCREEN YOU BIIIIITCH But the point is My Mashumaro Onee-chan says that you guys are attractive In fact she's the only friend I talk you you guys about a lot She mad I won't give her the link to where y'all located I'm like lel Dumbass <3
  7. why the fuck did an Error come up? then I click back to index and error 404 with a Garbodor pops uo and I'm like the fuck?

  8. UPDATE FUCKING UPDATE Made it through Union Cave alive... ~Azalea Town~ Fucking Team Rocket Getting in my way Psh Fuck you Er, anyways. Kurt decided to fall down a well and hurt his back Lazy bastard Now I'm in Slowpoke Well and HOLY FUCK EGG HATCHES AND I'M LIKE OH MY FUCKING GOD, IT'S A DINOSAUR, JESUS CHRIST, WHAT THE FUUUUCK HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT'S A DINOSAUR, HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUUUUUU-UUUUUUU-UUUUUUUUCK-- Waitno that's another story fuck Well the Togepi hatched and... HOLY FUCK. IT'S A FUCKING FEMALE. I WAS LIKE ALKDKWNKSKALODJBEKQNKDBCJD YES YES YEEEESSSSSS so I named it Amethyst It has a Rash nature Now gatta get through Slowpoke well. Seeyabitchesilyall<3
  9. Having your best friend sleep over becausr this fucking psycho won't leave her family alone...I seear to fucking god if that motherfuck comes to are house...my bat will be sho-- ....I'll stop now.

  10. Mashumaro Onee-Chan~! You're such a baka~

  11. jdlbdoebocxbslabidbflxbs Inukiiiiiiiiiii

  12. Might not be on today until much later...text me. PM me if you want my number or whatever.

  13. So I said fuck it and chose SoulSilver Mostly because I kinda maybe might've lost Diamond? Oh well But Here's how it's going so far: So, I had to start it over several times, because it kept freezing... But I woke up in the morning not giving a fuck, and then I walked downstairs and said, 'I'm ganna blow shit up!' Before I leave, though, I'm ganna- ...wait, what? ....this isn't song time? Well fuck you mom. Fuck you. bitch *ahem* Anyways. I walked out, Ethan and his Marill walked up then left. Got my Cyndaquil and named it Cynder. Male, Adamant Nature. I talked to Silver, he pushed me. bastard Then I had to show off my Pokemon to mom We did a strip show I got grounded Then she gave me my Pokegear and explained to me how I need to use it AFTER I said no Then I walk out and the Prof. Walked out and gave me his number Perv ~Outside of hometown~ Walking along route one...bitches didn't touch me. No Pokemon jumped out. They don't love me qq ~Cherrygrove~ Walked in, got the shit I needed, left. I keep forgetting they have no Pokeballs qq ~Next route~ Nothing really happened. Got the egg. Prof. Oak gave me his number I swear to god why are old men giving me their numbers I demand answers ~Back to Cherrygrove~ Went it, bought some more shit Then came Silver He and his Totodile The battle was easy, really. I used leer about 4-5 times, then healed Cynder. He started to use Leer, but I was at an advantage, and used tackle aftrr tackle. It really just took about 2 or 3 but shh ~Back at home~ Gave the egg to the Prof. Ethan taught me how to catch Pokemon Whatever I don't remember what I did after that. I think I left. ~Route 29~ I really wantrd a Pidgey But no, I got a Sentret. Female, named her Mika. Brave nature. Went through, training Cynder. I looked up Attack and Speed EVs, because that's mainly what I want of him. ~Route 30 & 31~ Route 30 I stepped 2 patches into the grass and a fucking Ledyba jumps out like. Idon'teven what. I named it Tenchi Because I had to fucking Idea what to call it ok I'm sorry Male, Gentle Nature. Battled some bitches Route 31 FINALLY CAUGHT A PIDGEY But I was mad cuz female But I named it Zyphra Female, Timid Nature ~Vitolet City~ Went to that tower and killed everything with fire ....literally Then beat Falkner's ass pretty easily Well at least he's still pretty. Bought some shit and left after obtaining ze egg ~Route 32~ Caught a Ekans Named in Cain I'M RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS OK Male, Quit Nature I'm ganna start naming my Pokemon after you guys soon Lsnskneksjzknsks ~Union Cave~ Caught a Zubat Named it Fangs Male, dunno what nature cuz it's in a fucking box Still in Union Cave atm, ganna go fuck some more shit up Tl;dr anyone? ~Sapphire
  14. Wake up curled up in a mass of blankets, hugging my smaller pillow, and shaking from the nightmare I just had...

  15. I'm really fucking lonely right now...

    1. Voctrode


      I know the feeling.

    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      We can be lonely together Inu </3

  16. God damnit my eyes aren't prettyyyyyyyy

  17. Oh, lookie. I'm alive.

  18. Wrll, it seems as if my time is up...

  19. 24 hours remains...then it's Dead & Gone.

  20. I don't care anymore. And neither should you. Why do you care anyways?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Lol, not trying to be mean. Baka can be used as seriously. Or used humorously or affectionately.

    3. Maelstrom


      Now goodnight reprobates. I need sleep.

      Reprobate- An unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately).

    4. Mashew



  21. No matter. I'm not going to make it anyways...

  22. ...I give up. I'm not that important anyways. I'll be gone by tomorrow. 'till death do us part...

    1. Maelstrom


      You aren't allowed to escape so easily. You have things left to do. Now get back here this instant.

  23. I...I can't even...describe the feelings I feel right now. Fuck you, asshole. I hate you. I despise you. You've driven me to my breaking point. The point where I just want to die. I know I'm not fucking perfect. But you point that out every day. I know I'm not pretty. But you have to go around saying shit about me. I..I...I fucking hate you. So much. I know you don't like me. And then you go and try to be nice to me. What the fuck? You two faced bitch. Go away...just...go away. Get out of my face. Am I crying as I type this? Yes. Why? Because I can't take anymore and I'm about to go slit my wrists deeper than I already have. I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to deal with your shit anymore. You turned everyone against me...sure. They act like my friends, but don't think I can't hear them when they talk about me... I've dealt with it. Why? Because I could care less if people talk about me. It's just, when they say the same thing over and over and over...it...get's to me...and I...I can't take any more of it. When I'm dead, you'll be fucking sorry. I tried. As I'm typing, I sorta kinda may be crying and bleeding. So...I apologize. For everything I've done. To just about everyone. I never meant to... I just can't... Bye...
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